Travel Center Temperature Activation travel-center-temperature-activation

The following use case demonstrates the usage of travel center local temperature activation based on the values populated in Google Sheets.

Description description

For this use case, if the value in Google Sheets is less than 50, then an image with hot drinks displays. If the value is greater than or equal to 50, then an image with cold drinks displays. If there is some other value or no value at all, the player displays a default image.

Preconditions preconditions

Before you start implementing the travel center local temperature activation, learn how to set up Data Store, Audience Segmentation and Enable Targeting for Channels in an AEM Screens Project.

See Configuring ContextHub in AEM Screens for detailed information.

Basic Flow basic-flow

Follow the steps below to implement the Travel Center Local Temperature Activation use case:

  1. Populating the Google Sheets

    1. Navigate to the ContextHubDemo Google Sheet.
    2. Add a column with Heading1 with corresponding value for temperature.


  2. Configuring the segments in Audiences as per the requirements

    1. Navigate to the segments in your audience (See Step 2: Setting up Audience Segmentation in Configuring ContextHub in AEM Screens page for more details).

    2. Click the Sheets A1 1 and click Edit.

    3. Click the comparison property and click the configuration icon.

    4. Click googlesheets/value/1/0 from the drop-down in Property name

    5. Click the Operator as greater-than-or-equal from the drop-down menu

    6. Enter the Value as 50

    7. Similarly, select the Sheets A1 2 and click Edit.

    8. Click the Comparison Property - Value and select the configuration icon.

    9. Click googlesheets/value/1/0 from the drop-down in Property name

    10. Click the Operator as less-than from the drop-down menu

    11. Enter the Value as 50

  3. Navigate and select your channel () and click Edit from the action bar. In the following example, DataDrivenWeather, a sequential channel is used to showcase the functionality.

    note note
    Your channel should already have a default image and the Audiences should be pre-configured as described in Configuring ContextHub in AEM Screens.


    note caution
    Your ContextHub Configurations using the channel Properties > Personalization tab should already be set up.


  4. Click Targeting from the editor and click Brand and the Activity from the drop-down menu and click Start Targeting.


  5. Checking the Preview

    1. Click Preview. Also, open your Google Sheet and update its value.
    2. Change the value to less than 50. You can view an image of a cold drink. If the value in Google Sheets is 50 or greater, you should see an image of a hot drink.

