Setting Up Properties to be Added to the Index

  1. In your query-index document, add a header line and in the first column add path as the header name.
  2. In the following columns of the header line, add all other properties you need extracted from the rendered HTML page.

In the following example in Google Drive, the extracted fields are title, image, description, and lastModified.

Pages are indexed when they are published. To remove pages from index, they have to be unpublished.

For simple scenarios without custom index definition, pages that have robots metadata property set to noindex will automatically be omitted from indexing by AEM. (There are a few special scenarios here, for more details see the section Special Scenarios for Robots).

The following table summarizes the properties that are available and from where in the HTML page they’re extracted.

authorReturns the content of the meta tag named author in the head element.
titleReturns the content of the og:title meta property in the head element.
dateReturns the content of the meta tag named publication-date in the head element.
imageReturns the content of the og:image meta property in the head element.
categoryReturns the content of the meta tag named category in the head element.

Returns the content of the meta tag named article:tag in the head element as an array.

See the document Spreadsheets and JSON for more information on array-handling.

descriptionReturns the content of the meta tag named description in the head element.
robotsReturns the content of the meta tag named robots in the head element.
lastModifiedReturns the value of the Last-Modified response header for the document.

For every other header added, the indexer will try to find a meta tag with a corresponding name.

Activate Your Index

To activate your index, preview the spreadsheet using the sidekick. This will create an index configuration.

Checking Your Index

The Admin Service has an API endpoint where you can check the index representation of your page. Given your GitHub owner, repository, branch and owner, and a resource path to a page, its endpoint is:<owner>/<repo>/<branch>/<path>

You should get a JSON response where the data node contains the index representation of the page.

Debugging Your Index Configuration

The AEM CLI has a feature where it will print the index record whenever you change your query configuration, which assists in finding the correct CSS selectors:

$ aem up --print-index

Please see the AEM CLI GitHub documentation for more information and watch this video to learn more about this feature.

Setting Up More Index Configurations

You can define your own custom index configurations by creating your own helix-query.yaml. This allows you to have more than one index configuration in the same helix-query.yaml, where parts of your sites are indexed into different Excel workbooks or Google spreadsheets. See the document Indexing reference for more information.

Special Scenarios for Robots

There are a few nuances on how pages get indexed by AEM in conjunction with indexing setup for your site. Let’s look at them:

In the following 2 situations, setting robots to noindex on the page metadata would not prevent it from being indexed by AEM:

  • You have added a robots column in query-index.xlsx
  • You have a helix-query.yaml in your Github repository i.e. you have defined a custom index definition.


  1. If you do not have a custom index definition, it is recommended to not add a robots column to your index sheet unless you have a requirement for doing so.
    Adding robots column to your index sheet would cause a page to be indexed by AEM even though it may have robots metadata set to noindex.
  2. If you do have a custom index definition, pages would get indexed by AEM irrespective of setting robots to noindex on the page metadata. If you want to prevent this from happening, you can use spreadsheet filters to omit pages from index that have robots metadata set to noindex. For more details, see the section titled “Enforcing noindex configuration with custom index definitions” below.

Enforcing “noindex” configuration with custom index definitions

If you have defined your own custom index definitions in helix-query.yaml, setting the robots property to noindex is not effective in preventing the pages from getting indexed. In order to enforcenoindexconfiguration is such situations, do the following:

  1. Create a sheet named “helix-default” in your query-index.xlsx . After this, your query-index.xlsx spreadsheet should have 2 sheets “raw_index” and “helix-default”. The “raw_index” sheet is there to have all the raw indexed data.
  2. Modify your custom helix-query.yaml (it must be in your project’s Github repository) and add the robots property so that it gets indexed.
  3. Now set up your “helix-default” sheet in the query-index.xlsx spreadsheet to get automatically filled up using Excel formula which ensures that all the rows in raw_index which have robots property set as noindex, do not get copied over to the helix-default sheet. This can be done by using an Excel formula like this =FILTER(Table1,NOT(Table1[robots]="noindex"))
  4. Now your helix-default sheet has only the rows from raw_index that do not have robots property set to noindex.
  5. Ensure that you publish the pages that you want to get indexed.
  6. Now if you fetch the index as usual like: https://<branch>--<repo>-<org>, you’d only get data from helix-default sheet i.e. entries that are not explicitly prevented from getting indexed through the robot property set as noindex.

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