AEM Screens Notifications Service aem-screens-notifications-service

AEM Screens Notifications Service describes monitor device activity.

This section covers the following topics:

  • Overview
  • Configuring Email Settings
  • Email Notification
  • Example use case

Overview overview

AEM Screens Notifications Service lets administrators receive an email if an AEM Screens Player does not ping for a configurable time.

This service can be configured in the OSGi web console.

Configuring Email Settings configuring-email-settings

Follow the steps below for configuring the email notification settings:

  1. Open Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Configuration.

  2. Open Screens Device Email Monitoring Service.


  3. Define the following fields so you can configure your settings for the email:

    Devices Path Enter the path to the Screens Projects that you want to monitor. The path is usually /home/users/screens/<Name of your project>.

    For example, if your project is We.Retail, use the project path as /home/users/screens/we-retail.

    note note
    Specify the project path, where the device users are located.

    Schedule Frequency – Specify a time (for example, 5:00 P.M. or 17:00) or frequency in hours (for example, 1) at which this monitor should send emails.

    Ping Time out – This field specifies the interval in minutes after which a device should be considered not reachable.

    SMTP Server – Specifies the SMTP Server that is used for sending emails.

    SMTP Port – Enter the SMTP Port.

    Use TLS – Transport Layer Security (TLS) lets you use a secure communication with the SMTP Server.

    Adobe recommends that you use TLS for secure connection to corporate mail servers. Check with your mail administrator for appropriate values.

    username – Specify the username for sending emails.

    password – Specify the password for sending emails.

    Recipient – Specify the recipient’s email address.

    note note
    You can enter only one email address. To send a bulk email, create a group or distribution list with the relevant users.
  4. Click Save to configure the monitor activity through an email for your AEM Screens device.

Email Notification email-notification

After you set the configuration for your email notifications, you receive an email notification that contains the link to the actual device that is reported of inactivity.

Accessing that link navigates you directly to the device dashboard.

Emails are only sent if:

  • there is at least one device that has not pinged for the given ping timeout, and
  • is still not pinging at the time of generating the email.

Example Use Cases example-use-cases

The following example describes a few scenarios for reference, to configure the properties from Screens Device Email Monitoring Service.

Scenario 1

You set the schedule frequency as 1:00 A.M. and the ping timeout as 60. Then, if your AEM Screens device does not ping between 12:00 P.M. until 1:00 P.M., you receive an email notification that confirms device inactivity.

Scenario 2

You set the schedule frequency as 1 and the ping timeout as 60. Then, if your AEM Screens device does not ping at once at any particular time of the day, you receive an email notification that confirms device inactivity.
