Implementing Cloud Player implementing-cloud-player

AEM Screens has traditionally offered distinct native player applications for various platforms including ChromeOS, Windows, Android™, and Tizen. However, in response to the evolving needs of users, Adobe introduced an innovative solution - the AEM Screens Cloud Player.

The Cloud Player represents a significant departure from Adobe’s previous native applications. It is a Progressive Web App (PWA), hosted on a server. This transformative approach empowers customers with a platform-independent player that runs directly within a web browser.

Accessing the Cloud Player is as simple as visiting Users can install it on their device, regardless of the platform, and enjoy seamless digital signage experiences. The Cloud Player’s compatibility hinges on the presence of a modern browser with PWA support, ensuring consistent performance across various devices. Say goodbye to manual updates and hello to a player that automatically delivers fixes and features, ensuring you always have the latest capabilities at your fingertips. This shift to a PWA-based Cloud Player marks an exciting evolution in Adobe’s digital signage offerings, making it more accessible, versatile, and user-friendly than ever before.

This section describes how to implement the Cloud Player.

The Cloud Player’s compatibility requires a modern browser with PWA support to ensure consistent performance across various devices.

Installing Cloud Player installing-cloud-player

Cloud Player Installation may vary on different platforms. In general, any platform having a modern browser can run the cloud player application by following these steps:

  1. Open the browser and enter the cloud player URL in the address bar.

  2. The browser checks if the Cloud Player is installable, and then shows an install icon in the address bar.


  3. Click the install icon and the install button in the confirmation dialog box. Cloud Player is installed as a standalone application on your device and can be launched using an icon.


Cloud Player Install Option cloud-player-install-option

  1. The install option for a PWA is also known as “Add to Home Screen” or A2HS feature. Support for installing PWAs from the Web varies by browser and by platform.

  2. Every browser has different criteria to check if the PWA app is installable or not. Generally, the browser can check (more details here):

    • If the application has a manifest json file with minimal required keys for installing the app on the platform, that is, name, icons, start_url, display
    • If the application has a service worker file with a fetch event listener
    • The app must be served over https
  3. The install option might be visible at different locations in different browsers and device types. Some browsers might hide the install icon in the options menu bar.

Bulk provisioning Cloud Player bulk-provisioning

To do bulk provisioning of cloud player on multiple devices:

  1. Choose an MDM solution that supports running a browser with a URL in Kiosk mode.

  2. You can apply the same configurations to all the devices by following these steps:

    1. Host config.json on a server such that it is accessible such as: https://<config_server_host>/config.json
    2. To install cloud player and apply the hosted configurations, use cloud player URL such as:<config_server_host>
    3. The Cloud Player application looks for config.json at the root of <config_server_host>, then parses the config.json to get the custom configurations and apply those configurations.
    4. These configurations are applied on every reload of the player.

Bulk Provisioning on Chrome OS bulk-provisioning-chrome
