Usar el servicio de Places sin supervisión de región activa use-places-without-active-monitoring
Es posible que los casos de uso de la aplicación no requieran una monitorización activa de la región. El servicio Places se puede seguir utilizando para integrar los datos de ubicación de los usuarios con otros productos de Experience Platform.
Requisito previo
El desarrollador recopilará la ubicación del dispositivo utilizando las API proporcionadas por el sistema operativo de la plataforma de destino.
Para utilizar el servicio Places sin supervisión de región activa:
1. Recopilar la ubicación del usuario
El desarrollador de aplicaciones debe recopilar la ubicación actual del dispositivo mediante las API CoreLocation.framework
(iOS) o Location
proporcionadas por Google Play Services (Android).
Para obtener más información, consulte la siguiente documentación:
- CoreLocation (Apple)
- API de ubicación en Google Play Services (Google)
2. Recupere puntos de interés cercanos del SDK
Después de obtener la ubicación del usuario, puede pasarla al SDK para obtener una lista de los puntos de interés cercanos.
Esta es una implementación de ejemplo en Android que usa [BroadcastReceiver
](…%2F…índice n.º 5):
public class LocationBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
static final String ACTION_LOCATION_UPDATE = "locationUpdate";
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent == null || context == null) {
final String action = intent.getAction();
if (!ACTION_LOCATION_UPDATE.equals(action)) {
LocationResult result = LocationResult.extractResult(intent);
if (result == null) {
Location currentLocation = result.getLastLocation();
if (currentLocation == null) {
// ask the Places SDK for the 10 nearest Points of Interest based on the user's location
Places.getNearbyPointsOfInterest(currentLocation, 10,
new AdobeCallback<List<PlacesPOI>>() {
public void call(List<PlacesPOI> pois) {
// pois is the 10 nearest POIs based on the location
}, new AdobeCallback<PlacesRequestError>() {
public void call(PlacesRequestError placesRequestError) {
// Look for the placesRequestError and handle the error accordingly
Esta es una implementación de ejemplo para iOS. El código muestra la implementación del método locationManager:didUpdateLocations:
en CLLocationManagerDelegate
- (void) locationManager:(CLLocationManager*)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray<CLLocation*>*)locations {
// ask the Places SDK for the 10 nearest Points of Interest based on the user's location
[ACPPlaces getNearbyPointsOfInterest:[locations lastObject] limit:10 callback:^(NSArray<ACPPlacesPoi *> * _Nullable nearbyPoi) {
// nearbyPoi is the 10 nearest POIs based on the location
} errorCallback:^(ACPPlacesRequestError result) {
// log the error if we got one
NSLog(@"error: %lu", (unsigned long)result);
Esta es una implementación de ejemplo para iOS. El código muestra la implementación del método locationManager(_:didUpdateLocations:)
en CLLocationManagerDelegate
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
// ask the Places SDK for the 10 nearest Points of Interest based on the user's location
ACPPlaces.getNearbyPoints(ofInterest: locations.last!, limit: 10, callback: { (nearbyPoi) in
// nearbyPoi is the 10 nearest POIs based on the location
}) { (error) in
// log the error if we have one
print("error: \(error)")
3. Adjunte datos de Places a las solicitudes de Analytics
Al llamar a la API getNearbyPointsOfInterest
, el SDK de Places hará que todos los datos de puntos de interés relevantes para el dispositivo estén disponibles mediante elementos de datos en Launch. Mediante la regla Adjuntar datos, los datos de Places se pueden agregar automáticamente a solicitudes futuras de Analytics. Esto elimina la necesidad de realizar una llamada única a Analytics en el momento de recopilar la ubicación del dispositivo.
Consulte Agregar contexto de ubicación a solicitudes de Analytics para obtener más información sobre este tema.
Opcional: Déclencheur eventos de entrada cuando el usuario está en un punto de interés
La lista devuelta por la API getNearbyPointsOfInterest
contiene objetos personalizados que indican si el usuario se encuentra actualmente en un punto de interés (POI). Si el usuario se encuentra en un punto de interés, puede hacer que el déclencheur del SDK cree un evento de entrada para esa región.
(iOS) y SharedPreferences
(Android) para administrar la lista de regiones:Android
El siguiente ejemplo de código muestra la administración del resultado proporcionado en la devolución de llamada de getNearbyPointsOfInterest
, un List<PlacesPOI>
void handleUpdatedPOIs(final List<PlacesPOI> nearbyPois) {
// get the list of regions we know the user is already within from SharedPreferences
SharedPreferences preferences = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("places", 0);
Set<String> regionsUserIsAlreadyIn = preferences.getStringSet("regionsUserIsAlreadyIn", new HashSet<String>());
// loop through new placesPOIS and post entry events for pois that aren't already in our list
// also create the new list of regions that the user is in
Set<String> updatedRegionsUserIsIn = new HashSet<String>();
for (PlacesPOI poi : nearbyPois) {
// check if the user is in this poi
if (poi.containsUser()) {
// the user is in the poi, now we need to make sure we haven't already recorded this entry event
if (!regionsUserIsAlreadyIn.contains(poi.getIdentifier())) {
Geofence poiGeofence = new Geofence.Builder()
.setCircularRegion(poi.getLatitude(), poi.getLongitude(), poi.getRadius())
Places.processGeofence(poiGeofence, Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_ENTER);
// add the region to our new list of regions
// update SharedPreferences with our new list of regions
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("places", 0).edit();
editor.putStringSet("regionsUserIsAlreadyIn", updatedRegionsUserIsIn).apply();
El siguiente ejemplo de código muestra la administración del resultado proporcionado en la devolución de llamada de getNearbyPointsOfInterest:limit:callback:errorCallback:
, un NSArray<ACPPlacesPoi *> *
- (void) handleUpdatedPOIs:(NSArray<ACPPlacesPoi *> *)nearbyPois {
// get the list of regions we know the user is already within from user defaults
NSArray *regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
// loop through new nearbyPoi and post entry events for pois that aren't already in our list
// also creating the new list of known regions that the user is in
NSMutableArray *updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin = [@[] mutableCopy];
for (ACPPlacesPoi *poi in nearbyPois) {
// check if the user is in this poi
if (poi.userIsWithin) {
// the user is in the poi, now we need to make sure we haven't already recorded the entry event
if (![regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin containsObject:poi.identifier]) {
CLCircularRegion *region = [[CLCircularRegion alloc] initWithCenter:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(poi.latitude, poi.longitude)
[ACPPlaces processRegionEvent:region forRegionEventType:ACPRegionEventTypeEntry];
// add the region to our updated list
[updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin addObject:poi.identifier];
// update user defaults with the new list
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin forKey:@"regionsUserIsAlreadyIn"];
El siguiente ejemplo de código muestra la administración del resultado proporcionado en la devolución de llamada de getNearbyPoints(_ ofInterest: CLLocation, limit: UInt, callback: (([ACPPlacesPoi]?) -> Void)?, errorCallback: ((ACPPlacesRequestError) -> Void)?)
, un [ACPPlacesPoi]
func handleUpdatedPOIs(_ nearbyPois:[ACPPlacesPoi]) {
// get the list of regions we know the user is already within from user defaults
let regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin : [String] = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "regionsUserIsAlreadyIn") as! [String]
// loop through new nearbyPoi and post entry events for pois that aren't already in our list
// also creating the new list of known regions that the user is in
var updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin: [String] = []
for poi in nearbyPois {
// check if the user is in this poi
if poi.userIsWithin {
// the user is in the poi, now we need to make sure we haven't already recorded the entry event
if !regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin.contains(poi.identifier!) {
let region = CLCircularRegion.init(center: CLLocationCoordinate2D.init(latitude: poi.latitude, longitude: poi.longitude), radius: CLLocationDistance(poi.radius), identifier: poi.identifier!)
ACPPlaces.processRegionEvent(region, for: .entry)
// add the region to our updated list
// update user defaults with the new list
UserDefaults.standard.set(updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin, forKey: "regionsUserIsAlreadyIn")
Implementación de muestra completa
Los ejemplos de código siguientes muestran cómo recuperar la ubicación actual del dispositivo, almacenar en déclencheur los eventos de entrada necesarios y asegurarse de que no obtiene varias entradas para la misma ubicación en una visita.
Este ejemplo de código incluye el paso opcional de activar eventos de entrada cuando el usuario se encuentra en un punto de interés (POI).
public class LocationBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
static final String ACTION_LOCATION_UPDATE = "locationUpdate";
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent == null || context == null) {
final String action = intent.getAction();
if (!ACTION_LOCATION_UPDATE.equals(action)) {
LocationResult result = LocationResult.extractResult(intent);
if (result == null) {
Location currentLocation = result.getLastLocation();
if (currentLocation == null) {
// ask the Places SDK for the 10 nearest Points of Interest based on the user's location
Places.getNearbyPointsOfInterest(currentLocation, 10,
new AdobeCallback<List<PlacesPOI>>() {
public void call(List<PlacesPOI> pois) {
// pois is the 10 nearest POIs based on the location
}, new AdobeCallback<PlacesRequestError>() {
public void call(PlacesRequestError placesRequestError) {
// Look for the placesRequestError and handle the error accordingly
void handleUpdatedPOIs(final List<PlacesPOI> nearbyPois) {
// get the list of regions we know the user is already within from SharedPreferences
SharedPreferences preferences = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("places", 0);
Set<String> regionsUserIsAlreadyIn = preferences.getStringSet("regionsUserIsAlreadyIn", new HashSet<String>());
// loop through new placesPOIS and post entry events for pois that aren't already in our list
// also create the new list of regions that the user is in
Set<String> updatedRegionsUserIsIn = new HashSet<String>();
for (PlacesPOI poi : nearbyPois) {
// check if the user is in this poi
if (poi.containsUser()) {
// the user is in the poi, now we need to make sure we haven't already recorded this entry event
if (!regionsUserIsAlreadyIn.contains(poi.getIdentifier())) {
Geofence poiGeofence = new Geofence.Builder()
.setCircularRegion(poi.getLatitude(), poi.getLongitude(), poi.getRadius())
Places.processGeofence(poiGeofence, Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_ENTER);
// add the region to our new list of regions
// update SharedPreferences with our new list of regions
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("places", 0).edit();
editor.putStringSet("regionsUserIsAlreadyIn", updatedRegionsUserIsIn).apply();
- (void) locationManager:(CLLocationManager*)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray<CLLocation*>*)locations {
// ask the Places SDK for the 10 nearest Points of Interest based on the user's location
[ACPPlaces getNearbyPointsOfInterest:[locations lastObject] limit:10 callback:^(NSArray<ACPPlacesPoi *> * _Nullable nearbyPoi) {
// nearbyPoi is the 10 nearest POIs based on the location
[self handleUpdatedPOIs:nearbyPoi];
} errorCallback:^(ACPPlacesRequestError result) {
// log the error if we got one
NSLog(@"error: %lu", (unsigned long)result);
- (void) handleUpdatedPOIs:(NSArray<ACPPlacesPoi *> *)nearbyPois {
// get the list of regions we know the user is already within from user defaults
NSArray *regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
// loop through new nearbyPoi and post entry events for pois that aren't already in our list
// also creating the new list of known regions that the user is in
NSMutableArray *updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin = [@[] mutableCopy];
for (ACPPlacesPoi *poi in nearbyPois) {
// check if the user is in this poi
if (poi.userIsWithin) {
// the user is in the poi, now we need to make sure we haven't already recorded the entry event
if (![regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin containsObject:poi.identifier]) {
CLCircularRegion *region = [[CLCircularRegion alloc] initWithCenter:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(poi.latitude, poi.longitude)
[ACPPlaces processRegionEvent:region forRegionEventType:ACPRegionEventTypeEntry];
// add the region to our updated list
[updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin addObject:poi.identifier];
// update user defaults with the new list
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin forKey:@"regionsUserIsAlreadyIn"];
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
// ask the Places SDK for the 10 nearest Points of Interest based on the user's location
ACPPlaces.getNearbyPoints(ofInterest: locations.last!, limit: 10, callback: { (nearbyPoi) in
// nearbyPoi is the 10 nearest POIs based on the location
}) { (error) in
// log the error if we have one
print("error: \(error)")
func handleUpdatedPOIs(_ nearbyPois:[ACPPlacesPoi]) {
// get the list of regions we know the user is already within from user defaults
let regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin : [String] = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "regionsUserIsAlreadyIn") as! [String]
// loop through new nearbyPoi and post entry events for pois that aren't already in our list
// also creating the new list of known regions that the user is in
var updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin: [String] = []
for poi in nearbyPois {
// check if the user is in this poi
if poi.userIsWithin {
// the user is in the poi, now we need to make sure we haven't already recorded the entry event
if !regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin.contains(poi.identifier!) {
let region = CLCircularRegion.init(center: CLLocationCoordinate2D.init(latitude: poi.latitude, longitude: poi.longitude), radius: CLLocationDistance(poi.radius), identifier: poi.identifier!)
ACPPlaces.processRegionEvent(region, for: .entry)
// add the region to our updated list
// update user defaults with the new list
UserDefaults.standard.set(updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin, forKey: "regionsUserIsAlreadyIn")
Además de activar los eventos de entrada del servicio Places en el SDK, debido a los eventos de entrada que activan, el resto del SDK puede utilizar todos los datos que definen los puntos de interés a través de data elements
en el Experience Platform Launch. Con el Experience Platform Launch rules
, puede adjuntar dinámicamente los datos del servicio Places a los eventos entrantes que procesa el SDK. Por ejemplo, puede adjuntar los metadatos de un punto de interés en el que se encuentre el usuario y enviar los datos a Analytics como datos de contexto.
Para obtener más información, vea Usar el servicio Places con otras soluciones de Adobe.