Marketo Measure Ultimate のデータ整合性要件 marketo-measure-ultimate-data-integrity-requirement
Marketo Measure は、受信AEP データセットを検証して、アトリビューションに適した十分なデータが一貫性を持っていることを確認します。 データ整合性要件を満たすことができないと、データセットが Marketo Measure システムによって拒否されます。 この記事では、データ整合性要件について詳しく説明し、データ検査のクエリ例を示し、null 値を含む必須フィールドのソリューションを推奨します。
エンティティオブジェクト entity-object
通貨換算データの要件 currency-conversion-data-requirements
デフォルト通貨:Marketo Measureでは、すべての売上高とコストがレポート時にデフォルト通貨に変換されます。 ターゲット通貨自体に対して日付適用範囲が同じ(例:米ドルから米ドル) 1 つのレコードが必要で、コンバージョン率は 1 である必要があります。
コンバージョンレート:各(ソース通貨、ターゲット通貨)ペアに、異なる日付範囲に対して複数のコンバージョンレートを設定できます。 料金は、Salesforceの DatedConversionRate オブジェクトに従って、0001-01-01 から 9999-12-31 までの全期間をカバーする必要があります。
- 設定されたレート(ソース通貨、ターゲット通貨)内に重複する日付範囲がありません(例:2023-01-01 ~ 2023-02-01 および 2023-01-01 ~ 2024-01-01)。
- 日付範囲間にギャップはありません。 開始日はその日を含み、終了日はその日を含みません。
ExperienceEvent experienceevent
サポートされる ExperienceEvent タイプ experienceevent-type-supported
データ検査のクエリ例 query-examples-for-data-inspection
次に、AEP データレイクで取り込んだデータセットを検査するクエリ例を示します。データセットに対して使用するには、以下のクエリ例にあるテーブル名を、実際のデータセットテーブル名に置き換えます。
すべてのカウントは 0 になると予想されます。
personType フィールドには、「リード」または「取引先責任者」の値のみが存在し、null 値は存在しないと想定します。
XDM ビジネスアカウント xdm-business-account
select 'account source id', count(*) from salesforce_account where accountKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'account source type', count(*) from salesforce_account where accountKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'account source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_account where accountKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'account source key', count(*) from salesforce_account where accountKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'account name', count(*) from salesforce_account where accountName is null
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from salesforce_account where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from salesforce_account where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
XDM ビジネスキャンペーン xdm-business-campaign
select 'campaign source id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where campaignKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'campaign source type', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where campaignKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'campaign source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where campaignKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'campaign source key', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where campaignKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'campaign name', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where campaignName is null
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from salesforce_campaign where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
XDM ビジネスキャンペーンメンバー xdm-business-campaign-member
select 'campaign member source id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignMemberKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'campaign member source type', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignMemberKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'campaign member source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignMemberKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'campaign member source key', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignMemberKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'campaign source id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'campaign source type', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'campaign source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'campaign source key', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where campaignKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'person source id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where personKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'person source type', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where personKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'person source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where personKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'person source key', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where personKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select distinct 'person type', b2b.personType from salesforce_campaign_member
union all
select 'member status', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where memberStatus is null
union all
select 'has responded', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where hasResponded is null
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from salesforce_campaign_member where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
XDM ビジネス担当者 xdm-business-person
select 'person source id', count(*) from marketo_person where b2b.personKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'person source type', count(*) from marketo_person where b2b.personKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'person source instance id', count(*) from marketo_person where b2b.personKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'person source key', count(*) from marketo_person where b2b.personKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'email', count(*) from marketo_person where workEmail.address is null
union all
select 'Lead - person status', count(*) from marketo_person where b2b.personType = 'Lead' and b2b.personStatus is null
union all
select 'Lead - is converted', count(*) from marketo_person where b2b.personType = 'Lead' and b2b.isConverted is null
union all
select distinct 'person type', b2b.personType from marketo_person
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from marketo_person where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from marketo_person where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
select 'person source id', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'person source type', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'person source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'person source key', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'email', count(*) from salesforce_contact where workEmail.address is null
union all
select 'Lead - person status', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personType = 'Lead' and b2b.personStatus is null
union all
select 'Lead - is converted', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personType = 'Lead' and b2b.isConverted is null
union all
select distinct 'person type', b2b.personType from salesforce_contact
union all
select 'account source id', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personType = 'Contact' and personComponents[0].sourceAccountKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'account source type', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personType = 'Contact' and personComponents[0].sourceAccountKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'account source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personType = 'Contact' and personComponents[0].sourceAccountKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'account source key', count(*) from salesforce_contact where b2b.personType = 'Contact' and personComponents[0].sourceAccountKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from salesforce_contact where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from salesforce_contact where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
XDM ビジネス商談 xdm-business-opportunity
select 'opportunity source id', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'opportunity source type', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'opportunity source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'opportunity source key', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'account source id', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where accountKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'account source type', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where accountKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'account source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where accountKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'account source key', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where accountKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'opportunity name', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityName is null
union all
select 'opportunity stage', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityStage is null
union all
select 'is won', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where isWon is null
union all
select 'is closed', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where isClosed is null
union all
select 'expected close date', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where expectedCloseDate is null
union all
select 'opportunity amount', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityAmount.amount is null
union all
select 'currency code', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where opportunityAmount.currencyCode is null
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from salesforce_opportunity where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
XDM ExperienceEvent xdm-experienceevent
select 'id', count(*) from marketo_activity where _id is null
union all
select 'event type', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType is null
union all
select 'timestamp', count(*) from marketo_activity where timestamp is null
union all
select 'person source id', count(*) from marketo_activity where personKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'person source type', count(*) from marketo_activity where personKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'person source instance id', count(*) from marketo_activity where personKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'person source key', count(*) from marketo_activity where personKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'addToCampaign campaign id', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.addToCampaign' and leadOperation.addToCampaign.campaignKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'addToCampaign campaign type', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.addToCampaign' and leadOperation.addToCampaign.campaignKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'addToCampaign campaign instance id', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.addToCampaign' and leadOperation.addToCampaign.campaignKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'addToCampaign campaign key', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.addToCampaign' and leadOperation.addToCampaign.campaignKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'statusInCampaignProgressionChanged campaign id', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.statusInCampaignProgressionChanged' and leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'statusInCampaignProgressionChanged campaign type', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.statusInCampaignProgressionChanged' and leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'statusInCampaignProgressionChanged campaign instance id', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.statusInCampaignProgressionChanged' and leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'statusInCampaignProgressionChanged campaign key', count(*) from marketo_activity where eventType = 'leadOperation.statusInCampaignProgressionChanged' and leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignKey.sourceKey is null;
select 'id', count(*) from salesforce_task where _id is null
union all
select 'event type', count(*) from salesforce_task where eventType is null
union all
select 'timestamp', count(*) from salesforce_task where timestamp is null
union all
select 'person source id', count(*) from salesforce_task where personKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'person source type', count(*) from salesforce_task where personKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'person source instance id', count(*) from salesforce_task where personKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'person source key', count(*) from salesforce_task where personKey.sourceKey is null;
コンバージョン conversion
select 'conversion rate', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where conversionRate is null
union all
select 'end date', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where endDate is null
union all
select 'start date', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where startDate is null
union all
select 'source ISO Code', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where sourceISOCode is null
union all
select 'target ISO Code', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where targetISOCode is null
union all
select 'source id', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where extSourceSystemAudit.externalKey.sourceId is null
union all
select 'source type', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where extSourceSystemAudit.externalKey.sourceType is null
union all
select 'source instance id', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where extSourceSystemAudit.externalKey.sourceInstanceId is null
union all
select 'source key', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where extSourceSystemAudit.externalKey.sourceKey is null
union all
select 'created date', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate is null
union all
select 'last updated date', count(*) from currency_conversion_rate where extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate is null;
NULL 値を持つ必須フィールドに対する推奨ソリューション recommended-solution-for-required-fields-with-a-null-value
フィールドマッピングで計算フィールドを使用して、フィールドをデフォルトで NULL 以外の値に設定することをお勧めします。次に 2 つの例を示します。
一部の商談レコードの opportunityName が null の場合は、次の計算フィールドをフィールドマッピングで作成して使用
iif(name != null && trim(name) != "", name, "Unknown")
一部の experienceevent レコードの leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignID が null の場合は、次の計算フィールドをフィールドマッピングで作成して使用
iif(leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignID != null && leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignID != "" , to_object("sourceType", "Marketo", "sourceInstanceID", "123-abc-321", "sourceID", leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignID, "sourceKey", concat(leadOperation.campaignProgression.campaignID,"@123-abc-321.Marketo")), iif(eventType == "leadOperation.statusInCampaignProgressionChanged", to_object("sourceType", "Marketo", "sourceInstanceID", "123-abc-321", "sourceID", "Unknown", "sourceKey", "Unknown@123-abc-321.Marketo"), null))