Release Notes for Feature Pack 202105 release-notes-for-feature-pack

Adobe recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). AEM Screens provides maintenance support for the AEM 6.3 Screens platform.

Availability availability

AEM Screens released AEM 6.5 Feature Pack 8.

You can download the latest Feature Pack for AEM Screens 6.5.8 Release from the Software Distribution Portal using your Adobe ID. Navigate to the Adobe Experience Manager tab and search for Screens to get the latest Feature Pack titled as AEM 6.5 Screens FP8.

Install the minimum version of AEM 6.5 Feature Pack 8 for AMS connector to work after you have installed the packages screens-cloud-ams-pkg-0.0.20, screens-cloud-ams-pkg-0.0.16, and the screens core bundles.

Release Date release-date

The Release Date for AEM Screens Feature Pack 202105 is June 04, 2021.

What’s New what-is-new

  • Locking Page in an AEM Screens Channel

    AEM Screens now supporting Locking a Page, as already implemented in AEM Sites. Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) lets you lock a page, so that no one else can edit the contents. This feature is useful when you are making numerous edits to one specific page or when you must freeze a page for a short while.

  • Naming AEM Screens Player Device

    The AEM Screens players now include the capability of sending a device name to Adobe Experience Manager (AEM).
    By default, when bulk registration is used to register a device, a system-generated username is entered in the title field. As an alternative, a customer may use an asset tag or other friendly name so it is visible in AEM and easier to assign appropriate content.

    See the following documentation for information on how to configure the name in each supported Operating System:

  • Manifest Generation

    Faster channel-manifest generation with improved performances such as allocating less resources on the server.

Bug Fixes bug-fixes

  • The player displayed a black screen when switching to a channel containing a dynamic embedded sequence.
  • The Screens players now block the switching to any broken channel that further avoids a 404 error or a page with an error message.

Released AEM Screens Players

The following AEM Screens Players are released for AEM 6.5 Feature Pack 8:

  • ChromeOS
  • Windows
  • Tizen
  • Android™
  • Linux®

AEM Screens Player Downloads

To download the latest AEM Screens Player and learn more about the bug fixes, see AEM Screens Player Downloads.
