Work anywhere with Acrobat web
With remote work everywhere, delivering content with speed and scale is critical. Learn how to handle business document requests from anywhere using the Acrobat web tools in your browser. Try it at
Imagine a scenario where you’re away from the office and you’re asked to send a project file to an outside consulting company for review. You don’t want to send the whole file because it contains sensitive information. What do you do? If you were in the office the request would be simple. This is exactly the type of situation where the Acrobat web tools are invaluable. Start by logging into Acrobat DC online in your browser at The first thing you see is all your recently used files, including those you used back in your office in the desktop version of Acrobat. If you select All tools, you can see all the tools that are available to you in your browser. If I scroll down, I can see the Extract tool underneath the Edit menu.
I’ll go ahead and select it and then select the file that I need to break apart. I only need the second page with this particular document, so I’ll just select that page and select Extract. Now, if I go back to the Home screen, you can see the copy of the document.
I’ll go ahead and select it. The pop up menu appears on the right where I can Rename it. I’ll go ahead and call this Brand campaign. Now I need to share the page with the outside consulting company. At this point, I don’t even need to open my email to attach the file. I can share it directly from here, simply select Share in the right-hand pane. And then Share with others. Enter the email address and an optional message.
You can also allow comments on the file, which is what I want, and add a deadline for the comments. And then just hit Send. It’s that simple. You can even track the status of this file to see if anyone has opened it. You’ll get notifications when the recipient has added comments as well. The Acrobat web tools allow you to handle business document requests from anywhere to help keep your business moving forward.