Degraded access flows degraded-access-flows

The content on this page is provided for information purposes only. Usage of this API requires a current license from Adobe. No unauthorized use is permitted.
REST API V2 implementation is bounded by the Throttling mechanism documentation.

Degradation provides the temporary bypassing of specific MVPD authentication and authorization endpoints. Usually, the Programmer initiates this action, but regardless of who triggers a degradation event, the action depends on prior arrangements made with the affected MVPDs.

For more details about Degradation feature, refer to the Degradation documentation.

Degraded access flows allow you to query for the following scenarios:

Perform authentication while degradation is applied perform-authentication-while-degradation-is-applied

Prerequisites prerequisites-perform-authentication-while-degradation-is-applied

Before performing the authentication flow while degradation is applied, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • The streaming application must initiate an authentication session when it needs to sign in with the MVPD.
  • The streaming application does not have a valid profile for that specific MVPD saved in Adobe Pass backend.
  • There is an AuthNAll degradation rule applied to the integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd.

Workflow workflow-perform-authentication-while-degradation-is-applied

Follow the given steps to implement the authentication flow while degradation is applied as shown in the following diagram.

Perform authentication while degradation is applied

Perform authentication while degradation is applied

  1. Create authentication session: The streaming application gathers all the necessary data to initiate an authentication session by calling the Sessions endpoint.

    note important
    Refer to the Create authentication session API documentation for details on:
    • All the required parameters, like serviceProvider, mvpd, domainName, and redirectUrl
    • All the required headers, like Authorization and AP-Device-Identifier
    • All the optional parameters and headers
  2. Check degradation rules: The Adobe Pass server verifies if there is an AuthNAll degradation rule applied to the integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd.

  3. Indicate the next action: The Sessions endpoint response contains the necessary data to guide the streaming application regarding the next action:

    • The actionName attribute is set to “authorize”.
    • The actionType attribute is set to “direct”.
    note important
    Refer to the Create authentication session API documentation for details on the information provided in a session response.
    The Sessions endpoint validates the request data to ensure that basic conditions are met:
    • The required parameters and headers must be valid.
    • The integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd must be active.
    If basic validation fails, an error response will be generated, providing additional information that adheres to the Enhanced Error Codes documentation.
    The Sessions endpoint uses the request data to check if degraded access conditions are met:
    • The integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd must have an AuthNAll degradation rule applied.
    If degraded access validation fails, the response will default to the basic authentication flow.
  4. Proceed with decisions flows: The streaming application can continue with subsequent decisions flows.

Retrieve authorization decisions while degradation is applied retrieve-authorization-decisions-while-degradation-is-applied

Prerequisites prerequisites-retrieve-authorization-decisions-while-degradation-is-applied

Before retrieving authorization decisions while degradation is applied, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • The streaming application must retrieve an authorization decision before playing a user selected resource.
  • The streaming application does not have a valid profile for that specific MVPD.
  • There is an AuthZAll or AuthNAll degradation rule applied to the integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd.

Workflow workflow-retrieve-authorization-decisions-while-degradation-is-applied

Follow the given steps to implement the authorization flow while degradation is applied as shown in the following diagram.

Retrieve authorization decisions while degradation is applied

Retrieve authorization decisions while degradation is applied

  1. Retrieve authorization decision: The streaming application gathers all the necessary data to obtain an authorization decision for a specific resource by calling the Decisions Authorize endpoint.

    note important
    Refer to the Retrieve authorization decisions using specific mvpd API documentation for details on:
    • All the required parameters, like serviceProvider, mvpd, and resources
    • All the required headers, like Authorization and AP-Device-Identifier
    • All the optional parameters and headers
  2. Check degradation rules: The Adobe Pass server verifies if there is an AuthZAll or AuthNAll degradation rule applied to the integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd.

  3. Return Permit decision with media token: The Decisions Authorize endpoint response contains a Permit decision and a media token.

    note important
    Refer to the Retrieve authorization decisions using specific mvpd API documentation for details on the information provided in a decision response.
    The Decisions Authorize endpoint validates the request data to ensure that basic conditions are met:
    • The required parameters and headers must be valid.
    • The integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd must be active.
    If basic validation fails, an error response will be generated, providing additional information that adheres to the Enhanced Error Codes documentation.
    The Decisions Authorize endpoint uses the request data to check if degraded access conditions are met:
    • The integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd must have an AuthZAll or AuthNAll degradation rule applied.
    If degraded access validation fails, the response will default to the basic authorization flow.
  4. Start stream with media token: The streaming application uses the media token to play the content.

Retrieve preauthorization decisions while degradation is applied retrieve-preauthorization-decisions-while-degradation-is-applied

Prerequisites prerequisites-retrieve-preauthorization-decisions-while-degradation-is-applied

Before retrieving preauthorization decisions while degradation is applied, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • The streaming application wants to retrieve preauthorization decisions to display a list of resources along with their associated statuses.
  • The streaming application does not have a valid profile for that specific MVPD.
  • There is an AuthZAll or AuthNAll degradation rule applied to the integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd.

Workflow workflow-retrieve-preauthorization-decisions-while-degradation-is-applied

Follow the given steps to implement the preauthorization flow while degradation is applied as shown in the following diagram.

Retrieve preauthorization decisions while degradation is applied

Retrieve preauthorization decisions while degradation is applied

  1. Retrieve preauthorization decisions: The streaming application gathers all the necessary data to obtain preauthorization decisions for a list of resources by calling the Decisions Preauthorize endpoint.

    note important
    Refer to the Retrieve preauthorization decisions using specific mvpd API documentation for details on:
    • All the required parameters, like serviceProvider, mvpd, and resources
    • All the required headers, like Authorization and AP-Device-Identifier
    • All the optional parameters and headers
  2. Check degradation rules: The Adobe Pass server verifies if there is an AuthZAll or AuthNAll degradation rule applied to the integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd.

  3. Return preauthorization decisions: The Decisions Preauthorize endpoint response contains a Permit decision for each resource.

    note important
    Refer to the Retrieve preauthorization decisions using specific mvpd API documentation for details on the information provided in a decision response.
    The Decisions Preauthorize endpoint validates the request data to ensure that basic conditions are met:
    • The required parameters and headers must be valid.
    • The integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd must be active.
    If basic validation fails, an error response will be generated, providing additional information that adheres to the Enhanced Error Codes documentation.
    The Decisions Preauthorize endpoint uses the request data to check if degraded access conditions are met:
    • The integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd must have an AuthZAll or AuthNAll degradation rule applied.
    If degraded access validation fails, the response will default to the basic preauthorization flow.
  4. Handle preauthorization decisions: The streaming application processes the response and can use it to optionally display the appropriate status for each resource on the user interface.

Retrieve profile while degradation is applied retrieve-profile-while-degradation-is-applied

The Profiles endpoint query is optional while degradation is applied.
The Sessions endpoint response instructs the application to proceed with decisions flows while degradation is applied. For more details, refer to the Perform authentication while degradation is applied section.

Prerequisites prerequisites-retrieve-profile-while-degradation-is-applied

Before retrieving the profile for a specific MVPD while degradation is applied, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • The streaming application, which has a selected or cached mvpd identifier, wants to retrieve the profile for a specific MVPD.
  • The streaming application does not have a valid profile for that specific MVPD.
  • There is an AuthNAll degradation rule applied to the integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd.

Workflow workflow-retrieve-profile-while-degradation-is-applied

Follow the given steps to implement the profile retrieval flow for a specific MVPD while degradation is applied as shown in the following diagram.

Retrieve profile while degradation is applied

Retrieve profile while degradation is applied

  1. Retrieve profile for specific mvpd: The streaming application gathers all necessary data to retrieve profile information for that specific MVPD by sending a request to the Profiles endpoint.

    note important
    Refer to the Retrieve profile for specific mvpd API documentation for details on:
    • All the required parameters, like serviceProvider, and mvpd
    • All the required headers, like Authorization and AP-Device-Identifier
    • All the optional parameters and headers
  2. Check degradation rules: The Adobe Pass server verifies if there is an AuthNAll degradation rule applied to the integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd.

  3. Return information about degraded profile: The Profiles endpoint response contains information about the degraded profile, including the attribute type set to “degraded”.

    note important
    Refer to the Retrieve profile for specific mvpd API documentation for details on the information provided in a profile response.
    The Profiles endpoint validates the request data to ensure that basic conditions are met:
    • The required parameters and headers must be valid.
    • The integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd must be active.
    If basic validation fails, an error response will be generated, providing additional information that adheres to the Enhanced Error Codes documentation.
    The Profiles endpoint uses the request data to check if degraded access conditions are met:
    • The integration between the provided serviceProvider and mvpd must have an AuthNAll degradation rule applied.
    If degraded access validation fails, the response will default to the basic profile retrieval flow.
  4. Proceed with decisions flows: If the Profiles endpoint response contains a profile, the streaming application uses the degraded profile information to continue with subsequent decisions flows.

  5. Indicate new basic authentication flow: If the Profiles endpoint response does not contain a profile, the streaming application indicates the user to initiate a new basic authentication flow.

The steps for the profile retrieval flow for a specific authentication code are the same as above, except that the endpoint used is the one described in the Retrieve profile for specific code documentation.