Transitioning from ContentSync to SmartSync transitioning-from-contentsync-to-smartsync

This section provides an overview to SmartSync feature and how it minimizes server load/storage and network traffic to reduce cost.

Overview overview

SmartSync is the latest mechanism used by AEM Screens. It serves as a replacement of the current method used to cache offline channels and delivering them to the player.

It executes both on the server-side and the client-side.

On the Server side

  • Contents of the channels, including assets, are cached in /var/contentsync.
  • Cache is exposed to the players by way of a manifest that describes the available content for a display.

On the Client side

  • The player updates its content based on the manifest generated above.

Benefits of Using SmartSync benefits-of-using-smartsync

SmartSync feature provides several benefits to your AEM Screens project such as the following:

  • Dramatic reduction of network traffic and server-side storage requirements.
  • The player intelligently downloads assets only if the asset is missing or changed.
  • Server-side and client-side storage optimizations.
Adobe strongly recommends on using SmartSync for AEM Screens projects.

Migrating from ContentSync to SmartSync migrating-from-contentsync-to-smartsync

If you have already installed AEM 6.3 Feature Pack 5 and AEM 6.4 Feature Pack 3, you can enable SmartSync for assets to improve disk space usage. To enable SmartSync, follow the section below to transition from ContentSync to SmartSync, thus enabling SmartSync.
SmartSync is available to Screens Player with supported servers AEM 6.4.3 FP3.
See the AEM Screens Player Downloads to download the latest player. The following table describes the minimum player version required for each platform:
Minimum Supported Player Version
Chrome OS

Follow the steps below to transition from ContentSync to SmartSync:

  1. Migrating from ContentSync to SmartSync requires clearing of the ContentSync cache before activating SmartSync.

    Navigate to the ContentSync console from your instance using the link https://localhost:4502/libs/cq/contentsync/content/console.html and click Clear Cache, as shown in the figure below:


    note caution
    All content cache must be cleared before using SmartSync for the first time.
  2. Navigate to Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Configuration by way of AEM instance > hammer icon > Operations > Web Console.


  3. Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Configuration opens. Search for offlinecontentservice.

    To search the Screens Offline Content Service property, press Command+F for Mac, and Control+F for Windows.


  4. Click Save to enable the Screens Offline Content Services property and hence use SmartSync for AEM Screens.

  5. When you have enabled SmartSync, navigate to your project and click Update Offline Content (from the action bar), as shown in the figure below.

