ASO aso

AEM System Overview

Background background

ASO Identifies general information about the AEM instance. Each finding provides one value of a particular type of system information.

Subtypes are used to identify different types of information:

  • aem.version: The AEM version.
  • aem.product: Detection of the use of an AEM product (Commerce, Forms, and so on).
  • node.count: The approximate node count of a certain type (Page, Asset, and so on) and the grand total of nodes.
  • The node store implementation type (SegmentNodeStore, DocumentNodeStore) and its size.
  • The data store implementation type (FileDataStore, S3DataStore, AzureDataStore).
  • maintenance.task: A maintenance task.
  • slow.query: A slow query.
  • group.membership: The number of users and subgroups (direct / declared members only) in a group.
  • cqtag.count: The number of CQ tagged assets.
  • smarttag.count: The number of Smart tagged assets.
  • ccom.version: The version of Core Component package.
  • instance.type: The AEM instance type (author|publish).
  • unprocessed.asset.count: The number of unprocessed assets.
  • vanity.url.count: The number of vanity URLs.
  • index.size: Total Migratable Lucene index size.
  • workflow.count: The number of author workflows in running and stale state.
  • jvm.arguments: The JVM arguments added to command line when starting AEM.

Possible implications and risks implications-and-risks

  • The AEM version, node counts, group membership, node store, data store implementation types, CQ Tag Count, Smart Tag Count, Core Component version, AEM instance type, and Unprocessed asset count are provided for informational purposes.
  • The higher number of vanity URLs (>1000) may put a load on the Dispatcher and the Publish servers with expensive queries.
  • The custom application may rely on products or features not available in AEM as a Cloud Service.
  • Upgrading with unsupported features may result in a failed upgrade and a non-functional application.
  • A high number of author workflows in a running or stale state could degrade performance.
  • Slow queries may degrade the performance of the system.

Possible solutions solutions

  • AEM upgrades with unsupported products or features are not recommended and may not be supported.
  • The unprocessed assets must be processed and the dam:assetState property on the jcr:content node of the Asset must be set to “processed.” Or, you should remove these assets from the migration set before migrating to AEMaaCS.
  • Vanity URLs could be replaced with Apache Rewrites.
  • See documentation for troubleshooting slow queries.
  • See the release notes if you want to learn more about the latest changes in AEM as a Cloud Service.
  • Contact the AEM Support Team for clarifications or to have concerns addressed.