1. Verify that Adobe Experience Platform and Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection are provisioned

  1. Log in to your Experience Cloud organization, Adobe Experience Cloud home.

  2. In the top-right side, click the Experience Cloud shell switcher to reveal a drop down menu.

    shell switcher

  3. At the bottom of the list, click Admin Console. (A link to the Admin Console can also be found in the Quick access section).

    If you do not see Admin Console in the list, you are not an admin. You must contact your org admin to complete this procedure.

  4. In the Admin Console, if you have access to several organizations, verify that the correct organization is selected in the top right of the page.

    This is the organization to which you will add your users. If the correct organization has not been selected, click on the organization and select the correct organization from the drop-down list.

    If the desired organization is not in the drop down list, it means that you do not have admin access to that organization.
  5. In the Admin Console, click on the Products tab and verify that the cards for Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection and Adobe Experience Platform are displayed.

    These 2 products are automatically provisioned to all organizations, so they should be present.