Release Notes for Feature Pack 201909 release-notes-for-feature-pack

Adobe recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). AEM Screens provide maintenance support for the AEM 6.3 Screens platform.

AEM Screens released AEM 6.4.6 Feature Pack 6 and AEM 6.5.2 Feature Pack 2 with the following details.

Release Date release-date

The Release Date for AEM Screens Feature Pack 201909 is October 07, 2019.

What’s New what-s-new

  • Enhanced UI updates to Create Screens Project

    An updated user interface for creating an AEM Screens project is now available. You can create a Screens project with a few simple clicks. Also, the properties tab for each project now has a more intuitive user interface.

    See Creating a New Screens project for more details.

  • Enhanced Device Dashboard

    The device dashboard shows the device information, status, screenshots, logs, preferences, and the device details that let you monitor the device activities and functions. The panels are now updated.

    See Troubleshooting Device Control Center for more details.

  • Enabled time out to allow keyboard interaction

    Enable remote control devices as a touch-panel alternative. The touch to interact and the activity timeout handles keyboard input.

  • Offline Configurations in Experience Fragments

    You can now add offline configurations (client-side libraries and static files) while configuring Screens Experience Fragment.
    See Using Experience Fragments for more details.

Released AEM Screens Players

The following AEM Screens Players are released for AEM 6.4.6 Feature Pack 6 and AEM 6.5.2 Feature Pack 2:

  • ChromeOS
  • Windows
  • Android™

AEM Screens Player Downloads

To download the latest AEM Screens Player and learn more about the bug fixes, see AEM Screens Player Downloads.
