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Output generation id1645H8040HD

AEM Guides has built-in publishing capabilities to generate outputs in a variety of industry standard formats. The current version of AEM Guides allows you to generate output in the most widely used formats—AEM Site, PDF, HTML5, EPUB, JSON, and custom output through DITA-OT, Native PDF publishing, and FMPS.

As a publisher, you can generate multiple outputs with just click a few clicks. You can generate output for an entire DITA map or you can selectively publish only a few topics that you have updated. You can also use the Baseline publishing feature to selectively publish a specific version of your DITA map or topic.

AEM Guides also supports generating output for LwDITA map and topic files.

As a production specialist, AEM Guides also makes it easy for you to automate your publishing process by creating your Publish Dashboard and running post-publishing workflows. The Publishing Dashboard also gives you one unified view of all publishing tasks queued and running in your system. You can choose to terminate or cancel any publishing task from the Publish Dashboard. You can create and associate your custom design templates to generate outputs in a specific layout. Also, AEM Guides allows you to use custom DITA-OT plug-ins to reuse your existing PDF generation process.

You can also create various presets and generate output from the Web Editor.

Information in the following sections is for publishers who will use the output generation workflows and perform some basic troubleshooting:

Features described in this topic are available to users with Publishers or administrator privileges only.