Common integrations

Experience Cloud applicationsIntegrates usingWhen to useCommon use cases
Analytics and Customer Journey AnalyticsExperience Platform source connector
  • Recommended approach for customers who have already implemented Adobe Analytics, and want the fastest way to ingest this data into Experience Platform to use in Customer Journey Analytics.
  • When data availability to the Customer Profile can be between 2-30 minutes from the time of data collection, and availability to the Data Lake is up to 90 minutes.
  • Straightforward, user-interface initiated workflow.
  • Mapping user-interface to copy Analytics props and eVars to new XDM fields.
  • Fastest way to get value from the Real-Time Customer Profile and Customer Journey Analytics.
Experience Platform Edge
  • Recommended approach for new Analytics implementations or when you want to implement a long-term strategy.
  • Sends data directly from a device to the Experience Platform using the AEP Web SDK, AEP Mobile SDK, or the Edge Network Server API.
  • Provides the greatest level of control for data collected to use for supporting your use cases.
  • Client-side data is easily mapped to XDM fields.
  • Quickest data availability to the Real-Time Customer Profile.
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