Release Notes for Feature Pack 202001 release-notes-for-feature-pack

Adobe recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). AEM Screens provides maintenance support for the AEM 6.3 Screens platform.

Availability availability

AEM Screens released AEM 6.5 Feature Pack 3.

You can download the latest Feature Pack for AEM Screens 6.5.3 Release from the Software Distribution Portal using your Adobe ID. Navigate to the Adobe Experience Manager tab and search for Screens to get the latest Feature Pack titled as AEM 6.5 Screens FP3.

Release Date release-date

The Release Date for AEM Screens Feature Pack 202001 is January 31, 2020.

What’s New what-s-new

  • Command Sync for Asset Playback

Command Sync allows synchronized playback across different players. The players can play different content but each asset must have the same duration.
To learn more about Command Sync and how to set the primary and clients, see Using Command Sync.

  • Health Check Framework to show the status of https and allow empty referrer

The Health Check Framework lets the user check if two necessary configurations (Allow Empty Referrer Requests and Apache Felix Jetty Based HTTP Service) are set up before running an AEM Screens project.

To learn more about the Health Check Framework, see Health Check Framework.

  • Updates to Default Transition Types
    The properties of the transition component such as Type is now set to Fade and the Duration as 1600 milliseconds, by default.

    See Applying Transitions use case for more details.

Released AEM Screens Players

The following AEM Screens Players are released for AEM 6.4 Feature Pack 7 and AEM 6.5 Feature Pack 3:

  • ChromeOS
  • Windows
  • Android™

AEM Screens Player Downloads

To download the latest AEM Screens Player and learn more about the bug fixes, see AEM Screens Player Downloads.
