Query Parameters

Offset and Limit

Spreadsheets and JSON files can get very large. In such cases, AEM supports the use of limit and offset query parameters to indicate which rows of the spreadsheet are delivered.

As AEM always compresses the JSON, payloads are generally relatively small. Therefore by default AEM limits the number of rows it returns to 1000 if the limit query parameter is not specified. This is sufficient for many simple cases.


The sheet query parameter allows an application to specify one or multiple specific sheets in the spreadsheet or workbook. As an example ?sheet=jobs will return the sheet named shared-jobs and ?sheet=jobs&sheet=articles will return the data for the sheets named shared-jobs and shared-articles.

Special Sheet Names

In certain use cases, AEM also writes to spreadsheets, where it expects specific sheet names.

  • The forms service only writes to a sheet named incoming, which is never delivered as a JSON.
  • The index service only writes to a sheet named raw_index, which may be delivered to JSON in a simple single sheet setup.

See the links above for more information on those services.


Native arrays are not supported as cell values, so they are delivered as strings.

"tags": "[\"Adobe Life\",\"Responsibility\",\"Diversity & Inclusion\"]"

You can turn them back into arrays in JavaScript using JSON.parse().

Experience Manager