Hi, this is Daniel Wright, Principal Consultant with Adobe Target. In this training module we’re gonna be talking about using audiences. After completing this training, you will be able to explain the term audience. Explain the the two ways audiences are used for optimization. You’ll be able to find audiences in the Audiences List. Target activities to audiences and use audiences for passive reporting in an activity. So first of all, what is an audience? Well, an audience is any group of visitors who come to your website as defined by Adobe Target. Another term that’s commonly used for audiences is segment. How are audiences used for optimization? Well, there are two main ways audiences are used. First, there are Targeting Audiences, which are used to deliver different content to different types of visitors. And then there are Reporting Audiences, which are used to determine how different types of visitors respond to the same content. So these are the audiences that you use in the analysis of your test results. So the methodology is always test first, use those reporting audiences to figure out which content works for the different audiences, and then you can start targeting directly to those audiences. So how do I find an audience in the Audiences List? Well, the Audiences List is located on the left navigation.
Click Audiences, and Audience List.
There will be a few columns here for the name of the audience, the source of the audience, and when it was last modified. By default, the list will sort by the last modification date, the assumption that you’re probably gonna want to be using the audience that you just created. But it can be sorted in the other direction as well. Source refers to whether or not the audience was created in the target UI or if it was created in another marketing cloud solution and then pushed over to Adobe Target. So note that you’ll have options to edit and delete only those audiences that were created in the Adobe Target UI.
The name of the audience is the name that you gave to it. And, you can also sort on this column. And the type just gives visual icons to help you identify what type of audience it is. And then, we also have the search box at the top. So if I want to filter to my Chrome audience, I can just type Chrome up here. Now, how can you target an activity to an audience? So, in the activity creation flow, gonna go to the Activities Screen. I’m gonna quickly setup an activity. I’ll set up an AV test.
Just going to make a quick modification. And, continue to the next screen.
So on this diagram screen is where you can target an activity to a specific audience. By default, it’s going to use the All Visitors Audience.
And if you click the pencil icon, it’ll load up the Audiences List which you can use in the manner that I just showed you. So if I want to filter to my Chrome Audience, and that’s how you target an activity to a specific audience. Now how do you use that Audiences for Reporting feature? Here I am back in the UI.
Going to click next to proceed to the Goals and Settings page.
Now, using these Audiences for Reporting can only be done when you’re using Adobe Target as the reporting source. You can, of course, have reporting audiences when you use the analytics for target integration. But those audiences for reporting will be all of the audiences that you’ve defined in the Adobe Analytics you lie.
So I’m gonna use Adobe Target as the reporting source, and I’ll be able to interact with this Audiences for Reporting section here. So I just click the plus button. And again, it brings up my Audiences List, and I can just check off the audiences that I want to use. It’ll keep count of how many I’ve selected. There’s a limit of 15. And then when I’m done, I just hit Done. Note that you can create new audiences in both this flow and the Targeting and Activity to an Audience flow.
And it’s important to remember that when using Target Audiences for Reporting, you really need to add in all of the audiences before you launch the activity so that you can be collecting that data for the entire run of the activity. If you add them partly through the activity, you’re only gonna get partial data. With the Analytics for Target integration, you can add and use the analytics segments at any time, even after the activity is over. So that’s it. You should now be able to explain the term audience, find audience in your audience list, target an activity to an audience, and use Audiences for Reporting in an activity. -