ACSD-48627: out-of-stock configurable product causes an error
The ACSD-48627 patch fixes the issue where the out-of-stock configurable product causes an error when sending a GraphQL request to get cart details. This patch is available when the Quality Patches Tool (QPT) 1.1.25 is installed. The patch ID is ACSD-48627. Please note that the issue is scheduled to be fixed in Adobe Commerce 2.4.6.
Affected products and versions
The patch is created for Adobe Commerce version:
- Adobe Commerce (all deployment methods) 2.4.5-p1
Compatible with Adobe Commerce versions:
- Adobe Commerce (all deployment methods) 2.4.5 - 2.4.5-p1
package to the latest version and check the compatibility on the Quality Patches Tool: Search for patches page. Use the patch ID as a search keyword to locate the patch.Issue
Out-of-stock configurable product causes an error when sending a GraphQL request to get cart details.
Steps to reproduce:
Create a customer account.
Add some products to the cart, including a configurable product.
Go to the admin backend, and edit the configurable product by setting all child products qty to 0.
The configurable product will become out of stock as all the child products are out of stock.
Check the
table. The record with this product is empty. -
Make a GraphQL request to get the customer token.
code language-graphql mutation { generateCustomerToken( email: "" password: "xxxx" ) { token } }
Make a GraphQL request to get cartId.
code language-graphql Headers: Authentication => Bearer [customer token in step 6]
code language-graphql { customerCart { id items { id product { name sku } quantity } } }
Make a GraphQL request to get the cart details.
code language-graphql Headers: Authentication => Bearer [customer token in step 6]
code language-graphql query GetCartDetails($cartId: String!) { cart(cart_id: $cartId) { id ...CartPageFragment __typename } } fragment CartPageFragment on Cart { id total_quantity ...AppliedCouponsFragment ...ProductListingFragment ...PriceSummaryFragment __typename } fragment AppliedCouponsFragment on Cart { id applied_coupons { code __typename } __typename } fragment ProductListingFragment on Cart { id items { uid product { uid name sku url_key url_suffix thumbnail { url __typename } small_image { url __typename } stock_status price_range { minimum_price { final_price { currency value __typename } regular_price { currency value __typename } __typename } __typename } stock_status ... on ConfigurableProduct { variants { attributes { uid __typename } product { uid small_image { url __typename } stock_status __typename } __typename } __typename } __typename } prices { price { currency value __typename } __typename } quantity ... on ConfigurableCartItem { configurable_options { id configurable_product_option_uid option_label configurable_product_option_value_uid value_label __typename } __typename } __typename } __typename } fragment PriceSummaryFragment on Cart { id items { uid quantity __typename } ...ShippingSummaryFragment prices { ...TaxSummaryFragment ...DiscountSummaryFragment ...GrandTotalFragment subtotal_excluding_tax { currency value __typename } subtotal_including_tax { currency value __typename } __typename } __typename } fragment DiscountSummaryFragment on CartPrices { discounts { amount { currency value __typename } label __typename } __typename } fragment GrandTotalFragment on CartPrices { grand_total { currency value __typename } __typename } fragment ShippingSummaryFragment on Cart { id shipping_addresses { selected_shipping_method { amount { currency value __typename } __typename } street __typename } __typename } fragment TaxSummaryFragment on CartPrices { applied_taxes { amount { currency value __typename } __typename } __typename }
Expected results:
No Internal server error in the response.
Actual results:
There is an Internal server error in the response.
Apply the patch
To apply individual patches, use the following links depending on your deployment method:
- Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source on-premises: Quality Patches Tool > Usage in the Quality Patches Tool guide
- Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure: Upgrades and Patches > Apply Patches in the Commerce on Cloud Infrastructure guide
Related reading
- Quality Patches Tool released: a new tool to self-serve quality patches in the support knowledge base
- Check if patch is available for your Adobe Commerce issue using Quality Patches Tool in the Quality Patches Tool guide
- Best practices for modifying database tables in the Commerce Implementation Playbook
For info about other patches available in QPT, refer to Quality Patches Tool: Search for patches in the Quality Patches Tool guide.