Embedding a REACT application using the AEM SPA Editor and Integrating with AEM Screens Analytics embedding-a-react-application-using-the-aem-spa-editor-and-integrating-with-aem-screens-analytics

You can embed an interactive single page application using REACT (or Angular). You do so by using the AEM SPA editor that business professionals in AEM configure. You can also learn how to integrate your interactive application with offline Adobe Analytics.

Using the AEM SPA Editor using-the-aem-spa-editor

Follow the steps below to use the AEM SPA Editor:

  1. Clone the AEM SPA Editor repo at https://github.com/adobe/aem-spa-project-archetype.

    note note
    This archetype creates a minimal Adobe Experience Manager project as a starting point for your own SPA projects. The properties that must be provided when using this archetype let you name as desired all parts of this project.
  2. To create an AEM SPA editor archetype project, follow the readme instructions:

    code language-none
    mvn clean install archetype:update-local-catalog
    mvn archetype:crawl
    mvn archetype:generate \
    -DarchetypeCatalog=internal \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=com.adobe.cq.spa.archetypes \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=aem-spa-project-archetype \
    -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.3-SNAPSHOT \
    note note
    This documentation uses the GroupId as com.adobe.aem.screens and the ArtifactId as My Sample SPA (which are the defaults). You can choose your own as needed.
  3. After the project is created, either use an IDE or editor of your choice and import the generated Maven project.

  4. Deploy to your local AEM instance using the command mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage.

Editing content in the REACT app editing-content-in-the-react-app

To edit the contents in the REACT app:

  1. Navigate to https://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/mysamplespa/en/home.html (replace the hostname, port, and project name as applicable).
  2. Be able to edit the text being displayed in the Hello World application.

Adding the interactive REACT app to AEM Screens adding-the-interactive-react-app-to-aem-screens

Follow the steps below to add the interactive REACT app to AEM Screens:

  1. Create an AEM Screens project. See Creating and Managing Projects for more details.

  2. Create an Application Channel (preferably) (or 1x1 template, or multi-zone channel) in the Channels folder of your AEM Screens project.

    note note
    Sequence Channels are discouraged for this use case because they inherently come with a slideshow logic that conflicts with the interactive nature of the experience.
    See Creating and Managing Channels for more details.
  3. Edit any sequence channel and drag and drop an embedded page component.

    See Adding Components to a Channel for more details.

    note note
    Make sure you add the user interaction event when assigning the channel to the display.
  4. Click Edit from the action bar so you can edit the properties of the channel.


  5. Drag and drop the Embedded Page component, or reuse the existing component in an application channel, and click the home page under the mysamplespa application, for example, /content/mysamplespa/en/home.


  6. Assign the channel to a display.

    note note
    Make sure you add the user interaction event when assigning the channel to the display.
  7. Register a player against this project and assign it to the display. You can now see your interactive application running on AEM Screens.

    See Device Registration for more information about registering a device.

Integrating the SPA with Adobe Analytics with Offline Capability through AEM Screens integrating-the-spa-with-adobe-analytics-with-offline-capability-through-aem-screens

Follow the steps below to integrate the SPA with Adobe Analytics with offline capability through AEM Screens:

  1. Configure Adobe Analytics in AEM Screens.

    See Configuring Adobe Analytics with AEM Screens for more information about how to perform sequencing in Adobe Analytics with AEM Screens and send custom events using offline Adobe Analytics.

  2. Edit your react app in the IDE/editor of your choice (especially the text component or other component that you want to start emitting events).

  3. On the click event or other event that you want to capture for your component, add the analytics information using the standard data model.

    See Configuring Adobe Analytics with AEM Screens for more details.

  4. Call the AEM Screens Analytics API so you can save the event offline and send it in bursts to Adobe Analytics.

    For example,

    code language-none
    handleClick() {
        if ((window.parent) && (window.parent.CQ) && (window.parent.CQ.screens) && (window.parent.CQ.screens.analytics))
            var analyticsEvent = {};
            analyticsEvent['event.type'] = 'play'; // Type of event
     analyticsEvent['event.coll_dts'] = new Date().toISOString(); // Start of collecting the event
     analyticsEvent['event.dts_start'] = new Date().toISOString(); // Event start
     analyticsEvent['content.type'] = 'Washing machine'; // Mime Type or product category
     analyticsEvent['content.action'] = 'Path to the washing machine asset in AEM'; // Path in AEM to relevant asset
     analyticsEvent['trn.product'] = 'Washing machine Model number'; // Product being explored
     analyticsEvent['trn.amount'] = 1000; // Product pricing or other numeric value or weight
     analyticsEvent['event.dts_end'] = new Date().toISOString(); // Event end
     analyticsEvent['event.count'] = 100; // Numeric value that may count a number of clicks or keystrokes or wait time in seconds for example
     analyticsEvent['event.value'] = 'My favorite analytics event';
            analyticsEvent['trn.quantity'] = 10; // Quantity of product selection
     analyticsEvent['event.subtype'] = 'end'; // Event subtype if applicable
    note note
    The player firmware automatically adds more details about the player and its runtime environment to the custom analytics data that you send. Hence, you may have to capture low-level OS/device details unless necessary. Focus on the business analytics data.