Minimum System Requirements minimum-system-requirements

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This document presents the current requirements for implementing Adobe Pass Authentication integrations on supported platforms.

The browsers and operating systems listed below will benefit from support of Adobe Pass Authentication team, bound to the agreed SLAs. We encourage the usage of the latest stable versions of the browsers and operating systems to benefit from Adobe Pass Authentication full support in any potential issues, in addition to performance, efficiency and security improvements.

We also acknowledge the existence of older browsers and operating systems that are currently in use. These outdated devices may still function without problems, however they will be more error-prone. Initial approach to mitigate any issues appearing on these outdated platforms should be upgrading to the latest versions, that can be the OS version, browser version, or the version of the installed application. Any issues appearing on these platforms will be addressed as a best-effort basis by the Adobe Pass Authentication team.

Browser & Operating System Requirements browser-OS-system-requirements

Web/Mobile Browser (†)
Supported Versions
Google Chrome
90 or later
Mozilla Firefox
57 or later
Apple Safari
16 or later
Microsoft Edge
110 or later
Adobe Pass Authentication advises against using private or incognito mode.
Operating system
Supported Versions
7.0 (Nougat) or later
14 or later
14 or later
14 or later
Fire OS
5 (Android 5.1) or later
Mac OS
10.13 or later
Microsoft Windows
10 or later
Adobe Pass Authentication entitlement flows might fail when 3rd-party cookies are disabled, when browser settings are modified.
Adobe Pass Authentication entitlement flows are functional with the default browser settings.