
For prerequisites to using Enhanced Analytics, see Prerequisites in Enhanced analytics overview.

Change the date range filter

By default, the visualizations in the Enhanced analytics area show data for the last 60 days and the next 15 days. You can select a new date range and apply it to all visualizations in the Enhanced analytics area. If you navigate away from the page, the default date range is applied the next time you navigate back.

You can also use keys on your keyboard to navigate to, open, and select a date range from the calendar widget.
For more information, see the Keyboard shortcuts section in the article Enhanced analytics overview.

To select a new date range:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Analytics.

  2. On the top right, click the date range field to open the calendar view.

  3. Use the arrows above the calendar to locate the month of your start date, then select the start date.

    Select date range

  4. Use the arrows above the calendar to locate the month of your end date, then select the end date.

  5. (Optional) To zoom in on a smaller date range, drag the mouse from one specific date to another on one of the visualizations.

    All visualizations on the screen update to match the selected timeframe, and a Timeframe filter appears next to any existing filters. This filter is not retained if you log out or navigate away from the Enhanced analytics area.

    Timeframe filter

Add a filter

You can add filters based on default project fields, custom form fields, and home teams assigned to projects.

You can also use keys on your keyboard to navigate to and add a new filter.
For more information, see the Keyboard shortcuts section in the article Enhanced analytics overview.

Add a project field filter

Project field filters allow you to filter data for projects and tasks based on the values entered in fields that are included on projects by default.

The following project field filter types are available:

FieldData displayed
ProjectDisplays data only for the selected project(s)
ProgramDisplays data only for projects in the selected program(s)
PortfolioDisplays data only for projects in the selected portfolio(s)
ConditionDisplays data only for projects that most recently had the selected condition(s) (on target, at risk, or in trouble)
StatusDisplays data only for projects that most recently had the selected statuses (complete, current, on hold, cancelled, etc.)
SponsorDisplays data only for projects with the selected sponsor(s)
Project OwnerDisplays data only for projects with the selected project owner(s)

Custom form filters work differently. For more information, see Add a project custom form filter.

To add a project field filter:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Analytics.

  2. On the top left, click Add Filter, then select the desired filter type.

    Different filter types display different data. You can use only one filter type in a filter. After you select it, a filter type isn’t available to use in another project field filter.
  3. Locate the values you want to see data for by entering at least three characters of text in the Search field, then select each value you want to include in the filter.

    To select all current values, click Select All.

    Select filter value

  4. After you select all desired values, click Apply Filter.

    The project count on the top right updates to reflect your applied filters.

  5. Repeat these steps for each filter you want to add.

    As you add filters, data displays in the visualizations below for up to 50 projects.

    To see data for more than the 50 projects that display by default, you can:
    • Use the arrows on the bottom left to display the next 50 projects in that visualization.
      Pagination arrow

    • Use the Sort by drop-down menu on a visualization to view the projects in a different order.
      Sort by menu

    To adjust the date range, see Change the date range filter.

Add a project custom form filter

The custom form filter type allows you to filter data for projects and tasks based on the values entered in custom form fields on projects. Unlike with other Enhanced analytics filter types, you can add more than one custom form filter. Each custom form filter contains values entered only within the selected field on a specific custom form.

To add a custom form filter:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Analytics.

  2. In the top-left corner of the screen, click Add Filter, then select Custom form.

    Select custom form filter

  3. Locate the custom form you want by entering at least three characters of text in the Search field, then select the custom form.

  4. Select the field you want, then complete one of the following actions based on the type of field you are adding to the filter:

    Not all custom corm field types can be added to a filter. Currently, Enhanced analytics supports only the field types listed below.
    • Check box, drop-down, or radio button: Select each value in the field that you want to include in your filter, or click the Select All check box.
      Check box values

    • Date: Use the arrows to navigate to a specific month, then select the date in the field that you want to include in your filter.
      Date value

    • Text: Enter the text within the field that you want to include in your filter.
      Text value

    • Number: Enter the number within the field that you want to include in your filter.
      Number value

  5. After you enter or select the values you want to filter for, click Apply Filter.

    The project count on the top right updates to reflect your applied filters.

  6. Repeat these steps for each filter you want to add.

    As you add filters, data displays in the visualizations below for up to 50 projects.

    To see data for more than the 50 projects that display by default, you can:
    • Use the arrows on the bottom left to display the next 50 projects in that visualization.
      Pagination arrows

    • Use the Sort by drop-down menu on a visualization to view the projects in a different order.
      Sort by menu

    To adjust the date range, see Change the date range filter.

Add a Team filter

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Analytics.

  2. In the left panel, click People.

    Select People

  3. On the top left of the screen, click Add Filter, then select the Team filter.

  4. Locate the teams you want to see data for by entering at least three characters of text in the Search field, then select each team you want to include in the filter. To select all teams, click Select All.

    Select teams

    All teams are included as filter options, regardless of your access level.
  5. After you select all desired teams, click Apply Filter.

    As you add filters, data displays in the visualizations below.

    To adjust the date range, see Change the date range filter.

Remove a filter

You can remove a filter at any time. If you remove a filter, it doesn’t display the next time you visit the Enhanced analytics area.

You can also use keys on your keyboard to navigate to and remove an existing filter.
For more information, see the Keyboard shortcuts section in the article Enhanced analytics overview.

To remove a filter:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Analytics.

  2. If you want to remove a project field or custom form filter, remain in the Work area.


    If you want to remove a Team filter, select People in the left panel.

  3. Locate the desired filter and click the X to remove it.


    The filter is no longer active and doesn’t display unless you add it again.

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