Header - AP-Partner-Framework-Status header-ap-partner-framework-status

The content on this page is provided for information purposes only. Usage of this API requires a current license from Adobe. No unauthorized use is permitted.

Overview overview

The AP-Partner-Framework-Status request header contains status information obtained from a partner framework in order to achieve single sign-on (SSO).

Syntax syntax

AP-Partner-Framework-Status: <partner_framework_status_information>
Header Type
Request header

Directives directives


The Base64-encoded value of the JSON element containing the following attributes:


This is a required attribute.

The user permissions status information returned by the partner framework and processed by the application.

This is a JSON element with the following attributes:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 1-bgcolor-eff2f7 2-bgcolor-eff2f7 10-bgcolor-eff2f7 11-bgcolor-eff2f7 html-authored

This is a required attribute.

This is an enumeration with the following possible values:

  • granted
    The user allowed the application to access subscription information.
  • denied
    The user denied the application to access subscription information.
  • pending
    The user did not choose yet to allow the application to access subscription information.
  • notDetermined
    The application is not allowed to access subscription information.

This is an optional attribute.

This can be used to pass the partner framework error in case one is triggered while querying for user permissions status information.

This is a JSON element with the following attributes:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 1-bgcolor-eff2f7 2-bgcolor-eff2f7 html-authored
code A string that uniquely identifies the error as defined by partner framework.
message A string that contains the description of the error as defined by partner framework.

This is a required attribute.

The provider login status information returned by the partner framework and processed by the application.

This is a JSON element with the following attributes:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 1-bgcolor-eff2f7 2-bgcolor-eff2f7 13-bgcolor-eff2f7 14-bgcolor-eff2f7 html-authored
id This is a required attribute.

This is the mappingId which identifies the MVPD used during the authentication flow at the partner framework level.
expirationDate This is a required attribute.

This is the expiration date of the authenticated user profile, in case the user has successfully logged using a supported MVPD at the partner framework level.

This is an optional attribute.

This can be used to pass the partner framework error in case one is triggered while querying for provider login status information.

This is a JSON element with the following attributes:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 1-bgcolor-eff2f7 2-bgcolor-eff2f7 html-authored
code A string that uniquely identifies the error as defined by partner framework.
message A string that contains the description of the error as defined by partner framework.

Examples examples

// Partner framework status information
// {
//    "frameworkPermissionInfo": {
//        "accessStatus": "....",
//        "error": {
//            "code" : "....",
//            "message" : "...."
//        }
//     },
//    "frameworkProviderInfo" : {
//        "id" : "....",
//        "expirationDate" : "....",
//        "error" : {
//            "code" : "...",
//            "message" : "....."
//        }
//     }
// }

// Base64-encoded
// ewogICAgImZyYW1ld29ya1Blcm1pc3Npb25JbmZvIjogewogICAgICAgICJhY2Nlc3NTdGF0dXMiOiAiLi4uLiIsCiAgICAgICAg
