Adobe Acrobat Sign modules

With the Adobe Acrobat Sign modules, you can start an Adobe Workfront Fusion scenario based on events in your Adobe Acrobat Sign account, create, read, or update agreements and other records, search for records using criteria you set, and upload documents.

Access requirements

You must have the following access to use the functionality in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Pro or higher
Adobe Workfront license*
Plan, Work
Adobe Workfront Fusion license**

Current license requirement: No Workfront Fusion license requirement.


Legacy license requirement: Workfront Fusion for Work Automation and Integration


Current product requirement: If you have the Select or Prime Adobe Workfront Plan, your organization must purchase Adobe Workfront Fusion as well as Adobe Workfront to use functionality described in this article. Workfront Fusion is included in the Ultimate Workfront plan.


Legacy product requirement: Your organization must purchase Adobe Workfront Fusion as well as Adobe Workfront to use functionality described in this article.

To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

For information on Adobe Workfront Fusion licenses, see Adobe Workfront Fusion licenses.

Adobe Acrobat Sign connector usage recommendations

The Adobe Sign app makes automating eSignature business processes in Fusion much easier and more powerful.

New users to Adobe Sign should pay close attention some of the constraints around updating agreements. Agreements are not typically changed once started. We recommend that new users of Adobe Sign focus on creating new agreements using the agreement creation module. This will make Fusion automations easier and work better with Adobe Sign.

Adobe Sign agreements need a field to work with. There are some options for doing this but the easiest and most common is uploading a transient document and then mapping that document to your agreement.

Adobe Acrobat Sign modules and their fields

When you configure Adobe Acrobat Sign modules, Workfront Fusion displays the fields listed below. Along with these, additional Adobe Acrobat Sign fields might display, depending on factors such as your access level in the app or service. A bolded title in a module indicates a required field.

If you see the map button above a field or function, you can use it to set variables and functions for that field. For more information, see Map information from one module to another in Adobe Workfront Fusion.


Watch for agreements

This trigger module starts a scenario when an agreement is created or updated.

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions
Filter Select whether you want to watch for new records, updated records, or both.
Record type Select the type of record that you want the record to watch.
Find text

Enter terms that you want to search for. The module returns records that include these terms as field values.

For more information on searching fields in Adobe Acrobat Sign, see "How text searching works" in Adobe Sign Search - How it works.

Maximum number of returned agreements Enter or map the maximum number of records you want the module to return during each scenario execution cycle.
Watch for events

This trigger module starts a scenario when an event that you select occurs.

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Webhook Select the webhook that you want to use, or click Add and fill in the following fields.
Webhook name Enter a name for the webhook
Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions.
  • Account

  • Group

  • User

  • Resource

    If you select Resource, Enter the Resource ID and the Resource type.

Resource level

Select the type of resource that you want to watch.

  • Agreements

  • Widgets

  • Megasigns

  • Library Documents

Webhook subscription events Select the Adobe Sign events that you want the module to watch.
Application display name The display name of the application through which the webhook is created.
Application name The display name of the application through which the webhook is created.
Problem notification emails

This setting works only for admin accounts

For each email address that you want to sent problem notification emails to, click Add and enter the email address.

Agreement conditional parameters If you want to add any conditional parameters, select Yes on the record type that you want to add parameters to, then select Yes on any parameters you want to enable.


Create a record

This action module creates a new record of the selected type.

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions
Headers Add the headers of the request in the form of a standard JSON object.For example, {"Content-type":"application/json"}
Record type

Select the type of record you want to create.

  • Group

  • Library document

  • User

  • Web form (Widget)

Group info Enter or map the group's Name and ID, and indicate whether this group is the default group for the account.
Library document info

Fill in the following fields:

  • Files to send

    For each file you want to add, click Add item and fill in the fields.

    • Transient document ID

      Enter the ID of the transient document

    • URL file transfer

      Fill in the following fields:

      • Mime-Type

        Enter the mime type of the original file. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) types are labels that allow software to identify different types of data shared on the internet. Web servers and browsers use the MIME type to determine what should be done with a file. For example, a file with the MIME type text/html will be processed in a browser differently than a file with MIME type image/jpeg.

      • Name

        Enter a name for the file.

      • URL

        Enter the URL of the file that you want to send.

    • Notarize

      Select whether this document needs to be notarized.

  • Library template name

    Enter or map the name of the library template

  • Sharing mode

    Specify who should have access to the library document.

  • Library document state

    Select whether the document is in authoring state or active.

  • Library template type

    For each library template type you want to use, click Add item and select the template type.

  • Last event date

    Enter the last date that an event occurred on the library document.

    For a list of supported date and time formats, see Type coercion in Adobe Workfront Fusion.

  • Library document status

    Select the status of the library document.

User info

Fill in the following fields:

  • Email

    Enter the email address of the user.

  • Is account admin

    Check this option if the created user is an account administator.

  • User ID

    Enter the unique ID of the user

  • Account ID

    Enter the unique ID of the Adobe Acrobat Sign account associated with this user.

  • First name

    Enter the first name of the user.

  • Last name

    Enter the last name of the user

  • Company

    Enter the name of the user's company.

  • Initials

    Enter the initials of the user.

  • Locale

    Enter the locale of the user. This determines the language of the UI.

  • Phone

    Enter the phone number of the user

  • Primary group ID

    Enter the group to which the new user is added. If nothing is entered, the user will be added to the default group for the account.

  • Job title

    Enter the job title of the user.

Web form info

Fill in the following fields

  • File info

    For each file you want to add to the web form, click Add and fill in the following fields:

    • File type


    • Transient document

    • URL file info

  • Web form name

    Enter a name for the web form. This name is used to identify the web form in places such as emails and websites.

  • Web form state

    Select the state in which the new web form should be created.

  • Web form participant set info

    • Member info

      For each member that you want to add to the participant set, click Add item.

      • Email

        Leave this option blank.

      • Security option

        If you want to add a security option for authenticating this user, select Yes, then select the security option and fill in any fields it requires.

    • Role

      Select the role. All members of this participant set share the role.

  • Web form additional participant sets info

    • Member info

      For each member that you want to add to the participant set, click Add item.

      • Email

        Leave this option blank.

      • Security option

        If you want to add a security option for authenticating this user, select Yes, then select the security option and fill in any fields it requires.

    • Role

    • Web form participant ID

      Enter the ID of the web form participant.

    • Order

      Specify the order of when this participant set should interact with the web form. For example, the participant group that has the an order value of 1 must go first, 2 must go next, and so on. Order numbers must begin with one, and have no gaps in the series.

    • Provider participant set info

      If the participant is unknown, enter whether the provider must provide details for the participant, and enter a message with the details that you require for the unknown participant.

  • Authentication failure info

    If you want to provide a failure or error page for your users, select Yes, then fill in the following fields:

    • URL

      Enter the URL for the error page

    • Deframe

      Enable this option if you want the error page to appear inside the web form

    • Delay

      Enter the delay, in seconds, before the user is redirected to the error page.

  • CC info

    For each email address that you want to receive an email when the final agreement on the web form is signed, click Add item and enter the email address.

  • Completion info

    If you want to provide a success page for your users, select Yes, then fill in the following fields:

    • URL

      Enter the URL for the success page

    • Deframe

      Enable this option if you want the success page to appear inside the web form

    • Delay

      Enter the delay, in seconds, before the user is redirected to the success page.

  • Group ID

    Enter the ID of the group to which the web form belongs. If nothing is entered, the web form belongs to the primary group of the account user.

  • Last event date

    Enter the date that the last event occurred on the web form. Use the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ.

  • Locale

    Enter the locale of the user. This determines the language of the UI.

  • Security option

    Enter the password used to secure the document. You must separately communicate this password to any relevant parties.

  • Vaulting info

    If your account is set up for document vaulting and the option to enable per agreement, you can enable this option to vault this agreement.

Create an agreement

This action module creates an agreement, sends it out for signature, and returns the agreement ID.

note note
We recommend uploading the document to sign as a transient document, then mapping it to the File to send field in the Create an agreement module. For an example, see “Upload document” in this article.
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Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions
Headers Add the headers of the request in the form of a standard JSON object.For example, {"Content-type":"application/json"}
Files to send

For each item you want to include in the agreement, click Add Item and fill in the following fields:

  • File Type

    • Document

      Fill in the following fields:

      • Created date

        Enter or map the date that the document was created in the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. For example, 2016-02-25T18:46:19Z represents UTC time.

      • ID

        Enter or map the ID of the document.

      • Label

        Enter or map a unique label for the file. In case of custom workflow this will map a file to corresponding file element in workflow definition. This must be specified in case of custom workflow agreement creation request.

      • Number of pages

        Enter or map the number of pages in the document.

      • Mime-Type

        Enter or map the mime type of the original file. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) types are labels that allow software to identify different types of data shared on the internet. Web servers and browsers use the MIME type to determine what should be done with a file. For example, a file with the MIME type text/html will be processed in a browser differently than a file with MIME type image/jpeg.

      • Name

        Enter or map a name for the document.

    • Library document ID

      Enter the ID of the library document

    • Transient document ID

      Enter the ID of the transient document

    • URL file transfer

      Fill in the following fields:

      • Mime-Type

        Enter the mime type of the original file. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) types are labels that allow software to identify different types of data shared on the internet. Web servers and browsers use the MIME type to determine what should be done with a file. For example, a file with the MIME type text/html will be processed in a browser differently than a file with MIME type image/jpeg.

      • Name

        Enter a name for the file.

      • URL

        Enter the URL of the file that you want to send.

  • Label

    Enter a label for the file.

  • Notarize

    Enable this option to indicate that the file must be notarized.

Agreement name Enter a name for the new agreement. This name is used to identify the agreement in places such as emails and websites.
Participant sets info

For each participant set you want to add, click Add item and fill in the following fields.

  • Members

    For each person that you want to add to the participant set, click Add item and enter the person's email address.

  • Order

    Specify the order of when this participant set should sign the agreement. For example, the participant group that has the an order value of 1 must sign first, 2 must sign next, and so on. Order numbers must begin with one, and have no gaps in the series.

  • Role

    Select a role for this participant set. All participants in the set receive this role.

  • ID

    Enter or map the ID of this participant set.

  • Label

    Enter or map a unique label for the participant set. For custom workflows, label specified in the participation set should map it to the participation step in the custom workflow.

  • Name

    Enter a name for the participant set. This name must be unique within the agreement.

  • Private message

    Enter or map a message for this participant set. All participants in the set receive this message.

  • Visible pages

    If limited document visibility is enabled for this agreement, specify which files are visible to this participant set.

Signature type

Select the type of signature that the agreement requires.

  • E-sign

    The agreement must be electronically signed.

  • Written

    The agreement must be signed by hand, and the signed agreement must be scanned and uploaded.


Select a state for this agreement.

  • Authoring

    You can still edit or add fields to this agreement.

  • Draft

    You can incrementally build this agreement before sending it out.

  • In Process

    This agreement will be sent immediately.


You can send this agreement to interested parties that do not need to sign, such as stakeholders. They receive an email at the beginning of the signing process and another when the final signature is received. They also receive a PDF copy of the agreement.

For each person that you want to CC on this agreement, click Add item and fill in the following fields:

  • Email

    Enter or map the email address that you want to CC on the agreement.

  • Label

    Enter or map a label for this email address, as seen in the workflow description

  • Visible pages

  • If limited document visibility is enabled for this agreement, specify which files are visible to this participant set.

Email option

For each type of email, select whether that type of email is sent to all participants or none.

  • Completion emails

    Send an email when this agreement is completed, cancelled, expired, or rejected.

  • In-Flight emails

    Sent an email when this agreement is delegated or replaced.

  • Agreement initiation emails

    Send an email when this agreement is created or when an action on it is requested.

External ID

Enter or map an ID for this agreement. You can specify this when the agreement is created, and use it to locate the agreement in later modules or queries.

Note: The External ID value is visible to all participants through the API, so it should not be used to contain a sensitive token.

Merge field info

For each field in the agreement that you want to put a default value for, click Add item and enter the default value and the field name.

The values will be presented to the signers for editable fields For read-only fields the provided values will not be editable during the signing process.

Notary info

Fill in the following fields:

  • Appointment

    Enter or map a proposed time and date for the appointment to notarize this agreement.

  • Note

    Enter or map any notes that you want to include about the notary session.

  • Payment

    Select whether the notary is paid by the signer or the sender of the agreement.

  • Notary Type

    Select the type of notary

    • Provider notary

      The notary is provided by the notary provider.

    • BYON notary

      The notary is provided by the customer.

Post sign option

Select whether you want the signers to be directed to a success page after the agreement is signed. If you select Yes, fill in the following fields:

  • Redirect delay

    Enter or map a number representing the number of seconds before the signer is redirected to the success page. If this value is greater than 0, the user will first see the standard Adobe Sign success message, and then after a delay will be redirected to your success page.

  • Redirect URL

    Enter or map a publicly accessible URL to which the user will be sent after successfully completing the signing process.

Security option

Enter or map the secondary password that will be used to secure the PDF document.

Important: Adobe Sign will never share this password, so you must separately communicate it to any relevant parties.

Vaulting info If your account is set up for document vaulting and the option to enable per agreement, you can enable this option to vault this agreement.
Create related records

This action module creates records linked to a module you select.

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions.

Add the headers of the request in the form of a standard JSON object.

For example, {"Content-type":"application/json"}

Workfront Fusion adds authorization headers automatically.

Record type Select the record type of the original record that you want to associate the created records with.
Agreement/Library document/User/Widget ID Enter or map the ID of the object that you want to associate the created record with.
Agreement related field

Select the type of related field that you want to create

  • Form fields

    Enter the Template ID of the template that contains the fields you want to create

  • Reminders

    Fill in the following fields:

    • Recipient participant ID

      For each participant that you want to receive a reminder, click Add item, and enter the ID of the participant.

    • Status

      For new records, the status must be Active.

    • First reminder delay

      Enter the delay in hours before sending the first reminder. The minimum value allowed is 1 hour and the maximum value can't be more than the difference of agreement creation and expiry time of the agreement in hours. If this delay is not set, the first reminder will be based on the frequency.

    • Reminder frequency

      Set the frequency at which you want the reminder sent. If frequency is not provided, the reminder will be sent once.

    • Last sent date

      This field is set by the system.

    • Next sent date

      This field must be blank or set to ONCE.

    • Note

      Enter a note to be included with the reminder. This is useful to tell the participant why their participation is required.

    • Start reminder counter from

      Select whether the reminder is sent based on when the agreement is created on when it becomes available.

  • Signer identity report

    Enter the password used to secure the PDF document.

  • Views

    Enter the following fields

    • Name

      Select the name of the view you want to create.

    • Auto login user

      Select Yes to automatically login the user to the returned URL.

    • Frame Parent

      Enter or map a comma-separated list of parent domain URLs where the returned URLs may be iframed. If left empty, the Adobe Acrobat Sign pages are not viewable in iframe.

    • Locale

      Enter the language that you want to create the view in.

    • No chrome flag

      Select Yes to show the embedded page without a navigation header or footer.

    • Can edit files

      Select Yes if you want the file upload section to be edited by adding or removing files. This is not an access control machanism. The default is Yes.

    • Library document

      Select Yes if you want library document links to be visible. The default is Yes.

    • Local file

      Select Yes if you want the local file upload button to appear. The default is Yes.

    • Web connectors

      Select Yes if you want the links to attach documents from web sources to appear. The default is Yes.

    • Is preview selected

      Select Yes to set the Compose page to Authoring mode.

  • Member share

    For each member that you want to share the agreement with, Click Add item and enter the member's email address and a message to that member.

  • Delegate participant set

    • Participant set ID

      Enter the ID of the participant set

    • Member info

      For each member you want to add, click Add item and enter the email address and phone information for the member.

    • Private message

      Enter a message. All members of the participant set receive this message.

Library view info

Fill in the following fields:

  • Name

    Enter a name for the library template. This name is used in emails and websites.

  • Auto login user

    Select Yes to automatically login the user to the returned URL.

  • Frame parent

    Enter or map a comma-separated list of parent domain URLs where the returned URLs may be iframed. If left empty, the Adobe Acrobat Sign pages are not viewable in iframe.

  • Locale

    Enter the language that you want to create the view in.

  • No chrome flag

    Select Yes to show the embedded page without a navigation header or footer.

  • Send view configuration

    Select Yes if you want to configure the Send view, then fill in the following fields.

    • Agreement name

      Enter or map the agreement name for the library document on the compose page.

    • Can edit files

      Select Yes if you want the file upload section to be edited by adding or removing files. This is not an access control machanism. The default is Yes.

    • Local file

      Select Yes if you want library document links to be visible. The default is Yes.

    • Web connectors

      Select Yes if you want the links to attach documents from web sources to appear. The default is Yes.

    • Is preview selected

      Select Yes to set the Compose page to Authoring mode.

User view info

Fill in the following fields

  • Name

    Select the name of the requested user view.

  • Auto login user

    Select Yes to automatically log the user in. Select No to require credentials. The default is No.

  • Frame parent

    Enter or map a comma-separated list of parent domain URLs where the returned URLs may be iframed. If left empty, the Adobe Acrobat Sign pages are not viewable in iframe.

  • No chrome flag

    Select Yes to show the embedded page without a navigation header or footer.

Widget related fields

Select the related record that you want to create.

  • Views

    Fill in the following fields.

    • Name

      Select the name of the requested web form view

    • Auto login user

      Select Yes to automatically log the user in. Select No to require credentials. The default is No.

    • Frame parent

      Enter or map a comma-separated list of parent domain URLs where the returned URLs may be iframed. If left empty, the Adobe Acrobat Sign pages are not viewable in iframe.

    • Locale

      Enter the language that you want to create the view in.

    • No chrome flag

      Select Yes to show the embedded page without a navigation header or footer.

    • Personalized signing view configuration

      If you want to configure a personalized signing view, select Yes and fill in the following fields:

      • Email

        Enter the email address of the person who receives the newly created web form

      • Comment

        Enter a comment describing how the API caller established the signer's identity. This information appears in the Adobe Acrobat Sign audit trail.

      • Expiration

        Enter an expiration date for the personalization of this web form.

        For a list of supported date and time formats, see Type coercion in Adobe Workfront Fusion.

      • Reusable

        Select Yes if you want the intended signer to be able to sign the form more than once.

  • Member share

    For each member that you want to share the agreement with, Click Add item and enter the member's email address and a message to that member.

Custom API Call

This module allows you to perform a custom API call.

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions.

Enter a path relative to https://api.[region]

Note: For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Adobe Sign API Reference.

Method Select the HTTP request method you need to configure the API call. For more information, see HTTP request methods in Adobe Workfront Fusion.

Add the headers of the request in the form of a standard JSON object.

For example, {"Content-type":"application/json"}

Workfront Fusion adds authorization headers automatically.

Query String Enter the request query string.

Add the body content for the API call in the form of a standard JSON object.


When using conditional statements such as if in your JSON, put the quotation marks outside of the conditional statement.

Upload a transient document

If you want to upload a transient document, enter the source file for the document you want to upload.

Select a source file from a previous module, or map the source file's name and data.

List records

This action module lists all records of the selected type that the account has access to.

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions.

Add the headers of the request in the form of a standard JSON object.

For example, {"Content-type":"application/json"}

Workfront Fusion adds authorization headers automatically.

Record type Select the type of record that you want to retrieve related records for.
Locale Enter the locale of the user. This determines the language of the UI.
External ID Enter or map the External ID (an ID assigned outside of Adobe Acrobat Sign) for the agreements you want to return.
Group ID Enter the ID of the group associated with the records you want to list.
Show hidden (records) Enable this option if you want to include hidden records in your results.
Cursor / Start index

Enter the number of the first record that the module should return.

Note: This field is combined with the Maximum number of returned records field for pagination. For example, if the Maximum number of returned events is 100, and the Start index is 101, the module returns records 101-200, or the second page of results.

Maximum number of returned records

Enter or map the maximum number of records you want the module to [action] during each scenario execution cycle.

Note: This field is combined with the Cursor or Start Index field for pagination. For example, if the Maximum number of returned events is 100, and the Start index is 101, the module returns records 101-200, or the second page of results.

Parent domain URLs Enter or map a comma-separated list of parent domain URLs where the returned URLs may be iframed. If left empty, the Adobe Acrobat Sign pages are not viewable in iframe.
Read a record

This action module retrieves information from a single record.

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions.

Add the headers of the request in the form of a standard JSON object.

For example, {"Content-type":"application/json"}

Workfront Fusion adds authorization headers automatically.

Record type Select the type of record that you want to retrieve related records for.
Record ID Enter or map the ID of the record you want to retrieve.
Read related records

Read additional information related to a single record.

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions.

Add the headers of the request in the form of a standard JSON object.

For example, {"Content-type":"application/json"}

Workfront Fusion adds authorization headers automatically.

Record type Select the type of record that you want to retrieve related records for.
Record ID (Example: Account ID) Enter or map the ID of the record you want to retrieve related records for.
Other fields Enter information in specific fields based on record type and related fields.
Update a record

This action module updates a single record in Adobe Acrobat Sign.

note important
  • As a best practice, if you are anticipating substantial changes to an agreement, we recommend creating a new agreement rather than updating the existing agreement.
  • Some updates feature required fields. As you configure your update, be sure to fill out all required fields. Required fields are bold in Workfront Fusion modules.
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions.

Add the headers of the request in the form of a standard JSON object.

For example, {"Content-type":"application/json"}

Workfront Fusion adds authorization headers automatically.

Record ID Enter or map the ID of the record you want to update.
Record type Select the type of record that you want to update.
Other fields

Enter information in specific fields based on record type and related fields.

  • Agreement

    As a best practice, if you are anticipating substantial changes to an agreement, we recommend creating a new agreement rather than updating the existing agreement.

  • Library document

    Select the fields you want to update, then fill in the selected fields:

    • Status

      Select the new status for the library document.

    • Name

      Enter or map the name of the library template

    • Sharing mode

      Specify who should have access to the library document.

    • Library template type

      For each library template type you want to use, click Add item and select the template type.

  • User

    Select the fields you want to update, then fill in the selected fields:

    • First name

      Enter the first name of the user.

    • Last name

      Enter the last name of the user

    • Company

      Enter the name of the user's company.

    • Phone

      Enter the phone number of the user

    • Primary group ID

      Enter the group to which the new user is added. If nothing is entered, the user will be added to the default group for the account.

    • Job title

      Enter the job title of the user.

  • Web form (widget)

    Enter information in specific fields based on record type and related fields.

Update related record

This action module updates records related to a specific object.

note important
  • As a best practice, if you are anticipating substantial changes to an agreement, we recommend creating a new agreement rather than updating the existing agreement.
  • Some updates feature required fields. As you configure your update, be sure to fill out all required fields. Required fields are bold in Workfront Fusion modules.
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions.

Add the headers of the request in the form of a standard JSON object.

For example, {"Content-type":"application/json"}

Workfront Fusion adds authorization headers automatically.

Record type Select the record type of the record that the related fields are associated with.
Agreement/Library document/User/Widget ID Enter or map the ID of the object that you want to associate the created record with.
Other fields

Enter information in specific fields based on record type and related fields.

  • Agreement

    As a best practice, if you are anticipating substantial changes to an agreement, we recommend creating a new agreement rather than updating the existing agreement.

  • Library document

    Select the fields you want to update, then fill in the selected fields:

    • State

      Select the new status for the library document.

    • Note

      Enter or map the text of the note.

    • Visibility

      Select whether the library document is shown or gidden.

  • User

    Select the fields you want to update, then fill in the selected fields:

    • Group info list

      Fill in the following fields

      • Status

        Select the new status for the user.

      • ID

        Enter the unique ID of the group

      • Is group admin

        Select Yes to make this user a group administrator.

      • Is primary group

        Select Yes to update this group to the user's primary group.

      • Created date

        Enter the date the group was created.

        For a list of supported date and time formats, see Type coercion in Adobe Workfront Fusion.

      • Name

        Enter or map the name of the group.

      • Library document creation visible

        These settings determine whether the user can create library documents

        • Value


        • Inherited

          Inherit group setting from group or account

      • Send restricted to workflows

        These settings determine whether the user can create agreements only using workflows.

        • Value


        • Inherited

          Inherit group setting from group or account

      • User can send

        • Value


        • Inherited

          Inherit group setting from group or account

    • State

      Select the new state for the user, and enter a comment regarding why you want to activate or deactivate the user.

    • Locale

      Enter the locale of the user. This determines the language of the UI.

  • Web form (widget)

    Enter information in specific fields based on record type and related fields.

Upload document

Upload a transient document. A transient document is available for 7 days after it is uploaded.

note note
We recommend uploading the document to sign as a transient document, then mapping it to the File to send field in the Create an agreement module.
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions.

Add the headers of the request in the form of a standard JSON object.

For example, {"Content-type":"application/json"}

Workfront Fusion adds authorization headers automatically.

Record ID Enter or map the ID of the record you want to update
MIME type Enter the mime type of the original file. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) types are labels that allow software to identify different types of data shared on the internet. Web servers and browsers use the MIME type to determine what should be done with a file. For example, a file with the MIME type text/html will be processed in a browser differently than a file with MIME type image/jpeg.

Example: In this workflow, the document to sign (previously downloaded from Workfront) is uploaded as a transient document.

The Upload document module gives the document an Adobe Acrobat Sign ID that can be referenced in later modules. When the agreement is created, the uploaded document’s ID is included in the Files to send field.


Search agreements

This search module searches for agreements based on criteria you provide.

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2 11-row-2 12-row-2 13-row-2 14-row-2 15-row-2 16-row-2 17-row-2 18-row-2 19-row-2 20-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Connection For instructions about connecting your Adobe Acrobat Sign account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions.

Add the headers of the request in the form of a standard JSON object.

For example, {"Content-type":"application/json"}

Text filter

Search for text in the agreement metadata.

  • Find text

    Enter text that you want to find in agreement metadata. Each word is treated as a separate text item.

  • Find text in

    Select the metadata fields that you want to find text in. If you select nothing, the modules searches all metadata.

The module returns any agreement that contains any of the entered text in any of the selected fields. Example: entering "spring campaign" and selecting the Title and Note options returns any agreements with the words "Spring" or "Campaign" in either Title or Note.

For more information on searching fields in Adobe Acrobat Sign, see "How text searching works" in Adobe Sign Search - How it works.

Created date Select dates. The module returns only records where the created date matches this criteria.
Expiration date Select dates. The module returns only records where the expiration date matches this criteria.
Modified date Select dates. The module returns only records where the modified date matches this criteria.
External ID

External ID is a sender-assigned ID to the agreement that can be of any form, but usually in form of "<groupID>:<ID>".

For each External ID you want to add, click Add and enter or map the External ID.

Group ID

Group ID is an identifier assigned when the group was created.

For each External ID you want to add, click Add and enter or map the External ID.

Asset ID

This is the ID assigned to the specific agreement.

For each External ID you want to add, click Add and enter or map the External ID.

Parent ID

This is the ID assigned to the agreement's parent object.

For each External ID you want to add, click Add and enter or map the External ID.

Participant email

The email address of a participant.

For each External ID you want to add, click Add and enter or map the External ID.

Role Select roles that you want the returned results to include.
Sort by If you want the module to sort the results, select the field that you want to sort results by.
Sort order If you want the module to sort the results, select whether you want to sort ascending or descending.
Status Select the statuses that you want the returned results to include.
Type Select the agreement types that you want the returned results to include.
Subtypes Select the agreement subtypes that you want the returned results to include. Only Library template agreements feature subtypes.
User ID

The User ID of the user that the agreement is shared with.

For each User ID you want to add, click Add and enter or map the User ID.

Visibility Select the visibility level that you want the returned results to include.
Start index

Enter the position of the first result that you want to return. Combine this with the maximum returned results to paginate results

Example: if you return 100 results at a time, enter 100 to return results 100-200.

Maximum number of returned results Enter or map the maximum number of records you want the module to [action] during each scenario execution cycle.