Extending an AEM Screens Component

The following tutorial walks through the steps and best practices for extending out of the box AEM Screens components. The Image component is extended to add an authorable text overlay.

Overview overview

This tutorial is intended for developers who are new to AEM Screens. In this tutorial, the Screens Image component is extended to create a Poster component. A title, description, and logo are overlaid on top of an image to create a compelling experience in a Sequence channel.

Before starting this tutorial, it is recommended to complete the tutorial: Developing a Custom Component for AEM Screens.

Custom Poster component

A Custom Poster component is created by extending the Image component.

Prerequisites prerequisites

To complete this tutorial, you need the following:

  1. AEM 6.5 + Latest Screens Feature Pack
  2. AEM Screens Player
  3. Local Development Environment

The tutorial steps and screenshots are performed using CRXDE-Lite. Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEs can also be used to complete the tutorial. More information on using an IDE to develop with AEM can be found here.

Project Setup project-setup

A Screens project’s source code is typically managed as a multi-module Maven project. To expedite the tutorial, a project was pre-generated using the AEM Project Archetype 13. More details on creating a project with Maven AEM Project Archetype can be found here.

  1. Download and install the following packages using CRX package manage http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/index.jsp)r:

    Get File

    Get File
    Optionally, if working with Eclipse or another IDE, download the below source package. Deploy the project to a local AEM instance by using the Maven command:

    mvn -PautoInstallPackage clean install

    SRC Start Screens We.Retail Run Project

    Get File

  2. In CRX Package Manager http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/index.jsp the following two packages are installed:

    1. screens-weretail-run.ui.content-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.zip
    2. screens-weretail-run.ui.apps-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.zip

    Screens We.Retail Run Ui.Apps and Ui.Content packages installed by way of CRX Package Manager

    AEM Screens We.Retail Run Ui.Apps and Ui.Content packages installed by way of CRX Package Manager

Create the Poster component poster-cmp

The Poster component extends the out-of-the-box AEM Screens Image component. A mechanism of Sling, sling:resourceSuperType, is used to inherit the core functionality of the Image component without having to copy and paste. More information about the basics of Sling Request Processing can be found here.

The Poster component is rendered in full screen in preview/production mode. In edit mode, it is important to render the component differently to facilitate authoring the Sequence channel.

  1. In CRXDE-Lite http://localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jsp (or IDE of choice) beneath to /apps/weretail-run/components/contentcreate a cq:Component named poster.

    Add the following properties to the poster component:

    code language-xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jcr:root xmlns:sling="https://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0" xmlns:cq="https://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0" xmlns:jcr="https://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0"
        componentGroup="We.Retail Run - Content"/>

    Properties for /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster

    Properties for /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster

    By setting the sling:resourceSuperTypeproperty equal to screens/core/components/content/image, the Poster component effectively inherits all functionality of the Image component. Equivalent nodes and files found beneath screens/core/components/content/image can be added beneath the poster component to override and extend the functionality.

  2. Copy the cq:editConfig node beneath /libs/screens/core/components/content/image. Paste the cq:editConfig beneath the /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster component.

    On the cq:editConfig/cq:dropTargets/image/parameters node, update the sling:resourceType property to equal weretail-run/components/content/poster.


    XML representation of the cq:editConfig represented below:

    code language-xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jcr:root xmlns:sling="https://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0" xmlns:cq="https://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0" xmlns:jcr="https://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0" xmlns:nt="https://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0"
        <cq:dropTargets jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
  3. Copy WCM Foundation image dialog to be used for the poster component.

    It is easiest to start from an existing dialog and then make modifications.

    1. Copy the dialog from: /libs/wcm/foundation/components/image/cq:dialog
    2. Paste the dialog beneath /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster

    Copied dialog from /libs/wcm/foundation/components/image/cq:dialog to /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster

    Copied dialog from /libs/wcm/foundation/components/image/cq:dialog to /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster

    The AEM Screens image component is supertyped to the WCM Foundation image component. Therefore, the poster component inherits functionality from both. The dialog for the poster component is made up of a combination of the Screens and Foundation dialogs. Features of the Sling Resource Merger are used to hide irrelevant dialog fields and tabs that are inherited from the supertyped components.

  4. Update the cq:dialog beneath /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster with the following changes represented in XML:

    code language-xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jcr:root xmlns:sling="https://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0" xmlns:cq="https://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0" xmlns:jcr="https://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0" xmlns:nt="https://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0"
            <items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                    <items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                                    fieldLabel="Image asset"
                                    title="Upload Image Asset"
                                    fieldLabel="Text Position"
                                    <items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                                    fieldLabel="Text Color"
                                    <items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">

    The property sling:hideChildren= "[linkURL,size]" is used on the items node to ensure that the linkURL and size fields are hidden from the dialog. Removing these nodes from the poster dialog is not enough. The property sling:hideResource="{Boolean}true" on the accessibility tab is used to hide the entire tab.

    Two click fields are added to the dialog box, Text Position and Text Color, to give authors control over the position of the text and color of the Title and Description.

    Poster - Final Dialog Structure

    Poster - Final Dialog Structure

    At this point, an instance of the poster component can be added to the Idle Channel page in theWe.Retail Run project: http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/screens/we-retail-run/channels/idle-channel.edit.html.

    Poster Dialog fields

    Poster Dialog fields

  5. Create a file beneath /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster named production.html.

    Populate the file with the following:

    code language-xml
    <div data-sly-use.image="image.js"
         style="background-image: url(${request.contextPath @ context='uri'}${image.src @ context='uri'});">
        <div class="cmp-poster__text
                    cmp-poster__text--${properties.textPosition @ context='attribute'}
                    cmp-poster__text--${properties.textColor @ context='attribute'}">
            <h1 class="cmp-poster__title">${properties.jcr:title}</h1>
             <h2 class="cmp-poster__description">${properties.jcr:description}</h2>
     <img class="cmp-poster__logo" src="/content/dam/we-retail-run/logos/we-retail-run_dark.png" alt="we-retail-logo" />

    The production markup for the Poster component is seen directly above. The HTL script overrides screens/core/components/content/image/production.html. The image.js is a server-side script that creates a POJO-like Image object. The Image object can then be called to render the src as an inline style background-image.

    The h1 and h2 tags are added display the Title and Description based on the component properties: ${properties.jcr:title} and ${properties.jcr:description}.

    Surrounding the h1 and h2 tags is a div wrapper with three CSS classes with variations of “cmp-poster__text.” The value for the textPosition and textColor properties are used to change the CSS class rendered based on the dialog selection of the author. In the next section CSS from client libraries are written to enable these changes in display.

    A logo is also included as an overlay in the component. In this example, the path to the We.Retail logo is hard-coded in the DAM. Depending on the use case, it might make more sense to create a dialog field to make the logo path a dynamically populated value.

    Also note that BEM (Block Element Modifier) notation is used with the component. BEM is a CSS coding convention that makes it easier to create reusable components. BEM is the notation used by AEM’s Core Components.

  6. Create a file beneath /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster named edit.html.

    Populate the file with the following:

    code language-xml
    <div class="aem-Screens-editWrapper ${image.cssClass} cmp-poster" data-sly-use.image="image.js" data-emptytext="${'Poster' @ i18n, locale=request.locale}">
        <img class="cmp-poster__image" src="${request.contextPath}${image.src @ context='uri'}" width="100%" />
        <div class="cmp-poster__text
               cmp-poster__text--${properties.textPosition @ context='attribute'}
           cmp-poster__text--${properties.textColor @ context='attribute'}">
          <p class="cmp-poster__title">${properties.jcr:title}</p>
          <p class="cmp-poster__description">${properties.jcr:description}</p>

    The edit markup for the Poster component is seen directly above. The HTL script overrides /libs/screens/core/components/content/image/edit.html. The markup is similar to the production.html markup and displays the title and description on top of the image.

    The aem-Screens-editWrapperis added so that the component is not rendered full-screen in the editor. The data-emptytext attribute ensures that a placeholder is displayed when no image or content has been populated.

Create Client-Side Libraries clientlibs

Client-Side Libraries provide a mechanism to organize and manage CSS and JavaScript files necessary for an AEM implementation. More information about using Client-Side Libraries can be found here.

AEM Screens components are rendered differently in Edit mode vs. Preview/Production mode. Two sets of client libraries are created, one for Edit mode and a second for Preview/Production.

  1. Create a folder for client-side libraries for the Poster component.

    Beneath /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster, create a folder named clientlibs.


  2. Beneath the clientlibs folder, create a node named shared of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder.


  3. Add the following properties to the shared client library:

    • allowProxy | Boolean | true
    • categories | String[] | cq.screens.components

    Properties for /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster/clientlibs/shared

    Properties for /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster/clientlibs/shared

    The categories property is a string that identifies the client library. The cq.screens.components category is used in both Edit and Preview/Production mode. Therefore, any CSS/JS defined in the shared clientlib is loaded in all modes.

    As a best practice, never expose any paths directly to /apps in a production environment. The allowProxy property ensures the client library CSS and JS is referenced through a prefix of /etc.clientlibs. More information about the allowProxy property can be found here.

  4. Create file named css.txt beneath the shared folder.

    Populate the file with the following:

    code language-none
  5. Create a folder named css beneath the shared folder. Add a file named style.less beneath the css folder. The structure of the client libraries should now look like this:


    Instead of writing CSS directly, this tutorial uses LESS. LESS is a popular CSS pre-compiler that supports CSS variables, mixins, and functions. AEM client libraries natively support LESS compilation. Sass or other pre-compilers can be used but must be compiled outside of AEM.

  6. Populate /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster/clientlibs/shared/css/styles.less with the following:

    code language-css
     Poster component - Shared Style
    @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Fjalla+One|Open+Sans:400i');
    @text-light-color: #fff;
    @text-dark-color: #000;
    @title-font-family: 'Fjalla One', sans-serif;
    @description-font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
    .cmp-poster {
          &__text {
          position: absolute;
          color: @text-light-color;
          top: 0;
          width: 100%;
          &--left {
           text-align: left;
                 margin-left: 1em;
          &--right {
           text-align: right;
                 margin-right: 1em;
          &--dark {
           color: @text-dark-color;
        &__title {
          font-weight: bold;
             font-family: @title-font-family;
             font-size: 1.2em;
        &__description {
      font-style: italic;
            font-family: @description-font-family;
    note note
    Google Web Fonts are used for the font families. Web Fonts require Internet connectivity and not all AEM Screens implementations have a reliable connection. Planning for offline mode is an important consideration for AEM Screens deployments.
  7. Copy the shared client library folder. Paste it as a sibling and rename it to production.


  8. Update the categories property of the production client library to be cq.screens.components.production.

    The cq.screens.components.production category ensures that the styles are only loaded when in Preview/Production mode.

    Properties for /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster/clientlibs/production

    Properties for /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster/clientlibs/production

  9. Populate /apps/weretail-run/components/content/poster/clientlibs/production/css/styles.less with the following:

    code language-css
     Poster component - Production Style
    .cmp-poster {
        background-size: cover;
     height: 100%;
     width: 100%;
         &__text {
            top: 2em;
            &--left {
                width: 40%;
                top: 5em;
            &--right {
                width: 40%;
                right: 1em;
        &__title {
      font-size: 5rem;
      font-weight: 900;
      margin: 0.1rem;
     &__description {
      font-size: 2rem;
      margin: 0.1rem;
      font-weight: 400;
        &__logo {
      position: absolute;
      max-width: 200px;
      top: 1em;
      left: 0;

    The above styles display the Title and Description in an absolute position on the screen. The title is displayed larger than the description. The BEM notation of the component makes it easy to carefully scope the styles within the cmp-poster class.

A third client library category: cq.screens.components.edit could be used to add Edit only specific styles to the component.

Clientlib Category
Styles and scripts that are shared between both edit and production modes
Styles and scripts that are only used in edit mode
Styles and scripts that are only used in production mode

Add Poster component to a Sequence channel add-sequence-channel

The Poster component is used on a Sequence channel. The starter package for this tutorial included an Idle channel. The Idle channel is pre-configured to allow components of the group We.Retail Run - Content. The Poster component’s group is set to We.Retail Run - Content and is available to be added to the channel.

  1. Open the Idle channel from the We.Retail Run project: http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/screens/we-retail-run/channels/idle-channel.edit.html

  2. Drag + Drop a new instance of the Poster component from the side bar on to the page.


  3. Edit the dialog box of the Poster component so you can add an Image, Title, Description. Use the Text Position and Text Color choices to ensure the Title/Description is readable over the Image.


  4. To add a few Poster components, repeat the steps above. Add transitions in between the components.


Putting it all together putting-it-all-together

The below video shows the finished component and how it can be added to a Sequence channel. The channel is then added to a Location display and ultimately assigned to a Screens player.

Finished Code finished-code

Below is the finished code from the tutorial. The screens-weretail-run.ui.apps-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.zip and screens-weretail-run.ui.content-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.zip are the compiled AEM packages. The SRC-screens-weretail-run-0.0.1.zip is the uncompiled source code that can be deployed using Maven.

Get File

Get File

SRC Final AEM Screens We.Retail Run Project

Get File
