Assets overview

The Insights Assets view shows a list of assets used in experiences and ad campaigns for the selected channel account.

The Assets gallery is the default view that shows a collage of asset previews and a metric, such as click-through rate. Click the settings (cog) icon above the right side of the gallery to toggle one of three viewable metrics:

  • CPA (Cost per action)
  • CTR (Click-through rate)
  • CPC (Cost per click)
  • Spend

The Assets table is organized using Asset ID. The filter (funnel) icon above the left side of the table opens the Filter menu where you can select from multiple lists.

Assets filter and table {modal="regular"}

You can toggle between the views using the view list (table) icon and the gallery view (grid) icon.

Asset details

An asset is an image, video, text, or other creative content approved for use in your marketing initiatives.

In the asset details view, you can see which experiences use the selected asset. Details include total asset performance, user-defined attributes, and AI-detected features associated with the asset.

Asset details {modal="regular"}

Asset metrics

Insights metrics can help you evaluate which assets contribute to the success of a campaign and which asset attributes are most effective.

Metrics detail

The following table provides definitions and insights for key digital marketing metrics in the Assets table view. Each metric includes a brief definition as it relates to an asset, how the metric is calculated, and one or more insights to help understand its significance and impact on an asset.

Asset ID
The name associated with this asset.
Sort the table by clicking on the column heading for any of the key metrics.
A count of each time the asset loads in the channel, regardless of interaction or viewing.
A high impression count can indicate broad visibility, but for true performance insight, consider with other engagement metrics.
Number of times users interact with a clickable element, such as a link, on the asset.
A high click count indicates strong interest and engagement with the content, which may be effective and reaching the right audience.
Click-through rate
Percentage (%) of impressions that resulted in asset clicks within an experience.
Calculation: clicks divided by impressions
A high click-through rate indicates that the content is highly relevant and motivating to the audience in the messaging and design, and is effectively targeting the audience’s interests.
Cost per thousand
Cost ($) for every one thousand ad impressions for the asset.
Calculation: total amount spent divided by reach, then multiplied by 1000
A low value may indicate cost-effective visibility, especially when paired with a high click-through rate.
Cost per Action
Average cost ($) spent to achieve a specific customer action, such as a purchase or subscription.
Calculation: total amount spent divided by the number of customer actions completed
Helps to identify assets that result in valuable customer actions.
Cost per click
Average cost ($) associated with each click on an asset.
Calculation: total amount spent divided by clicks
Lower average costs may indicate cost-efficient ad spend, especially when compared with a rise in conversions.
The amount ($) spent from the budget as it relates to individual assets over a given period of time.
A high spend amount in a short period may indicate rapid usage, which could lead to early depletion of resources. Track the spend amount against key performance metrics to help monitor the overall return on investment.
Experiences count
The number of experiences that use this asset.
A list of attributes detected and applied to this asset.