Understand performance metrics
- Topics:
- Work Management
- Intermediate
- User
Two performance metrics used by project managers include the Performance Index Method (PIM) and the Estimate at Completion (EAC). System-wide defaults can be set in Workfront and apply to newly created projects. PIM can then be modified on individual projects.
The settings for the PIM control how Workfront calculates other project performance metrics such as the Cost Performance Index (CPI), Cost Schedule Performance Index (CSI), Schedule Performance Index (SPI), and Estimate at Completion (EAC).
Options for the PIM are hour-based and cost-based.
- Hour-based — Workfront uses the planned hours in calculating the CPI and EAC of the project. The EAC of the project displays as a number, in hours.
- Cost-based — Workfront uses the planned labor cost in calculating the CPI and EAC of the project. EAC appears as a currency value. When using this option, ensure task assignees (users and/or job roles) are associated with cost rates.
EAC represents the projected total cost of your task or project when it completes. Options are calculated at a project level and roll up from tasks/subtasks.
- Calculate at project level — EAC for the parent task and project are determined using the actual hours/actual labor costs in EAC formulas. The calculation includes actual hours/costs and expenses added directly to the parent task or project.
- R oll up from tasks/subtasks — EAC for the parent task and project are determined by adding up the EAC for each child task. This calculation excludes actual hours/costs added directly to a parent task or project.
The EAC calculations are listed in Calculate Estimate At Completion (EAC).
Performance Metrics: Settings
To set PIM and EAC system defaults:
- Select Setup from the main menu.
- Click Project Preferences in the left panel menu, then click Projects
- In the Project Status section, find Performance Index Method. Select Hours-based or Cost-based.
- For Estimate at Completion, select Calculate at project level or Roll up from tasks/subtasks.
- Click Save at the bottom of the window.
Set PIM on individual projects
- Go to the landing page of a project.
- Click Project Details from the left panel.
- Open the Finance section.
- Double-click the text below Performance Index Method to edit it.
- Select Hours-based or Cost-based.
- Click Save Changes to finish.
PIM can be set on a project template, in the Finance section of the template details.