1. Create or identify a Sharepoint site
Talk to your IT department to either identify or create a Sharepoint site that will be used for document based authoring. One site can “host” multiple websites (projects). This site will later receive the respective permissions so that the publishing services can access it.
2. Create the website root folder
Navigate to your desired location in the SharePoint site created or identified above and create a root folder that will be your website root. It is best to not use a SharePoint list root directly, so that you have a shared space for your authors to put collateral documents, for example a drafts folder, or how-to-author documentations.
An example file structure might look like this, using the website
folder as the root:
3. Configure the fstab.yaml
The next step is to configure the mountpoint in the fstab.yaml
to point to the website root. It usually has the form of
But this might vary depending on how you create the SharePoint site and lists. In order to obtain the url, the simplest way is to copy-past the first part from the browser address, eg:
And then add the rest manually (Note, that copying the sharelink via the UI adds unnecessary information and it is better to use a canonical representation of the url). Once you composed the url, you can test it by entering it again in the browser. You should end up in the folder view of your website root.
After that, update the fstab.yaml
For example:
/: https://adobeenterprisesupportaem.SharePoint.com/sites/hlx-test-project/Shared%20Documents/website
To finalize the configuration, commit the fstab.yaml
back to the main branch.
4. Access the Registration Portal
In order for the AEM service to access the authored content it needs a couple of information and setup. The AEM service (a cloud function) accesses the MS Graph API on behalf of an application (or configured user). In order to do so, it needs to authenticate first in the context of an Application. This is important because the scopes given to the application define what permission the service has on the MS Graph API. For example, it should be allowed to read and write documents, but not to alter access control.
An application is represented as an “Enterprise Application” in the respective Active Directory of a tenant. The permissions given to that enterprise application ultimately define what the service can access in that tenant’s resources. Certain permissions need to be approved by an Active Directory administrator before a user can use the application. This so-called “admin consent” is a mechanism to verify and control which permissions apps can have. This is to prevent dubious apps from tricking users into trusting an app that is not official. Having the extra admin consent step allows IT security to control which apps the employees can use.
1. Sign-in in the Registration Portal
Create application using MSGraph or Powershell
Alternatively, you can create the Enterprise application via MSGraph or Powershell.
In order to make it visible in the azure UI you also need to add the WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryIntegratedApp
tag. This can be done directly when creating the application.
Using graph explorer:
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/servicePrincipals
Content-type: application/json
"appId": "e34c45c4-0919-43e1-9436-448ad8e81552",
"tags": [
Using powershell:
PS> connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.ReadWrite.All"
PS> New-MgServicePrincipal -AppId e34c45c4-0919-43e1-9436-448ad8e81552 -Tags WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryIntegratedApp
Adding the Franklin Service with application permissions
Same as above, the Enterprise application for the Franklin Service (83ab2922-5f11-4e4d-96f3-d1e0ff152856)
is not present in Azure yet,
In order to add it, use the graph explorer or powershell to add it:
Using graph explorer:
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/servicePrincipals
Content-type: application/json
"appId": "83ab2922-5f11-4e4d-96f3-d1e0ff152856",
"tags": [
Using powershell:
PS> connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.ReadWrite.All"
PS> New-MgServicePrincipal -AppId 83ab2922-5f11-4e4d-96f3-d1e0ff152856 -Tags WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryIntegratedApp
Also see:
Add Application Roles using Powershell or Graph Explorer
Alternatively, adding the app roles can be done with the following steps:
- Find the service principal of the enterprise application (
). This is the one you created above. - Find the service principal of the Microsoft Graph API (
) - Find the Id for the
Application Role (appRoleId
) - Assign the Application Role to the Managed Identity (The Enterprise Application)
Using powershell this can be done with:
$ObjectId = "abcdef-1234-49b6-b660-cc85b34fe516" <<------ replace with your enterprise app id
$AAD_SP = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString "Microsoft Graph";
$MSI = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -ObjectId $ObjectId
if($MSI.Count -gt 1)
Write-Output "More than 1 principal found, please find your principal and copy the right object ID. Now use the syntax $MSI = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -ObjectId <your_object_id>"
$AAD_AppRole = $AAD_SP.AppRoles | Where-Object {$_.Value -eq "Sites.Selected"}
New-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $MSI.ObjectId -PrincipalId $MSI.ObjectId -ResourceId $AAD_SP.ObjectId[0] -Id $AAD_AppRole.Id
Using graph explorer it involves more steps:
- Find the principal of the enterprise application for
Franklin Service
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/servicePrincipals?$filter=appId eq '83ab2922-5f11-4e4d-96f3-d1e0ff152856'
"value": [
"id": "6761ada0-733b-4a02-98b2-3db970834fe0",
This will be our principalId
- Find the service principal of the Microsoft Graph API
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/servicePrincipals?$filter=appId eq '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'
"value": [
"id": "5159db96-7193-414e-9730-b1d1e4448443",
This is the resourceId
. (the resource that defines the application role)
- Find the id of the application role.
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/servicePrincipals/${resourceId}/appRoles
Substitute the resourceId
with the service principal of the Microsoft Graph API as obtained from the previous step.
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/servicePrincipals/5159db96-7193-414e-9730-b1d1e4448443/appRoles
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Allow the application to access a subset of site collections without a signed in user. The specific site collections and the permissions granted will be configured in SharePoint Online.",
"displayName": "Access selected site collections",
"id": "883ea226-0bf2-4a8f-9f9d-92c9162a727d",
"isEnabled": true,
"origin": "Application",
"value": "Sites.Selected"
This Id is the appRoleId
- Assign the Application Role to the Managed Identity. The request has the format:
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/servicePrincipals/${principalId}/appRoleAssignedTo
Content-Type: application/json
"principalId": "${principalId}",
"resourceId": "${resourceId}",
"appRoleId": "${appRoleId}"
Content-type: application/json
"principalId": "6761ada0-733b-4a02-98b2-3db970834fe0",
"resourceId": "5159db96-7193-414e-9730-b1d1e4448443",
"appRoleId": "883ea226-0bf2-4a8f-9f9d-92c9162a727d"
Add permissions to Sharepoint Site
In order to add the permissions to the sharepoint site, we need to find its SiteId
This can be done using again the graph explorer:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{host-name}:/{server-relative-path}
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/adobeenterprisesupportaem.sharepoint.com:/sites/hlx-test-project
"id": "adobeenterprisesupportaem.sharepoint.com,03cc3587-0e4d-405e-b06c-ffb0a622b7ac,5fbc1df5-640c-4780-8b59-809e3193c043",
Using the Id
we can set the permissions:
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/adobeenterprisesupportaem.sharepoint.com,03cc3587-0e4d-405e-b06c-ffb0a622b7ac,5fbc1df5-640c-4780-8b59-809e3193c043/permissions
Content-type: application/json
"roles": [
"grantedToIdentities": [
"application": {
"id": "83ab2922-5f11-4e4d-96f3-d1e0ff152856",
"displayName": "Franklin Service"
Note: If you get an “Access Denied” error while executing the above request , you need to have “Site Admin” permissions in order to run the above step. Also you may need to give additional “consent” from the Graph Explorer’s “Modify Permissions” panel for additional “Sites” scopes.