General functions in Adobe Workfront Fusion

Access requirements

You must have the following access to use the functionality in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Pro or higher
Adobe Workfront license*
Plan, Work
Adobe Workfront Fusion license**

Current license requirement: No Workfront Fusion license requirement.


Legacy license requirement: Workfront Fusion for Work Automation and Integration


Current product requirement: If you have the Select or Prime Adobe Workfront Plan, your organization must purchase Adobe Workfront Fusion as well as Adobe Workfront to use functionality described in this article. Workfront Fusion is included in the Ultimate Workfront plan.


Legacy product requirement: Your organization must purchase Adobe Workfront Fusion as well as Adobe Workfront to use functionality described in this article.

To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

For information on Adobe Workfront Fusion licenses, see Adobe Workfront Fusion licenses.

get (object or array; path)

Returns the value path of an object or array. To access nested objects, use dot notation. The first item in an array is index 1.

  • get( array ; 1 + 1 )
  • get( array ; 5.raw_name )
  • get( object ; raw_name )
  • get( object ; raw_name.sub_raw_name )

if (expression; value1; value2)

Returns the value1 if the expression is evaluated to true; otherwise it returns the value2.

  • if( 1 = 1 ; A ; B )

    Returns A

  • if( = 2 ; A ; B )

    Returns B

ifempty (value1; value2)

Returns the value1 if this value is not empty; otherwise it returns the value2.

  • ifempty( A ; B )

    Returns A

  • ifempty( unknown ; B )

    Returns B

  • ifempty( "" ; B )

    Returns B

switch (expression; value1; result1; [value2; result2; …]; [else])

Evaluates one value (called the expression) against a list of values; returns the result corresponding to the first matching value.

  • switch( B ; A ; 1 ; B ; 2 ; C ; 3 )

    Returns 2

  • switch( C ; A ; 1 ; B ; 2 ; C ; 3 )

    Returns 3

  • switch( X ; A ; 1 ; B ; 2 ; C ; 3 ; 4 )

    Returns 4

omit(object; key1; [key2; …])

Omits the given keys of the object and returns the rest.

omit( User ; password )
Returns a collection of the user’s information, excluding the password.

pick(object; key1; [key2; …])

Picks only the given keys from the object.

pick( User ; password ; email )
Returns a collection of only the user’s password and email address.