Column values

The values of the following columns are used in the Places Service UI:

  • color, which is used as the color of the pin that represents the location of the POI in the Places Service UI map.

    • The valid values are “”, #3E76D0, #AA99E8, #DC2ABA, #FC685B, #FC962E, #F6C436, #BECE5D, #61B56B, and #3DC8DE, and “”.

    • If the value is left blank, the Places Service UI uses blue as the default color.

      The values correspond to blue (#3E76D0), purple (#AA99E8), fuschia (#DC2ABA), orange (#FC685B), light orange (#FC962E), yellow (#F6C436), light green (#BECE5D), green (#61B56B), and light blue (#3DC8DE), respectively.

  • icon, which is used as the icon on the pin that represents the location of the POI on the Places Service UI map.

    • The valid values are “”, shop, hotelbed, car, airplane, train, ship, stadium, amusementpark, anchor, beaker, bell, bid, book, box, briefcase, browse, brush, building, calculator, camera, clock, education, flashlight, follow, game, female, male, gift, hammer, heart, home, key, launch, lightbulb, mailbox, money, pin, promote, ribbon, shoppingCart, star, target, teapot, thumbDown, thumbUp, trap, trophy, wrench.

      The icon values are listed in the order in which they appear in the following illustration:

      icons in the UI

    • If the value is left blank, the UI uses star as the default icon.

  • Columns that are not mentioned can be left blank.

Running the Script

  1. Download files from the git repo to your local directory.

  2. In a text editor, open the file and complete the following tasks:

    a. Edit the following variable values as strings:

    • csv_file_path

      This is the path to your .csv file.

    • access_code

      This is your access code that was obtained from the call to Adobe IMS. For information about how to obtain this access code, see Prerequisites for user access in Integration overview and prerequisites.

    • org_id

      The Experience Cloud orgID into which the POIs are to be imported. For information about how to obtain the org ID, see Prerequisites for user access in Integration overview and prerequisites.

    • api_key

      This is your Places REST API key obtained from your Adobe I/O Places Integration. For information about how to obtain the API key, see Prerequisites for user access in Integration overview and prerequisites.

    b. Save your changes.

  3. In a terminal window, navigate to the …/places-scripts/import/ directory.

  4. Enter python ./ and press the enter (return) key.

Pre-import CSV checks

The script initially completes the following checks on the .csv file:

  • Whether a .csv file was specified.

  • Whether the file path is valid.

  • Whether the reserved metadata headers are included.

    The reserved metadata headers are lib_id, name, description, type, longitude, latitude, radius, country, state, city, street, category, icon, and color.

    The headers are all lower case and can be listed in any order.
  • Verifies the values of the columns specified in the CSV file section.

If errors are found, the script prints out the errors and is aborted. If no errors are found, the script attempts to import the POIs in batches of 1000. If the batch is successfully imported, the script reports a status code of 200. If the batch is not successfully imported, errors are reported.

Unit Tests

Unit tests are in the file, should be run before each pull request, and should all pass. Additional tests should be added with new code. To run the tests, navigate to the …/places-scripts/import/ directory, and enter python ./ in terminal.
