事前認証 preauthorize

このページのコンテンツは情報提供のみを目的としています。 この API を使用するには、Adobeから現在のライセンスが必要です。 無許可の使用は許可されていません。

事前認証 API を使用して、1 つ以上のリソースの事前認証決定を取得できます。これにより、アプリケーションで UI ヒントやコンテンツフィルタリングを実装できます。

指定したリソースへのユーザーアクセスを許可する前に、認証 API 必須 を使用する必要があります。

事前認証 API 応答の結果に、拒否された事前認証の決定を含む 1 つ以上のリソースが含まれている場合、影響を受ける各リソースに対して 追加のエラー情報を含めることができます (以下のメモを参照)。

拒否された事前承認決定のエラー情報を追加する拡張エラーレポート機能は、Adobe Pass Authentication 設定側で有効にする必要があるので、リクエストに応じて使用できます。

Adobe Pass Authentication SDK エラーが原因で事前認証 API リクエストに対応できなかった場合、またはAdobe Pass Authentication Services エラーが発生した場合は、追加のエラー情報(上記の設定に関係なく)が表示され、事前認証 API 応答の結果にリソースが含まれることはありません。

- (void) preauthorize:(nonnull PreauthorizeRequest *)request didCompleteWith:(nonnull AccessEnablerCallback<PreauthorizeResponse *> *)callback;

提供: v3.6.0 以降


  • PreauthorizeRequest:API リクエストのコンテンツを渡すために使用されるリクエストオブジェクト。
  • AccessEnablerCallback: API 応答を返すために使用されるコールバックオブジェクト。
  • PreauthorizeResponse: API 応答コンテンツを返すために使用される応答オブジェクト。

class PreauthorizeRequest

PreauthorizeRequest.Builder クラス

    /// Sets the `List` of resources for which you want to obtain preauthorization decisions.
    /// Each element in the list must be a `String` representing either the resource ID value or the media RSS fragment which must be agreed with the MVPD.
    /// This function sets the information only in the context of current `Builder` object instance which is the receiver of this function call.
    /// To build an actual `PreauthorizeRequest` you can have a look at `Builder`'s function:
    /// ```
    /// public func build() -> PreauthorizeRequest
    /// ```
    /// - Parameter resources: The `List` of resources for which you want to obtain preauthorization decisions.
    /// - Returns: The reference to the same `Builder` object instance which is the receiver of the function call. It does this in order to allow the creation of function chaining.
    public func setResources(resources: [String]) -> PreauthorizeRequest.Builder

    /// Sets the features which you want to have them disabled when obtaining preauthorization decisions.
    /// The list of available features are provided by `PreauthorizeRequest.Feature` enumeration. All features are enabled by default.
    /// This function sets the information only in the context of current `Builder` object instance which is the receiver of this function call.
    /// To build an actual `PreauthorizeRequest` you can have a look at `Builder`'s function:
    /// ```
    /// public func build() -> PreauthorizeRequest
    /// ```
    /// - Parameter features: The set of features which you want to have them disabled.
    /// - Returns: The reference to the same `Builder` object instance which is the receiver of the function call. It does this in order to allow the creation of function chaining.
    public func disableFeatures(features: Set<PreauthorizeRequest.Feature>) -> PreauthorizeRequest.Builder

    /// Creates and retrieves the reference of a new `PreauthorizeRequest` object instance.
    /// This function instantiates a new `PreauthorizeRequest` object every time it is called.
    /// This function uses the values set in advance in the context of current `Builder` object instance which is the receiver of this function call.
    /// Bear in mind that this function does not produce any side effects, therefore it does not alter the state of the SDK or the state of the `Builder` object instance which is the receiver of this function call.
    /// It means that successive calls of this function for the same receiver will create different new `PreauthorizeRequest` object instances, but having the same information, in case the values set to the `Builder` where not modified between the calls.
    /// In case you do not need to update any of the provided information (resources, features, etc.) you may reuse the `PreauthorizeRequest` instance for multiple uses of the `preauthorize` API.
    /// - Returns: The reference to a new `PreauthorizeRequest` object instance.
    public func build() -> PreauthorizeRequest

enum PreauthorizeRequest.Feature

    /// This feature controls whether to use the information from the AccessEnabler SDK cache or to bypass it and
    /// rely on Adobe Pass server information via a network call.

    /// This feature controls whether to use the information from the Adobe Pass server cache or to bypass it and
    /// rely on MVPD server information via a network call.

interface AccessEnablerCallback<PreauthorizeResponse> accessenablercallback

    /// Response callback called by the SDK when the preauthorize API request was fulfilled. The result is either a successful or an error result containing a status.
    public func onResponse(result: PreauthorizeResponse)

    /// Failure callback called by the SDK when the preauthorize API request could not be serviced. The result is a failure result containing a status.
    public func onFailure(result: PreauthorizeResponse)

class PreauthorizeResponse preauthorizeresponse

    /// - Returns: Additional status (state) information in case of error or failure.
    ///   Might hold a `nil` value.
    public Status getStatus()

    /// - Returns: The list of preauthorization decisions. One decision for each resource.
    ///            The list might be empty in case of error or failure.
    public List<Decision> getDecisions()


この節では、考えられる PreauthorizeResponse オブジェクトの JSON 構造について説明します。

次の例で示す JSON は、このドキュメントで示すモデルクラスでのみアクセスできます。 パブリックメソッドを使用しない限り、このような JSON のプロパティにアクセスすることはできません。
拡張エラーレポート機能のメディアを通じて取得できる追加エラーのリストは、 詳細なエラーレポートに記載されています。



        "resources": [
                "id": "resource1",
                "authorized": true
                "id": "resource2",
                "authorized": true
                "id": "resource3",
                "authorized": true

1 つ以上のリソースの事前認証が拒否されており、Adobe Pass Authentication configuration で拡張エラーレポート機能が有効になっていません

        "resources": [
                "id": "resource1",
                "authorized": true
                "id": "resource2",
                "authorized": false,

                "id": "resource3",
                "authorized": true

1 つ以上のリソースの事前認証が拒否されています。Adobe Pass Authentication configuration で、enhanced error reporting 機能が有効になっています

        "resources": [
                "id": "resource1",
                "authorized": true
                "id": "resource2",
                "authorized": false,
                "error" : {
                   "status" : 403,
                   "code" : "authorization_denied_by_mvpd",
                   "message" : "User not authorized",
                   "details" : "Your subscription package does not include the "TestStream3" channel.",
                   "helpUrl" : "https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/primetime/authentication/auth-features/error-reportn/enhanced-error-codes.html?lang=ja",
                   "trace" : "0453f8c8-167a-4429-8784-cd32cfeaee58",
                   "action" : "none"
                "id": "resource3",
                "authorized": true


Adobe Pass認証サービスが事前認証 API リクエストのサービス中にエラーにヒットしました

        "resources": [],
        "status": {
            "status": 400,
            "code" : "bad_request",
            "message": "Missing required parameter : deviceId",
            "details": "",
            "helpUrl" : "https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/primetime/authentication/auth-features/error-reportn/enhanced-error-codes.html?lang=ja",
            "trace" : "9f115e1c-0158-4a41-8805-9f68923f3646",
            "action" : "none"


Adobe Pass認証 SDK が事前認証 API リクエストのサービス中にエラーをヒットしました

        "status": 0,
        "code": "requestor_not_configured",
        "message": "The requestor is not yet configured which is a prerequisite for using any API apart from the setRequestor API.",
        "action": "retry"

        "status": 0,
        "code": "authentication_session_expired",
        "message": "The current authentication session has expired. The user must re-authenticate with a supported MVPD in order to continue.",
        "action": "authentication"

        "status": 0,
        "code": "authentication_session_missing",
        "message": "The authentication session associated with this request could not be retrieved. The user must re-authenticate with a supported MVPD in order to continue.",
        "action": "authentication"

        "status": 0,
        "code": "access_token_unavailable",
        "message": "The request failed due to an unexpected error while retrieving the access token. Please check the validity of your software statement and custom scheme.",
        "action": "none"

        "status": 0,
        "code": "server_response_format_unknown",
        "message": "The request failed due to an unknown server response format. Please capture the device console logs and contact support.",
        "action": "none"

        "status": 0,
        "code": "network_error",
        "message": "The request failed due to a network error. If the issue persists over several retries, please capture the device console logs and contact support.",
        "action": "none"

クラスの状態 status

    /// - Returns: The HTTP response status code as documented in RFC 7231.
    ///            Might be 0 in case the `Status` comes from the SDK instead of Adobe Pass Authentication services.
    public int getStatus()

    /// - Returns: The standard Adobe Pass Authentication services error code.
    ///            Might hold an empty string or a `nil` value.
    public String getCode()

    /// - Returns: The human readable message which can be displayed to the end user.
    ///            Might hold an empty string or a `nil` value.
    public String getMessage()

    /// - Returns: The detailed message which in some cases is provided by the MVPD authorization endpoints or by Programmer degradation rules.
    ///            Might hold an empty string or a `nil` value.
    public String getDetails()

    /// - Returns: The URL that links to more information about why this state/error occurred and possible solutions.
    ///            Might hold an empty string or a `nil` value.
    public String getHelpUrl()

    /// - Returns: The unique identifier for this response, which can be used when contacting support to identify specific issues in more complex scenarios.
    ///            Might hold an empty string or a `nil` value.
    public String getTrace()

    /// - Returns: The recommended action to remediate the situation.
    ///             - none: Unfortunately there is no predefined action to remediate this issue. This might indicate an improper invocation of the public API
    ///             - configuration: A configuration change is needed through TVE dashboard or by contacting support.
    ///             - application-registration: The application must register itself again.
    ///             - authentication: The user must authenticate or re-authenticate.
    ///             - authorization: The user must obtain authorization for the specific resource.
    ///             - degradation: Some form of degradation should be applied.
    ///             - retry: Retrying the request might solve the issue
    ///             - retry-after: Retrying the request after the indicated period of time might solve the issue.
    ///            Might hold an empty string or a `nil` value.
    public String getAction()

級決定 decision

    /// This is a getter function.
    /// - Returns: The resource id for which the decision was obtained.
    public Status getId()

    /// This is a getter function.
    /// - Returns: The value of the flag indicating if the decision is successful or not.
    public boolean isAuthorized()

    /// This is a getter function.
    /// - Returns: Additional status (state) information in case some error has occurred.
    ///            Might hold a `nil` value.
    public Status getError()

サンプルコード sample

let resources: [String] = ["resource_1", "resource_2", "resource_3"];

let disabledFeatures: Set<PreauthorizationRequest.Feature> = [PreauthorizationRequest.Feature.LOCAL_CACHE];

// Build the Preauthorization API request using the builder from PreauthorizationRequest class`

let request: PreauthorizationRequest = PreauthorizationRequest.Builder()

                  .setResources(resources: resources)

                  .disableFeatures(features: disabledFeatures)  // It is **optional** to disable features. If not used all features are enabled by default.


// Build the AccessEnablerCallback by providing the constructor two callbacks for onResponse and onFailure handling
func onResponseCallback(result: PreauthorizeResponse) -> Void {  //

func onFailureCallback(result: PreauthorizeResponse) -> Void {



let callback: AccessEnablerCallback<PreauthorizeResponse> = AccessEnablerCallback<PreauthorizeResponse>(onResponse: onResponseCallback, onFailure: onFailureCallback);

// Use the preauthorize API
accessEnabler.preauthorize(request, callback);