Creating Components creating-components

AEM components are used to hold, format, and render the content made available on your webpages.

To learn about the details of creating AEM components, see Developing AEM components.

Authoring Channels authoring-channels

The channel is the central object of content delivered to a set of displays. Therefore, a Content Author would typically open a channel in the editor to add or modify content. Because the Channel is a cq:Page, it follows the same traditional UX pattern to add and change components on the channel.

However, because components within a channel are typically rendered full screen, the authoring experience suffers when trying to edit single components or compose new orders. Therefore, the channel relies on selectors to render different views of the components. The authoring environment uses the edit selector to activate the custom channel rendering.

For example, http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/screens/we-retail/channels/idle.edit.html](http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/screens/we-retail/channels/idle.edit.html

The user does not have to take care of adding the selector to the URL while editing. A client-side logic is listening to the layer switch event and adds the selector if the channel has the dedicated resource type screens/core/components/channel.

Rendering Components rendering-components

To enable proper authoring, components must provide the following two renderings:

production rendering
editing rendering in a smaller view

The built-in components use the following client library categories:

Client Library
CSS and JS that has to be loaded during authoring
CSS and JS that has to be loaded when the channel is running
shared CSS and JS
To develop custom components, use the AEM Screens sample component template.