When you search any text or filter any files, a blue dot appears on the Filter Search ( Search filter icon ) icon to indicate that we are on the search panel and that some filters have been applied.

You have the following options to filter the files and to narrow down your search in the Adobe Experience Manager repository:

  • DITA Files: You can look for all DITA Topics and DITA Maps present on the selected path. These are selected by default.
  • Non-DITA Files: You can search for Ditaval Files, Image Files, Multimedia, Documents, and Json in the selected path.

quick search filter

Use the quick filters to search for DITA and Non-DITA files.

Advanced Filtering

Select the Advanced Filtering advanced filter icon icon to view the Advanced filter dialog box.

You can view the following options under the General and Advanced tabs.

advanced filter dialog box


  • Search results will be as follows: Search for some text in the files present on the selected path of the Adobe Experience Manager repository. The text is searched in the title, filename, and content in the files.

This is in sync with the search box on the repository window. For example, if you type general purpose in the search box on the repository panel, it also appears in the Advanced filter dialog box and vice versa.

  • Search in: Select the path where you want to search the files present in the Adobe Experience Manager repository.

  • Checked Out By: You can look for files the specified user checks out.

  • Last Modified: You can look for files that have been last modified after a selected date but before a selected date.

  • Modified before: You can look for files that have been last modified before a selected date.

  • Time frame: You can also look for files that have been last modified in the last two hours, last week, last month, or last year.

  • Tags: You can look for files that have specific tags applied to them. You can either type the tag or select it from the dropdown list.


  • DITA Elements: You can also search for specific values in the attributes of the specified DITA elements.

    • Select Add element add icon to add the elements, attributes, and values.
    • Apply the filters that you have selected.
  • Select Clear all to clear all the applied filters.

  • Select the Close filter close icon icon to close the filter and return to the tree view of the repository.

    note note
    Your system administrator can also configure the text filters and show or hide other filters. For more details see Configure text filters section in the Install and configure Adobe Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service.
    The list of filtered files that contain the searched text is displayed. For example, the files containing the text general purpose are listed in the previous screenshot. You can select multiple files from the filtered list to drag and drop them into a map opened for editing.

Options menu

In addition to opening files from the left panel, you can also perform many actions using the Options menu available in the Repository View. You will see different options, depending on whether you choose a folder, topic file, or a media file.

Options for a folder

You can perform the following actions using the Options menu available for a folder in the Repository View:

  • Create: Create a new DITA topic, DITA map, or a folder. For more details, see the Create topics from the Repository View procedure in the Left Panel section.

  • Upload Assets: Upload a file from your local system to the selected folder in Adobe Experience Manager repository. You can also drag-and-drop files from your local system onto your current working topic. This is very useful if you want to insert images from your local system into your topic.


    You can select a folder where you want to upload the file and a preview of the image is also shown. If you want to rename the file, you can do so in the file name text box. Click upload to complete the file upload process. If you have dragged and dropped an image file on a topic, then the image file is added in the article, and it is also uploaded.

    If your administrator has enabled the UUIDs option in XMLEditorConfig, then you will see the UUID of the uploaded image in the Source property.


  • Find Files in Folder: Shifts the focus to repository search wherein you can enter the search term. The search is performed under the selected folder in the repository. You can also apply a filter to return DITA Files, Image Files, or both.


    You can also search using the UUID of a file. In that case, the search results display the title of the DITA/XML file and in case of the file is an image file, then the UUID of the file is displayed. In the following search example, the UUID of an image file is searched and the search results display the UUID of the original image file and the topic title of the file where that image is referenced.


  • Collapse All: Collapse all open folders in the repository and show only the root-level folders.

    note note
    Use the > icon next to a folder to expand it.
  • Add to Favorites: Adds the selected folder to favorites. You can choose to add it to an existing or new favorites collection.

  • Refresh: Get a fresh list of files and folders from the repository.

  • View in Assets UI: Show the folder contents in the Assets UI.

Options for a file

You will see different options in the Options menu depending on whether you select a media file or a DITA file. Some common options available for both media and DITA files are:

  • Duplicate
  • Checkout/Check In
  • Preview
  • Move to
  • Rename
  • Delete
  • Copy
  • Collapse All
  • Add to Favorites
  • Properties
  • View in Assets UI

options menu of a file in the repository view

The various options in the Options menu are explained below:

  • Edit: Open the file for editing. In case of a .ditamap/.bookmap file, it is opened in the Advanced Map Editor for editing.

  • Duplicate: Use this option to create a duplicate or a copy of the selected file. You also have the option to rename the duplicate file in the Duplicate Asset prompt. By default, the file is created with a suffix (like filename_1.extension). The title of the file remains same as the source file and the new file begins with version 1.0. All references, tags, and metadata are copied while the baselines are not copied in the duplicate file.

  • Check Out: Get a lock on the selected file for editing. For a locked file, this option changes to Check In.

    note note
    • If a file is locked or checked out by a user, hovering the mouse pointer over the lock icon shows the user (name) who has locked the file.
    • When you check in a file that has any unsaved changes, it prompts you to save the changes. If you don’t save your changes, then it only checks in the file.
  • Preview: Get a quick preview of the file (.dita, .xml, audio, video, or image) without opening it. You can resize the preview pane. If the content contains any <xref> or <conref>, you can select it to open it in a new tab. The title of the file appears in the window. If no title is present, then the filename appears. To close the Preview pane, you can either select the close icon or click anywhere outside the pane.


  • Rename: Use this option to rename the selected file. Enter the name of the new file in the Rename Asset dialog.

    • You can rename a file of any type.
    • You can’t change the extension of a file.
    • Two files cannot have the same name. So, you cannot rename a file to a name that already exists. An error is displayed.
  • Move to: Use this option to move the selected file to another folder.

    • You can either type the name of the destination folder or choose Select Path to select the destination folder.
    • You can move a file of any type to any destination within the Content folder.
    • Two files cannot have the same name. So, you cannot move a file to a folder where a file with the same name already exists.

    If you try to move a file to a folder where a file with the same name but a different title exists, the Rename and move file dialog is displayed, and you need to rename the file before moving it. The moved file in the destination folder has the new file name.


    note note
    You can also drag and drop a file to another destination folder.

    Exclusion scenarios

    AEM Guides doesn’t allow you to rename or move a file in the following scenarios:

    • You cannot move or rename a file if it’s part of a review or a translation workflow.

    • If any other user checks out the file, you cannot rename or move it, you will not see the Rename or Move to option for the file.

    note note
    If your administrator has given you the permissions on a folder, only then the Rename or Move to options are displayed.
    Cloud Services
    Renaming or moving any file does not break any existing references from or to the file, as every file has a unique UUID.
  • Delete: Use this option to delete the selected file. A confirmation prompt is displayed before deleting the file.

    • A confirmation prompt is displayed before deleting the file.

    • If the file is not referenced from any other file, it is deleted, and a success message is displayed.

    • If the file is checked out, you cannot delete it, and an error message is displayed.

      note note
      If your administrator has prevented the deletion of checked out files, only then the error message is displayed. For more details, see Prevent deletion of checked out files section in the Install and configure Adobe Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service.
    • If the file is added to a favorites collection, the Force Delete dialog is displayed, and you can forcefully delete it.

    • If the file is referenced from any other file then Force Delete dialog with the confirmation message is displayed, and you can forcefully delete the file:


      note note
      If your administrator has given the file delete permission, then Force Delete is enabled. Else, Force Delete is disabled and a message is displayed that you do not have permission to delete referenced files. For more details, see Prevent deletion of referenced files section in the Install and configure Adobe Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service.
    • If you delete a referenced topic and you have opened the file containing references for edit, it will show the broken link for the referenced file.

    note note
    You can also delete the selected file similarly using the Delete key of the keyboard.
  • Copy: You can choose from the following options:

    • Copy UUID: Copy the UUID of the selected file to Clipboard.

    • Copy Path: Copy complete path of the selected file to Clipboard.

  • Collapse All: Collapse all files in the repository. Only the top-level folders in the repository are shown.

  • Add To: You can choose from the following options:

    • Favorites: Adds the selected file to favorites. You can choose to add it to an existing or new favorites collection.

    • Reusable Contents: Adds the selected file to the Reusable Contents list in the left panel.

  • Properties: Use this to open the properties page of the selected file. This properties page can also be accessed from the Assets UI by selecting a file and clicking on the Properties icon in the toolbar.

  • Open Map Dashboard: In case the selected file is a DITA map, then this option opens the map dashboard.

  • Edit in Oxygen: Select this option to edit the selected file in the Oxygen connector plugin. The file is opened for editing.

    note note
    Contact your customer success team to get this feature enabled in the environment. This isn’t enabled as a part of the out-of-the-box support. For more details, view the Configure the option to edit in Oxygensection in the Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • View in Assets UI: Use this to show a preview of a .dita/.xml file in the Assets UI. In case of a .ditamap/.bookmap file, all topic files within the map are shown in a single unified page-by-page view.

  • Download as PDF: Use the option to generate the PDF output and download it.

  • Publish As: Use the option to publish a topic or the elements within a topic to a content fragment.

  • Quick Generate: Generate the output for the selected file. Output can be generated only for files that are a part of an output preset. For more details, see Article-based publishing from the Web Editor.

Create topics from the Repository View

You can choose to create a new topic, map, or folder from + icon next to the Repository panel or from the context menu of a folder in the Repository View.

Create a topic

When you choose to create a new topic from the menu, you get the following dialog:

In the Create New Topic dialog, provide the following details:

  • A template on which the topic will be based. For example, for an out-of-the-box setup, you can choose from the Blank, Concept, DITAVAL, Reference, Task, Topic, and Troubleshooting templates.

    If your folder has a Folder Profile configured on it, then you will see only those topic templates that are configured on the Folder Profile.

  • Path where you want to save the topic file. By default, the path of currently selected folder in the repository is shown in the Path field.

  • A Title for the topic.

  • (Optional) The file name for the topic. The file name is auto-suggested based on the topic Title.

    In case your administrator has enabled automatic file names based on UUID setting, then you will not see the Name field as shown in the following screenshot:


When you click Create, the topic is created at the specified path. Also, the topic is opened in the Web Editor for editing.

Create a DITA map

When you choose to create a new DITA map, you get the following dialog:

In the Create New Map dialog, provide the following details:

  • A template on which the map will be based. For example, for an out-of-the-box setup, you can choose from the Bookmap or DITA map templates.

  • Path where you want to save the map file. By default, the path of currently selected folder in the repository is shown in the Path field.

  • A Title for the map.

  • (Optional) The file name for the map. The file name is auto-suggested based on the map Title.

    In case your administrator has enabled automatic file names based on UUID setting, then you will not see the Name field.

When you click Create, the map is created and added within the folder specified in the Path field. Also, the map is opened in the Map View. You can open the map file in the Map Editor and add topic to it. For more information about adding topics to a map file, see Create a map.

Create a folder

When you choose to create a new folder, you get the Create New Folder dialog:

Enter a Title for the folder, which is auto-converted into the folder name. Path is where you want to save the map file. By default, the path of currently selected folder in the repository is shown in the Path field. When you click Create, the folder is created and added within the folder from where the create folder option was executed.

Map View -

When you click the Map View icon, you get a list of topics within the map file. If you have not opened any map file, then the Map View appears blank. Double-clicking on any map file opens the map file in this view. You can double-click on any file within the map to open it in the Web Editor.

By default, you can view the files by titles. As you hover over a file, you can view the file title and the file path as a tooltip.

As an administrator, you can also choose to view the filename of the parent map which is currently opened in the map view. Select the File name option of the View files by section in User preferences .

When you open a map in the map view, the title of the current map is displayed in the centre of the main toolbar. If the title is too long, then an ellipsis is displayed and you can also hover over the title to see the full title in the tool tip.

When you define key attributes for the topic or map references, you can view the title, the corresponding icon, and the key in the left panel. The key is displayed as keys=<key-name>.

keys in map view

If you have editing rights on the map files, you will be able to edit the files as well. For more information about opening and editing a topic through DITA map, see Edit topics through DITA map.

You can perform the following actions using the Options menu of the map file:

  • Edit: Open the map file for editing in the Advanced Map Editor.

  • Select All: Select all files in the map.

  • Clear Selection: Deselect the selected files in the map.

  • Checkout and Lock: Checkout and get a lock on the selected files in the map.

  • Cancel Checkout and Unlock: Unlocks the map file and makes it available for editing. It does not revert the changes to earlier version.

  • Save as New Version and Unlock: Create a newer version and release the lock on the selected files in the map.

  • Preview: Open a preview of the map file. In this view, all topic files within the map are shown in a single unified page-by-page view.

  • Copy: You can choose from the following options:

    • Copy UUID: Copy the UUID of the map file to Clipboard.
    • Copy Path: Copy complete path of the map file to Clipboard.
  • Locate in Repository: Shows the location of the map file in the repository (or DAM).

  • Add To: You can choose from the following options:

    • Favorites: Adds the map file to favorites. You can choose to add it to an existing or new favorites collection.

    • Reusable Contents: Adds the map file to the Reusable Contents list in the left panel.

  • Properties: Use this to open the properties page of the map file. This properties page can also be accessed from the Assets UI by selecting a file and clicking on the Properties icon in the toolbar.

  • Open Map Dashboard: Open the map dashboard.

  • View in Assets UI: Use this to show a preview of the map file in the Assets UI. In this view, all topic files within the map are shown in a single unified page-by-page view.

  • Download Map: Select this option to open the Download Map dialog box.

In the Download Map dialog box, you can choose the following options:

  • Use Baseline: Select this option to get a list of Baselines created for the DITA map. If you want to download the map file and its contents based on a specific Baseline, select the Baseline from the drop-down list. For more details about working with Baselines, view work with Baseline.

  • Flatten File Hierarchy: Select this option to save all referenced topics and media files in a single folder.

    You can also download the map file without selecting any option. In that case, the last persisted versions of the referenced topics and media files are downloaded.

    After you click the Download button, the map export package request is queued. The Success dialog box is displayed if the package is created successfully. You can click the Download button from the Success dialog box.

    You receive the map download-ready notification if the map is ready to download. In case the download fails, you receive the notification that the map download failed.

    You can access the download link from the AEM notification Inbox. Select the generated map notification in the Inbox to download the map in .zip format.

    note note
    By default, the downloaded maps remain for five days in the AEM notification Inbox.
  • Generate Output: Generate the output for the selected map file. Output can be generated only for files that are a part of an output preset. For more details, see Article-based publishing from the Web Editor.

  • Close: Closes the map file.

The following screenshot shows the Options menu for a file in the DITA Map View:

You can perform the following actions using the Options menu:

  • Edit: Open the file for editing. In case of a .ditamap/.bookmap file, it is opened in the Advanced Map Editor for editing.

  • Check Out: Check out the selected file. For a checked out file, this option changes to Check In.

    note note
    • If a file is locked or checked out by a user, hovering the mouse pointer over the lock icon shows the user (name) who has locked the file.
    • When you check in a file, it prompts you to save the changes. If you don’t save your changes, then it only checks in the file.
  • Preview: Get a quick preview of the file (.dita, .xml, audio, video, or image) without opening it. You can resize the preview pane. If the content contains any <xref> or <conref>, you can select it to open it in a new tab. The title of the file appears in the window. If no title is present, then the filename appears. To close the Preview pane, you can either select the close icon or click anywhere outside the pane.

  • Copy: You can choose from the following options:

    • Copy UUID: Copy the UUID of the selected file to Clipboard.
    • Copy Path: Copy complete path of the selected file to Clipboard.
  • Locate in Repository: Shows the location of the selected file in the repository (or DAM).

  • Expand All: Expand all topics in the map files.

  • Collapse All: Collapse all topics that are a part of the current map file.

  • Add To: You can choose from the following options:

    • Favorites: Adds the selected file to favorites. You can choose to add it to an existing or new favorites collection.

    • Reusable Contents: Adds the selected file to the Reusable Contents list in the left panel.

  • Properties: Use this to open the properties page of the selected file. This properties page can also be accessed from the Assets UI by selecting a file and clicking on the Properties icon in the toolbar.

  • View in Assets UI: Use this to show a preview of a .dita/.xml file in the Assets UI. In case of a .ditamap/.bookmap file, all topic files within the map are shown in a single unified page-by-page view.

  • Quick Generate: Generate the output for the selected file. Output can be generated only for files that are a part of an output preset. For more details, see Article-based publishing from the Web Editor.

You can also open and edit the properties of selected topics in a DITA map from the More Options menu at the bottom of the Map View.

Outline View -

When you click the Outline View icon, you get the hierarchical view of the elements used in the document.

The Outline View offers the following features:

  • A tree view of all elements used in the document.

  • If an element has an ID, attribute, and text you can see them along with the element.

  • Access Outline View in both Author and Source views.

  • Use the filter drop-down list to show all elements or only the broken references:

  • Clicking on an element in the Outline View selects the element’s content in the Author or Source view.The Outline view remains in sync with the Author and Source view. If you make any changes in any view, you can see them in the Outline view. For example, if you add a paragraph or update an element in the Author view, it is shown in the Outline view.


  • Drag and drop elements. You can easily replace an element by dropping another element on it. If you drag and drop an element over another element and you see a square box around the element, it indicates that the element will get replaced. It replaces the element on which the element is dropped.


    If you drag and drop an element, a dashed rectangle indicates that the element can be placed at the current location. If the drag and drop is invalid, then an error message is shown to indicate that the operation is not allowed.


  • The Options menu in the Outline View allows you to perform generic operations such as Cut, Copy, Delete, Generate ID, Insert element before or after the current element, Rename or replace an element, Wrap an element, Unwrap an element, and create a snippet out of the selected element.

For more details on Generate ID, Insert element before or after the current element, and Unwrap an element, see Other features in the Web Editor.

View Options for the Outline View panel

Using the View Options dropdown, you can choose to see the following, if the element has them:

  • Show ID: Shows the id of the element.
  • Show Attribute: Shows the attribute along with its value.
  • Show Text: Shows the text. If the text is longer than 20 characters, then an ellipsis is displayed.

If a block element has its own text, it is displayed along with that block element. If it does not have it’s own text, the text of the first child element is displayed along with that block element.

If your administrator has created a profile for attributes, then you’ll get those attributes along with their configured values. You can also assign display attributes configured by your administrator under the Display Attributes tab in the editor settings. The attributes defined for an element are displayed in the Layout and the Outline view.

For more details, see the Display Attributes within the Editor Settings feature description in the Left Panel section.

Search feature
Using the search feature, you can search for an element by its name, id, text or attribute value.

The search is case-insensitive and exactly matches the string. The search results are sorted on the basis of the element’s postion in the document.

You can search for a string in the element if it is shown in the Outline View panel. For example, if the string “Adobe” is present in the text of the element and is shown in the Outline View panel (as you have selected Show Text from the View Options dropdown), then the containing element is filtered. But if the text is not shown in the Outline View panel (as you have not selected Show Text from the the View Options dropdown), then the containing element is not filtered. Similarly, you will find the string in the ID or attributes if you have selected them.

Reusable Contents -

One of the main features of DITA is the ability to reuse content. The Reusable Contents panel can store your DITA files from where you generally insert reusable content. Once added, the DITA files remain in the Reusable Contents panel across sessions. This means that you don’t have to add your DITA files again to access them later.

You can simply drag-and-drop reusable content from the panel onto your current topic and it gets inserted easily and quickly. You can also get a preview of the content before inserting it in your document.

By default, you can view the files by titles. As you hover over a file, you can view the file title and the file path as a tooltip.

As an administrator, you can also choose to view the list of files by filenames in the Web Editor. Select the File name option of the View files by section in User preferences .

To add a DITA file to your Reusable Contents panel, use any of the following methods:

  • Click the + icon next to Reusable Contents to open the browse file dialog. Select the file that you want to add and click Add to complete the process.


  • In the Repository View, click the Options icon of the desired file and choose Add to Reusable Contents from the context menu.

  • Right-click on a file’s tab in the editor to open the context menu and choose Add to Reusable Contents.

Once the file is added, you can see all reusable content elements from the file in the Reusable Content panel. Reusable content is shown with their IDs and element names.

When you add a file to the Reusable Contents list, the file’s title is shown instead of the UUID of the file. To check the UUID of the file, mouse hover over the file’s title and the UUID of the file is displayed in the tooltip.

You can add multiple files to the reusable content list. Then you can insert the desired content from the Reusable Contents panel into your document.

Refresh: Rechecks for all reusable content and displays a fresh list of reusable contents.

To insert content from the Reusable Contents panel, use any of the following methods:

  • Hover the mouse pointer over an element that you want to insert, click on the Options icon, and choose Insert Reusable Content.


    note note
    Select a file and then select Preview from the Options menu to preview the file without opening it. You can also preview the references present in a topic. The reference ID appears in the window.
    The Preview option is also available in the Options menu of an element, which gives you a quick preview of the element before inserting it.
  • Drag-and-drop the reusable content item from the panel at the desired location in your document.

Glossary -

AEM Guides allows you to easily create and use the glossary type documents. You can create glossary topic files and then include them in a common glossary map. Once this map is added as your root map, the glossary entries are then shown in the Glossary panel.

To insert a term from the glossary, simply drag-and-drop the entry from the panel to the desired location in your topic. The Options menu of a glossary term allows you to get a quick Preview of the entry term, Copy Path of the entry term file, or locate the entry term file in the repository.

Perform the following steps to search text terms and replace them with glossary abbreviations:

  1. Open the DITA topic or map in which you wish to search and convert the text or terms.
  2. Select the glossary panel to view the glossary terms present in the root map. You can drag-and-drop these terms to add them to the open topic.
  3. Select the Hotspot tool ( ) in the Glossary panel to search and convert specific text terms to linked glossary abbreviations. Also, vice versa you can use it to search glossary abbreviations and convert them to text terms.

You can configure the following settings of the Hotspot tool:

  • Glossary Keys: Select the glossary keys from the DITA map you want to use for the search in the selected topic. The selected keys will be displayed below. You can remove a selected key by clicking the Remove icon.

  • Topics: Choose either the Current Topic opened in the Web Editor, all Opened Topics in the current map, or the Current Map being edited in the Map Editor to search the terms.

  • Filter Topics by Status: You can choose to limit the search to topics that have the selected document status. The topics can be in Draft, Edit, In-Review, Approved, Reviewed, Done status, or in any one of the state as configured by the organization.

  • Action: You can choose to either search the glossary keys Manually for Each Topic or Automatically for All Topics. If you choose Manually for Each Topic, it prompts you to confirm before converting each term in every topic. If you choose Automatically for All Topics, it converts all terms in all the topics automatically.

  • Convert: You can either convert a searched Text to glossary term or Glossary term to text.

  • Options: You can select from the following options:

    • Case-sensitive Match: Searches for a term to find the match which has the same casing. For example, ‘USB’ will not match with ‘usb’.
    • Convert Only the First Instance: If multiple instances of the searched term are present in a topic, only the first instance is converted.
    • Check out File Before Conversion: The searched file is checked out before the terms are converted.
    • Create a New Version After Conversion: A new version of the topic is created after the conversion of terms has been completed.
  • Next button appears if you select Manually for each topic option. Click Next to convert the terms for each topic on the basis of the selected settings. It prompts for conversion of terms in each topic and moves to the next file. You can choose to convert a term or skip it and move to the next term.


  • Convert button appears if you select Automatically for All Topics option. Select Convert to convert all the terms found in the document to linked glossary abbreviations.

A list of the Topics Updated with the converted terms and Topics with Error is displayed. Hover over the ( ) icon near Topics with Error to see the details of the error.

Refresh the topic to view the converted terms.

Conditions -

The Conditions panel displays the conditional attributes defined by your administrator in the global or folder-level profile. You can add conditions to your content by simply dragging and dropping the desired condition onto your content. The conditional content is highlighted using the color defined for the condition for easy identification.

You can also apply multiple conditions on an element by dragging-and-dropping multiple conditions on an element. When you apply multiple conditions on an element, the Properties panel displays the applied conditions separated with a comma.

However, in the Code view the conditions are separated using a space delimiter. When you add or edit a condition in Code view, ensure that multiple conditions are separated using a space.

The following screenshot is of a user with administrative privileges. As a user with administrative privileges, you can add, edit, and delete conditions. Else, as a normal author, you will only get the option to apply conditions.

To add or define a condition, click the + icon next to Conditions panel to bring up the Define Condition dialog:

From the Attribute list, select the conditional attribute that you want to define, enter a value for the condition, then specify the label that is displayed in the Conditions panel. You can also define a color for the condition. This color is set as the background color of the content on which the condition is applied

To edit a condition, choose Edit from the Options menu. The Edit Condition dialog appears:

Specify the details in the same way as configured while defining a new condition.

Subject scheme -

Subject scheme maps are a specialized form of DITA maps that are used to define taxonomic subjects and controlled values. Depending upon your requirements, you can create a subject scheme map and reference it within your root map file. AEM Guides allows you to define the nested-level hierarchy of the subject definitions in your subject scheme.

You can easily create and then use the subject scheme in a subject scheme map. Once this map is added as your root map, the subject scheme is then shown in the Subject Scheme panel. The Subject Scheme panel displays the available subject scheme in a nested or hierarchical manner.

AEM Guides also supports nested level subject scheme maps, and you can have multiple subject schemes defined under the root subject scheme map.

The following example shows how to use subject scheme in AEM Guides.

  1. Create a subject scheme file in a tool of your choice. The following XML code creates subject scheme that binds values for the platform attribute.

    code language-xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE subjectScheme PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Subject Scheme Map//EN" "subjectScheme.dtd">
    <subjectScheme id="GUID-4f942f63-9a20-4355-999f-eab7c6273270">
        <!-- Define new OS values that are merged with those in the unixOS scheme -->
        <subjectdef keys="os">
            <subjectdef keys="linux">    </subjectdef>
            <subjectdef keys="mswin">    </subjectdef>
            <subjectdef keys="zos">    </subjectdef>
        <!-- Define application values -->
        <subjectdef keys="app" navtitle="Applications">
            <subjectdef keys="apacheserv">    </subjectdef>
            <subjectdef keys="mysql">    </subjectdef>
        <!-- Define an enumeration of the platform attribute, equal to       each value in the OS subject. This makes the following values       valid for the platform attribute: linux, mswin, zos -->
            <attributedef name="platform">    </attributedef>
            <subjectdef keyref="os">    </subjectdef>
        <!-- Define an enumeration of the otherprops attribute, equal to       each value in the application subjects.       This makes the following values valid for the otherprops attribute:       apacheserv, mysql -->
            <attributedef name="otherprops">    </attributedef>
            <subjectdef keyref="app">    </subjectdef>


  2. Save the file with a.ditamap extension and upload it to any folder in DAM.

    note note
    You can add a reference to the subject scheme file in the parent DITA map.


  3. Set the parent map as the root map in the User preferences. Once this map is added as your root map, the subject scheme is then shown in the Subject Scheme panel.


  4. In the Web Editor, open the file where you want to use the subject scheme definitions.

  5. Apply the subject scheme to your content by simply dragging and dropping the desired subject scheme onto your content. The content is then highlighted in the defined color.


Handling hierarchical definitions of subject definitions and enumerations

Besides handling the enumerations and the subject definitions present in the same map, AEM Guides also provides the feature to define enumerations and subject definitions in two separate maps. You can define one or more subject definitions in a map and the enumeration definitions in another map and then add the map reference. For example, the following XML code creates subject definitions and enumeration definitions in two separate maps.

The subject definitions are defined in subject_scheme_map_1.ditamap

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE subjectScheme PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Subject Scheme Map//EN" "../dtd/libs/fmdita/dita_resources/DITA-1.3/dtd/subjectScheme/dtd/subjectScheme.dtd">
    <subjectScheme id="subject-scheme.ditamap_f0bfda58-377b-446f-bf49-e31bc87792b3">


    <subjectdef keys="os" navtitle="Operating system">
        <subjectdef keys="linux" navtitle="Linux">
        <subjectdef keys="redhat" navtitle="RedHat Linux">
        <subjectdef keys="suse" navtitle="SuSE Linux">
        <subjectdef keys="windows" navtitle="Windows">
        <subjectdef keys="zos" navtitle="z/OS">
        <subjectdef keys="deliveryTargetValues">
        <subjectdef keys="print">
        <subjectdef keys="online">
    <subjectdef keys="mobile" navtitle="Mobile">
        <subjectdef keys="android" navtitle="Android">
        <subjectdef keys="ios" navtitle="iOS">
    <subjectdef keys="cloud" navtitle="Cloud">
        <subjectdef keys="aws" navtitle="Amazon Web Services">
        <subjectdef keys="azure" navtitle="Microsoft Azure">
        <subjectdef keys="gcp" navtitle="Google Cloud Platform">

The enumeration definition is present in subject_scheme_map_2.ditamap.

    ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!DOCTYPE subjectScheme PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Subject Scheme Map//EN" "../dtd/libs/fmdita/dita_resources/DITA-1.3/dtd/subjectScheme/dtd/subjectScheme.dtd">
        <subjectScheme id="subject-scheme.ditamap_17c433d9-0558-44d4-826e-3a3373a4c5ae">
        <mapref format="ditamap" href="subject_scheme_map_1.ditamap" type="subjectScheme">
        <attributedef name="platform">
        <subjectdef keyref="mobile">
        <subjectdef keyref="cloud">

Here subject definitions are defined in subject_scheme_map_1.ditamap while the enumeration def is present in subject_scheme_map_2.ditamap. The reference to subject_scheme_map_1.ditamap is also added in subject_scheme_map_2.ditamap.

As the subject_scheme_map_1.ditamap and subject_scheme_map_2.ditamap are referenced with each other hence the subject schemes are getting resolved.

The subject-enumeration references are resolved in the following order of priority:

  1. Same map
  2. Referenced map

The references are not resolved if the enumeration is not found in the same map and the referenced map.

Restrict the values to a specific element

You can also restrict the conditions to some elements within a topic. Use the <elementdef> tag to define the element and the <attributedef> tag to define the condition that can be applied to the element. If you don’t add the <elementdef> tag, you can apply the conditions to all elements.
For example, use the following enumeration to restrict the @platform attribute to the <shortdesc> element. The other conditions are visible for all elements.

    <elementdef name="shortdesc">
    <attributedef name="platform">
    <subjectdef keyref="deliveryTargetValues">
    <subjectdef keyref="os">

Attributes drop-down

You can also change the value of the subject scheme using the Attributes dropdown from the Content Properties panel in the Author view.
Perform the following steps to change the value:

  1. Select an attribute from the Attribute dropdown.
  2. Select Edit edit-icon .
  3. Select the required value from the Value dropdown.
  4. Click Update.

You can also apply values for an attribute by selecting multiple values from the dropdown.

Source View

You can also change the values from the attribute’s drop-down in the Source View. The Source View also prevents you from adding any incorrect value.

View and apply the subject scheme from the Conditions panel

You can also view and apply the subject scheme from the Conditions panel.

To view the subject scheme from the Conditions panel, your system administrator must select the option Show Subject Scheme in the Conditions panel under the Condition tab in Editor Settings. For more details see, Condtion tab.

The Conditions panel displays the flat vertical structure of the subject definitions within the subject scheme.

You can add conditions to your content by dragging and dropping the desired condition onto your content. The conditional content is highlighted using the color defined for the condition.

Snippets -

Snippets are small content fragments that can be reused across various topics in your documentation project. The Snippets panel shows a collection of content snippets that you have created. To insert a snippet, drag-and-drop the snippet from the panel to the desired location in your topic. The Snippets panel allows you to add, edit, delete, preview, and insert a snippet.

The following screenshot is of a user with administrative privileges. As a user with administrative privileges, you can add, edit, and delete snippets. Else, as a normal author, you will only get the options to preview and insert a snippet.

To add a snippet, use any of the following methods:

  • Click the + icon next to Snippets to open the New Snippet dialog.


    In the New Snippet dialog, provide a title which appears in the Snippets panel, a description, and XML code of the snippet content that you want to create. Click Create to save and create the snippet.

  • In the content editing area, right-click on the element’s breadcrumb that you want to use as a snippet and choose Create Snippet from the context menu. The New Snippet dialog appears with the XML code of the selected element populated in the Content field. Enter the Title and Description for the snippet and click Create to save the snippet.

  • In the content editing area, right-click anywhere on the content that you want to use as a snippet and choose Create Snippet from the context menu. The New Snippet dialog appears with the XML code of the selected element populated in the Content field. Enter the Title and Description for the snippet and click Create to save the snippet.

    The following screenshot highlights the breadcrumb and the content area from where you can invoke the context menu.


To insert a snippet, use any of the following methods:

  • Select a snippet from the Snippets panel and drag-and-drop it at the desired location in your topic.

  • Place the insertion point where you want to insert the snippet, from the Options menu of the required snippet, choose Insert Snippet.

From the context menu of a snippet entry, you can also choose to Edit, Delete, get a Preview, or Insert a Snippet.

Templates -

The Templates panel is available to only administrators. Using this panel, and administrator can easily create and manage templates that can then be used by the authors. By default, the templates are categorized under Map and Topic type templates.

By default, you can view the files by titles. As you hover over a template, you can view the file title and the file name as a tooltip.

As an administrator, you can also choose to view the list of files in the Web Editor. Select the File name option of the View files by section in User preferences .

To create a template, Click the + icon next to Templates and choose a template that you want to create. If you select Topic Template, the Create New Topic Template dialog appears:

Choose the type of template that you want to create from the Template drop-down list. Provide the Title, which appears in the Templates panel. The Name of the template is auto suggested based on the title, however, you can provide a different file name.

In case your administrator has enabled automatic file names based on UUID setting, then you will not see the Name field.

Once the template is created, you need to add it to your global or folder-level profile. After the template is added, your authors will start seeing the new template in the topic/map creation process.

Using the Options menu on an existing template, you can choose to Edit or Duplicate it. In case of duplication, the template’s structure and type (of document) is retained and you can reuse it to create another template from it.

Review -

AEM Guides provides the feature to display all the review tasks in your projects. You can view all the review projects and the active review tasks within the review projects, that you’re part of from the Review panel. You can then open the review tasks to view the comments of the various reviewers.

The review panel displays the review tasks. By default, you can view the files by titles. As you hover over a file, you can view the file title and the file path as a tooltip.

As an administrator, you can also choose to view the list of files by filenames in the Web Editor. Select the File name option of the View files by section in User preferences .

As an author, you can address the comments in a topic using the Web Editor.

To view the review comments in the active review tasks that are present in your projects, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Review on the left panel. The Review panel opens. All the review projects and the active review tasks within the review projects, that you’re part of are displayed.


  2. Select a review project and then select a review task from the list to open it.

  3. You can also filter your projects in the following ways:

    • Enter the search term or text you want to find in the title of the project. Then press Enter to perform the search. For example, you can search all projects with the term ‘space’ in the title.

    • Select to open the Filter dialog. You can select all or only specific projects. The selected projects are listed in the Review panel.

      The Tasks initiated by me option is enabled by default. It allows you to view only the tasks that you’ve initiated.

  4. By default, in your review project you will view a flat list of topics that have comments associated with them. Apply the required filters from the left rail to filter the topics based on the review comments present in them:

    • View all topics: Lists all topics present in the projects.
    • View topics with comments: List only the topics containing review comments.
  5. You can also enter the search term or text you want to find in the topic’s title or file path. The topics which contain the term in the title or the file path are listed.

  6. Double-click any topic to open it in the author view. You can view the comments in the Comments panel.

    note note
    The Review panel and the Comments panel are in sync at all times. In the Comments panel, the comments are loaded based on the review task loaded in the Review panel.
    For more information about how to address the comments, view Address review comments.

Find and Replace -

The Find and Replace icon is found at the bottom of the left panel. The Find and Replace panel allows you to search for and replace text across files in a map or a folder within your repository. You can find and replace in all topics of a map as well as topics present in the sub-maps within the map.

By default, you can view the files by titles. As you hover over a file, you can view the file title and the file path as a tooltip.

As an administrator, you can also choose to view the list of filenames in the Web Editor. Select the File name option of the View files by section in User preferences .

To perform the global search and replace, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the global Find and Replace panel.

  2. Click the Look into dropdown select one of the following options to perform the search.

    • Current Map: To search in the currently opened map

      note note
      This option appears if you have already opened a map for editing.
    • Path: To search on the selected path

    • Select Map: To search in the selected map

  3. You can click the Options dropdown and choose from the following options:

    • Checkout File Before Replace: Select this option if you want to checkout a file automatically before replacing the search term. This setting is more relevant in case your administrator has enabled the configuration to checkout a file before editing. With the backend setting enabled, you should select this option. It will prevent the file checkout dialog from prompting you to checkout every file before making any change. If you do not select this option, then a prompt will appear before a file is opened for editing.

    • Whole Word Only: Select this option if you want to search for the whole search string. For example, if you enter over in the search string, then the search result will return all files containing words like over and overview. If you want to restrict your search to return the exact term that is entered, then select this option.

    • Create New Version After Replace: Select this option if you want to create a new version of the topic in which you choose to replace the text. You can also provide version comments which will be added with each updated file.

      If you don’t select this option, then the changes are saved in the current version of the topic and no new version is created.

    • Include indirect reference: Select this option if you want to search the string in the indirect references also within the DITA map. By default, this is disabled so the search is performed only on the direct references.

  4. Enter the search term or text that you want to find.

  5. Enter the text with which you want to replace the search term.

  6. Press Enter or select Search icon ( ) to perform the search.

  7. Select a file from the search result list. The file is opened in the content editing area with the searched term highlighted in the content.

  8. Open the global Find and Replace panel.

  9. Click the Look into dropdown select one of the following options to perform the search.

    • Current Map: To search in the currently opened map

      note note
      This option appears if you have already opened a map for editing.
    • Path: To search on the selected path

    • Select Map: To search in the selected map

  10. You can click the Options dropdown and choose from the following options:

    • Checkout File Before Replace: Select this option if you want to checkout a file automatically before replacing the search term. This setting is more relevant in case your administrator has enabled the configuration to checkout a file before editing. With the backend setting enabled, you should select this option. It will prevent the file checkout dialog from prompting you to checkout every file before making any change. If you do not select this option, then a prompt will appear before a file is opened for editing.

    • Whole Word Only: Select this option if you want to search for the whole search string. For example, if you enter over in the search string, then the search result will return all files containing words like over and overview. If you want to restrict your search to return the exact term that is entered, then select this option.

    • Create New Version After Replace: Select this option if you want to create a new version of the topic in which you choose to replace the text. You can also provide version comments which will be added with each updated file.

      If you don’t select this option, then the changes are saved in the current version of the topic and no new version is created.

    • Include indirect reference: Select this option if you want to search the string in the indirect references also within the DITA map. By default, this is disabled so the search is performed only on the direct references.

  11. Enter the search term or text that you want to find.

  12. Enter the text with which you want to replace the search term.

  13. Press Enter or select Search icon ( ) to perform the search.

  14. Select a file from the search result list. The file is opened in the content editing area with the searched term highlighted in the content.

  15. Click Replace Single Occurrence ( ) to replace the currently highlighted search term in the topic or click Next Match or Previous Match to move to the next or previous occurrence of the text.

  16. Click Replace All in File ( )to replace all occurrences of the searched term in a single file with the replace term in a single click. You be shown a notification after replacing all the occurrences in the selected file.

    note note
    Hover over a file from the search result list to see Replace all in File icon on the right of it. You also get the Ignore File icon to remove the file from the search result. The files which you ignore are removed from the list and the searched term is not replaced in them.
  17. Click Replace All ( ) on the right at the top of the list to replace all occurrences of the searched term in all the files with the replace term in a single click.

    note note
    To enable the Replace all icon, your system administrator must select the option Enable Replace All under the General tab in Editor Settings.

Only one replace all operation can be performed at a time in the whole system, and till the time operation is being performed you will see “Replace all in progress” status. You can also abort the replace all operation in between or see the log report. If you abort the operation, you will receive a notification about it in your Inbox. You will be shown a success notification after replacing all the occurrences in the selected file.

You can also use the Find in Map option from the Options menu of a map to find and replace text in a map. This option appears for a map opened in the repository panel or in the map view.

Content editing area id2051EB000UI

The content editing area is where the content of your topic or map is displayed. You make all content edits in this area. It gives a WYSIWYG view of the content you are editing. You can have multiple topics opened at the same time, which are displayed in their respective tabs.

By default, you can view the file titles in the tabs. As you hover over a file, you can view the file title and the file path as a tooltip.

As an administrator, you can also choose to view the list of files by filenames in the tabs. Select the File name option of the View files by section in User preferences .

Below the file’s tab, you have the breadcrumb of the element at current cursor location. On the top-right corner of the content editing area, the version number of the current topic is displayed.

Right panel id2051EB003YK

The right panel is a persistent panel which contains information about the currently selected document.

The right panel is resizable. To resize the panel, bring the cursor on the panel boundary, the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, click and drag to resize the panel width.

The right panel gives you access to the following features:

Content Properties - content poperties

You can access the Content Properties feature by selecting the Content Properties icon in the right panel. The Content Properties panel contains information about the type of currently selected element in the document and its attributes.

Type: You can view and select the tags of the complete hierarchy for the current tag from the dropdown.

Attributes: The Attributes dropdown panel is available in Layout, Author, and Source views. You can easily add, edit, or delete the attributes.

  1. Click + Add.

    attrubutes in content properties {width="300"}

  2. In the Attribute dropdown panel, select the attribute from the dropdown list and specify an attribute’s value. Then click Add.

    attributes panel with multiple attributes {width="300"}

  3. To edit the attribute, hover over it and select Edit edit-icon .
    edit attributes {width="300"}

  4. To delete the attribute, hover over it and select Delete delete-icon .

Even if your topic contains referenced content, you can add attributes on it using the properties panel.

If your administrator has created a profile for attributes, then you will get those attributes along with their configured values. Using the content properties panel, you can choose those attributes and assign them to relevant content in your topic. This way you can also create conditional content, which can then be used to create conditional output. For more information about generating output using conditional presets, see Use condition presets.

File Properties -

View the properties of the selected file by clicking the File Properties icon in the right panel. The File Properties feature is available in all four modes or views: Layout, Author, Source, and Preview.

The File Properties has the following two sections:


The General section gives you access to the following features:


  • Name: Displays the filename of the selected topic. The filename is hyperlinked to the properties page of the selected file.
  • ID: Displays the ID of the selected topic.
  • Tags: These are the metadata tags of the topic. They are set from the tags field in the properties page. You can type or select them from the dropdown. The tags appear under the dropdown. To delete a tag, select the cross icon next to the tag.
  • Edit more properties: You can edit more properties from the file properties page.
  • Language: Shows the language of the topic. It is set from the language field in the properties page.
  • Created On: Displays date and time on which the topic was created.
  • Checked Out By: Shows the user who checked out the topic.
  • Document State: You can select and update the document state of the currently opened topic. For more details, See Document State.

Note: You can copy the attribute values of the various fields in the File properties to the clipboard.


The References section gives you access to the following features:

  • Used In: The Used In references list the documents where the current file is being referred or used.
  • Outgoing Links: The Outgoing Links lists the documents that are referred to in the current document.

By default, you can view the files by titles. As you hover over a file, you can view the file title and the file path as a tooltip.

As an administrator, you can also choose to view the list of files by filenames in the Web Editor. Select the File name option of the View files by section in User preferences .

Note: All Used In and Outgoing references are hyperlinked to the documents. You can easily open and edit the linked documents.

In addition to opening files, you can also perform many actions using the Options menu in the References section. Some of the actions that you can perform include Edit, Preview, Copy UUID, Copy Path, Add to Favorites, Properties, and Open Map dashboard.

Review -

Clicking the Review icon opens the review panel wherein you can create a review task for the currently opened document.

If you have created multiple Review projects, you can select one from the drop-down and access the review comments.

Using the review panel, you can view and post replies to the comments given on the topic. You can accept or reject the comments one by one.

For more information, see Address review comments.

Tracked Changes -

Using the Tracked Changes feature of the right panel, you can view the information of all updates made in a document. You can also search for any specific updates made to the document.

Tracked Changes feature shows all updates that have been tracked using the Enable/Disable Track Changes feature of the main toolbar. For more details, see Enable/Disable Track Changes.

Parent topic:Work with the Web Editor
