Migrating to the Cloud - Part 2

In the second video covering content migration, James and Darin discuss the use of the Content Transfer Tool (CTT) to assist in migrating to AEM as a Cloud Service.

We’re going to talk about the CTT or Content Transfer Tool.
At this point you’ve installed the CTT tool within the instance you’re going to transfer from. So if you go to the operations on the left side there and click on the content migration tile you’ll get a another screen which says content transfer, that one that’s the one you’re interested in. Click on the migration set name and give the name of the migration something descriptive that you can find easily. Also paste in the cloud service configuration which the URL of the targeted instance you want to transfer. Access token you got to be part of the administrator’s group on that instance to be able to access it so make sure you’re in that group. Otherwise it’ll give you a not found error. So copy that token out paste it in there. You might want to toggle the include versions if you want to have an instance with all the different versions that have been created thus far.
So a quick note on the different versions, so make sure either want the latest version or include that versions by clicking that toggle. Once we have the pads in there click save, then we can click on the radio button and check the check size button to make sure that our instance will fit on the targeted instance. So now the check size is now running and eventually we’ll get a response once the little ring running thing is done click check size again and boom there we go we have the data we need. Now we want to take that information and match it against our best practices analyzer, findings that way we know that we’re on the right path. So next step really is to click the extract button at the top and this will kick off the extraction. So you want to have your AZ copy and all the other prerequisites installed at this point to do a successful extraction. So clicking on that we got the screen where you can cancel or in our case we’re going to map users so we click on the map users. We have a configuration here which you click on and map our organization client ID for our IMS organization. So obviously that access token is a little bit different for the mapping of the users. So now that we’re ready to extract we want to get to the extract screen where we have the override stage and container and pre copy data store. So you want to keep that override on in the pre copy data store will be enabled if you had AZ copy installed this will make things a ton faster so you want that on. So the extraction step can take a long time depending on the amount of content you have. So you want to do some test runs to figure out the timing on this. So now that our extraction is done we can click on the, the radio button and check out the view log to see how much, if there’s any errors or how much time things took. So you can see it has a timestamp on things of progress and so on and so forth. And then a summary of the extractor down there at the bottom. Now that the extraction is complete we can get busy doing the ingestion. So once I click on that radio button twice for some reason I click ingest and should be noted on this you can target your author or published instance and that pre copy is checked on that because AZ copy is built into the ingestion flow. So clicking on ingest it starts up the process you can see the progress wheel spinning, which isn’t really indicative of how long the process may take. You still want to do test runs to kind of get the timing down on these things like you did with the extraction but the actual spinning wheel thing lasts about 40 seconds. Whereas the actual ingestion process varies on the amount of content in which you are ingesting. So you want to try this out ahead of time just so you can give an idea of how long these stuff will take. And you can see it the spinning wheel has completed and the author ingestion is now pending. So spat it up a little bit here and now we’re looking at the ingestion log for the completed ingestion. Again just scroll through the list you can find any errors or anything else that may have happened during that ingestion. Now we’re going to go back to the targeted instance and see that the WKND site in which we targeted for our migration is indeed on the, the target instance that we wanted to ingest to. So we have the assets, we have the sites resources going into files. We should see the WKND site there it is clicking on that go to English. Checking on our activities, we got plenty of hiking activities it looks like so these are all new, the new badge on there and that pretty much wraps it up.
So that was CTT and migration in a nutshell.
Yeah that’s great Darren, thank you very much. Hey, I have to ask how do you know Dr. Apple Smith? Well, he’s the chief scientist at a company that makes lab coats.
Okay. -

Content covered in this video
