Using AEM Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office using-aem-document-security-extension-for-microsoft-office

Protect files using AEM Document Security Extension usingaemdocumentsecurityextensiontoprotectfiles

You can control how recipients use your policy-protected files, no matter how widely you distribute them.

Using the Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office, you can perform these tasks:

  • Configure your connection to Document Security
  • Apply a policy to a file
  • Open the Document Security Web pages to create and manage user policies
  • Remove policy protection from a file
  • Change the policy that is applied to a file
  • Open the Document Security Web pages to revoke access to files or change the policy for the file
  • Open the Document Security Web pages to view the file’s audit history

Connect to a Document Security server connect-to-a-document-security-server

If you intend to apply policies to files, you must configure the connection settings for Document Security. Depending on how the Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office is installed, you may already have default connection settings. You can add connection settings for one or more instances of Document Security. You can obtain server information from the Document Security administrator.

Set the server that you want to use to protect files or manage your protected files as the default server. When you apply a policy to a new file or open the Document Security web pages, the Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office connects to the default server. If you protect files using more than one instance of Document Security, you must change the default server setting when you switch between servers. You can open files that are protected by any instance of Document Security as long as you have authorization to open the file.

If your Document Security server employs certificate-based authentication, you must install the certificate that you received in your local machine. You are required to choose a certificate authentication, and provide the certificate that you want to use to authenticate.

After you configured the connection settings for an instance of Document Security in one Microsoft® Office application, it is configured for all of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Install the client-side certificate install-the-client-side-certificate

If you are required to access the Document Security web pages through certificate authentication or two-way authentication, you receive the certificate that you must install on your local machine. You receive a certificate file (.PFX or .P12 file) and its password.

  1. Save the certificate file in your local machine.
  2. Double-click the certificate file to open the Certificate Import Wizard and click Next.
  3. Click Next if the certificate file is listed in the filename box. Click Browse if you want to locate another certificate.
  4. Enter the password that you received and click Next.
  5. On the Certificate Store dialog, select Place All Certificates In The Following Store, and click Browse.
  6. In the Select Certificate Store dialog, select Personal, click OK, click Next, and then click Finish.

Configure connection settings configure-connection-settings

  1. In Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office 2010 and Office 2013, on the Document Security tab, select Choose Server.

  2. Either click New to create connection settings, or select an existing connection and click Edit.

  3. Type a name for the connection in the Name box. You can use any name.

  4. Type the address of the server in the Server Address box.

  5. Type the server port in the Port box.

  6. (Optional) If you want to remember your user name and password, select Remember Password On This Computer, and type your user name and password in the appropriate boxes. It is recommended that you do not select this option if other people may have access to the computer.

  7. Click Connect To This Server. Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office attempts to connect to the server you specified. Depending on the authentication type specified, do one of the following:

    Username and Password

    Enter the username and password that you received from the Document Security administrator.

    Certificate Authentication

    Choose this option to select the certificate that you received and installed in your personal certificate store.

    If only one authentication type is configured on Document Security, only that option appears.

If you cannot connect to the server, try to open the Document Security Web pages in Internet Explorer. If you cannot connect to the server using Internet Explorer or if a dialog box displays a warning about the server certificate, the Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office cannot connect to the server. Contact the server administrator for assistance.
If you cannot connect to Document Security, a message appears stating that “The username and password are incorrect, please check your configuration settings and try again.” This message may appear if you cannot connect for another reason. If you were connecting to the server for the first time, verify that you set the server name and port correctly.

Specify the default server specify-the-default-server

  1. Do the following:

    • In Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office 2010 and Office 2013 on the Document Security tab, select Choose Server.
  2. Select a server to specify as the default and click Set Default. A star appears next to the default server.

Using Third-party authentication providers using-third-party-authentication-providers

You can use third-party authentication providers with AEM Forms Document Security. These authentication providers help you add an extra access layer to the protected documents. AEM Forms Document Security supports the following extended authentication workflows:

  • Extended authentication using the default AEM Forms URL
  • Extended authentication using a custom URL
  • Default extended authentication workflow with third-party identity providers configured on AEM Forms on JEE server
  • Custom extended authentication workflow with third-party identity providers configured on AEM Forms on JEE server
  • Extended authentication using a customized page for listing SAML Authentications

Extended authentication using default AEM Forms URL extended-authentication-using-default-aem-forms-url

You can use the default AEM Forms URL for extended authentication. The default landing page contains Adobe branding. Moreover, default AEM Forms settings are used on using the default AEM Forms URL for extended authentication.

Perform the following steps to enable extended authentication with the default Adobe Landing URL:

  1. Open AEM Forms Admin UI.

  2. Navigate to Services > Document Security > Configuration > Server Configuration.

  3. Enable the Allow Extended Authentication option.

  4. Specify the default URL Extended Authentication Landing URL. The default URL is http://localhost:8080/edc/extendedauthentication/welcome.jsp.

    Click Save.

    note note
    Use a fully qualified hostname in the URL. Adobe recommends that you use the HTTPS protocol.

    Now, AEM Forms Document Security is configured to use extended authentication with the default AEM Forms landing URL.

Extended authentication with a custom landing URL extended-authentication-with-a-custom-landing-url

You can use a custom URL for extended authentication. It provides the flexibility to display a custom authentication page with custom branding. For example, branding for your organization.

You can package the custom authentication page in a war file and deploy the war file to AEM Forms Server. The war file contains complete logic to accept user credentials and authenticate against the AEM Forms Server. AEM Forms Document Security has the following requirements for the custom authentication page:

  • The authentication page should send username as j_username and password as j_password. The page should also send the source_url and login_url as hidden parameters.
  • On successful authentication, the page should close automatically.

To enable extended authentication with a custom landing URL:

  1. Deploy the custom authentication WAR file to AEM Forms Server.

  2. Open AEM Forms Admin UI.

  3. Navigate to Services > Document Security > Configuration > Server Configuration.

  4. Enable the Allow Extended Authentication option and specify a custom Extended Authentication Landing URL.

  5. Add the following entries to the config.xml file under the SSO node after entry <node name=“AllowedUrls”>:

    note note
    <entry key=“sso-l” value=“ sample_/login.jsp?lang=en”/>!!discoiqbr!!<entry key=“sso-s” value=“ sample_/welcome.jsp?lang=en”>!!discoiqbr!!<entry key=“sso-o” value=“ sample_/logout.jsp?lang=en”/>!!discoiqbr!!

    For step-by-step information on updating the config.xml file, see Manually editing the document security configuration file.

    Now, AEM Forms document security is configured to use extended authentication with a custom landing URL

Default extended authentication workflow with third-party identity providers configured on AEM Forms Server default-extended-authentication-workflow-with-third-party-identity-providers-configured-on-aem-forms-server

Extended authentication can use different types of authentications available on AEM Forms Server. For example, SAML, [What are more examples].

Note: If SAML providers are configured on AEM Forms Server, then before displaying the landing URL, a page containing all the identity providers configured for SAML authentications is displayed.

The following screen is shown when a protected document is opened in Acrobat.

Custom extended authentication workflow when SAML providers are configured on AEM Forms Server custom-extended-authentication-workflow-when-saml-providers-are-configured-on-aem-forms-server

If SAML providers are configured on AEM Forms Server, then before displaying the landing URL, a page containing all the identity providers configured for SAML authentications is displayed.

Perquisites to configure a custom extended authentication workflow when SAML providers are configured on AEM Forms Server are:

  • SAML authentications are configured on AEM Forms Server
  • Custom war, containing a custom authentication page and complete logic to accept user credentials and authenticate against the AEM Forms Server, is deployed to AEM Forms Server.

Using custom page for listing SAML authentications using-custom-page-for-listing-saml-authentications

You can also display a custom page to include all the authentication providers configured on AEM Forms Server. To create such a page:

  1. Package the custom authentication page in a war file and deploy the war file to AEM Forms Server. The war file contains complete logic to accept user credentials and authenticate against the AEM Forms Server.

  2. Open AEM Forms Admin UI and navigate to Settings> User Management > Configuration > SAML Service Provider Settings.

  3. Add the following to the Custom Properties field and click Save.


    Now, AEM Forms Document Security is configured to display a custom page containing all the configured authentication providers.

Obtain a user account obtaining-a-user-account

If you do not already have a Document Security account, Document Security may initiate the registration process when these events occur:

  • A Document Security user who wants to send you a policy-protected file adds you to a policy.
  • The Document Security administrator creates an account for you.

After you registered and activated your account, you can use policy-protected files that you were given authorization to use through a policy.

If you receive a policy-protected file and do not have a Document Security account, contact the person who sent you the file for assistance. Similarly, if you receive an invitation to register, reach out to the sender for help.

If you receive an email registration invitation from Document Security, you can register by using the URL in the email to open the online registration page. After your registration, you receive a second notice about activating your account.

Obtain an external user account obtain-an-external-user-account

  1. Open the Document Security registration email. The URL that the message contains is a link to the Document Security External Users Registration page. If you do not receive a registration message, contact the person who sent you the file for assistance.

  2. Click the URL or copy it and paste it into your browser.

  3. Type your name, organization, and password in the appropriate boxes. Your password can be any combination of eight characters.

    note note
    Ensure that you choose a password that is easy to remember; no method is available for finding forgotten passwords.
  4. Click Register. A message appears informing you to check your email for an activation email message.

  5. Open the Document Security registration confirmation email.

  6. Click the URL that appears in the message.

  7. Click the link to the Login page.

  8. In the Username box, type the email address you are registered under with Document Security. This email address is your default Document Security user name.

  9. In the Password box, type the password you created when you registered.

  10. Click Login.

Create and manage policies creating-and-managing-policies

If you have permission from the Document Security administrator, you can create policies to apply to your own files on the Policies page of the Document Security web pages.

Some of the policy settings available for creating policies in the Document Security web pages are not supported for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. The following tables describe how the policy permissions map to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint features.

Word, Excel, and PowerPoint support
Print > Not Allowed
Printing the file is not allowed.
Print > Allowed

Printing the file is allowed.

Note: If a policy gives the Copy permission but not the Print permission, content copied to another file can be printed.

Print > Low Res. Only
Not applicable.
Change > Any

The file can be changed.

When this permission is not given, you cannot modify protected Word and Excel files. You can modify PowerPoint files but cannot save the changes or view slide shows for modified files.

Change > Not Allowed
Users cannot modify protected files.
Change > Alter Pages

Not applicable.

It includes inserting, deleting, and rotating pages.

Change > Fill & Sign
Not applicable.
The file can be opened offline.
File contents can be copied to other files.
Screen Reader
Screen readers (devices for users with vision impairment) can read the file contents.
Permission Validity
General Settings
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint support
Validity period
Audit document
Auto-Offline lease period
External Authorization Providers
Advanced Settings
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint support
Dynamic watermarks
Certification Plug-ins
Not applicable.
Encryption algorithm and key length
All options are supported.
Document restriction
All file contents are always encrypted regardless of the setting in the policy.
Access-denied error message

For more information about creating and managing policies, see Document Security End User Help.

Apply policies applying-policies

You can apply any available policy to a file, including policies that you created and policies that are part of policy sets that you have access to. Before applying a policy, you must save the file.

After you applied a policy, it is added to the Recently Used list on the AEM Document Security menu to make it easier for you to apply your most frequently used policies. The Recently Used list shows policies only for the server that you are connected to or your default server if you have not logged in to another Document Security instance.

Policies can be applied only to Word (.doc, .docx, .docm), Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm), and PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx, .pptm) files in Microsoft® Office 2010 and 2013. You cannot apply policies to Word template files (.dot), Excel template files (.xlt), and PowerPoint design template files (.pot).

Apply a policy apply-a-policy

  1. In Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office 2010 and 2013 on the Document Security tab, select Secure > Choose Policy.

    If you chose user name and password as the authentication method on the server and have not yet provided login information for Document Security, a dialog box prompts for your user name and password.

  2. Select a policy from the list and click Apply.

  3. Save the file.

Apply a recently used policy apply-a-recently-used-policy

  1. In Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office 2010 and 2013, on the Document Security tab, select Secure > [Policy Name].
  2. Save the file.

Work with the Policy-Protected Files usingaemdocumentsecurityextensionpolicyprotectedfiles

The file publisher owns the intellectual property in policy-protected files, which Document Security protects.

You can use policy-protected files whether you are internal or external to the file publisher’s organization. Document Security must recognize you to open policy-protected files. It must do so through LDAP/Active Directory. Or, it must do so as a local user for LiveCycle/AEM forms on JEE, or by registering after an invitation.

If you receive a policy-protected file and don’t have a Document Security account, contact the sender for assistance. Similarly, if you receive an invitation to register, reach out to the sender for help.

Working with policy-protected files in Microsoft® Office working-with-policy-protected-files-in-microsoft-office

The Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office restricts certain Word, Excel, and PowerPoint functionality to protect the file publisher’s intellectual property. If you do not have permission to change the file, you cannot save modifications to it.

If you are working with a policy-protected file, some product features may not be available or may not work as usual. If an unprotected file is open, most features are enabled, except those features that let you import or copy content from a policy-protected file without copy or export permissions.

When using Document Security Extension-supported Office applications, it is recommended that you disable the Windows DEP setting. To ensure smooth startup of Office applications on a machine with Document Security Extension and McAfee VirusScan with On-Access Scan enabled, disable the Buffer Overflow Protection option in the McAfee VirusScan Console. This adjustment helps prevent potential conflicts.

If a feature is not available, the command name on the menu and the related toolbar button are unavailable. In the Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office, when you hover the mouse pointer over the command or button, a tool tip indicates that the command is made unavailable by Document Security.

Opening policy-protected files opening-policy-protected-files

You can open policy-protected files by using the same methods that you use to open any other file. If you were not already logged in to Document Security, you are prompted to do so. That is, if you are not connected to the Internet and you can open the file offline. If you cancel the login process, access is denied.

If you did not have permission to open the file, you are informed that access is denied. If the file access privileges were revoked, you may also be directed to an updated version of the file if one is available. For additional assistance if you cannot open a policy-protected file, contact the file publisher.

When a protected file is open, text in the title bar that follows the file name states that the file is protected by AEM Document Security.

When opening a protected document in Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office from SharePoint Server, ensure the Office program associated with the file type, such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, is open. If you try to open the file without opening the associated application, the document may not open and an error message indicating that you must install the applicable plug-in is displayed. In addition to opening the required application, Adobe recommends that you clear the cache folder. Do so before opening a protected document in Document Security Extension for Office from SharePoint Server. Also, when you open a protected document from SharePoint Server, all permissions on the document are disabled, regardless of the policy that was applied.

Depending on the authentication method implemented on Document Security, you may be prompted to choose the authentication method when you open a protected document. If Document Security supports more than one authentication method, the authentication options are presented to you. For example, if a Document Security server provides both username/password and certificate authentication, you can choose the appropriate authentication method. If Certificate-based authentication is enabled, you were prompted to use the certificate that you have received and installed.

The user experience when opening protected files depends on the mutual authentication configuration on the server. If only one valid client certificate is installed, then no authentication dialog box appears and the files open successfully. However, if multiple client certificates are installed on a machine, then an authentication dialog appears. The user has to choose a valid certificate to open the protected file.

Removing policy protection from a file removing-policy-protection-from-a-file

If you were permitted, you can remove policy protection from files that you have protected. If you do so, the file is no longer protected by Document Security.

  1. In Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office 2010 and 2013, on the Document Security tab, select Remove.

    If you have not yet provided login information for Document Security, a dialog box prompts for your user name and password.

If you cannot remove a policy from a file that you have protected, contact a Document Security administrator.

Viewing security settings viewing-security-settings

You can view the permissions that you have for the current file for printing. You can also view permissions for the current file when copying from, changing, and accessing offline, along with the file validity period.

In Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office 2010, the Security Status group on the Document Security tab displays your permissions for the file.

Do the following:

  • In Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office 2010 and 2013, on the Document Security tab, in the Security Status group, click any item.

Saving documents when Auto-apply policy is enabled saving-documents-when-auto-apply-policy-is-enabled

If your Administrator has enabled the Auto-apply policy functionality, any document you create or edit is automatically protected when you save the document.

If the Auto-apply policy is enabled, the Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office prompts you to log in to the Document Security server. Enter your Username and Password so the server can authenticate you. If you have provided the correct log-in credentials, the document is saved and protected.

If you cannot log in to Document Security, the document may or may not be saved. This situation depends on how your Administrator has configured the Auto-apply policy. Check with the Administrator about how documents are handled in this situation.

Synchronizing for offline access synchronizing-for-offline-access

Policies can allow you to open files while you are offline and not connected to Document Security. You must have previously logged in to Document Security to establish your credentials with the server before you can work offline. If you plan to work with files offline, Adobe recommends that you synchronize with Document Security. Do so before you disconnect to ensure that the policy settings for your files are up to date with the server. Adobe also recommends that you open the file online once before you open it offline. If you do not open the file once online or synchronize with the server, you may still be able to use policy-protected files while offline. However, the offline lease period must not have expired, and the policy settings for the file must not have changed since you last synchronized manually or automatically with the server.

Do the following:

  • In Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office 2010 and 2013, on the Document Security tab, select Synchronize Off-line.

    note: The Synchronize Off-Line button is available even though the user does not have offline permission for the document. However, selecting the button does nothing.

Working with dynamic watermarks working-with-dynamic-watermarks

Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office supports the inclusion of dynamic text-based watermarks in policy-protected documents. A dynamic watermark can include information that may change, such as the date, time, user name, or name of the policy. If a user prints a policy-protected file, and that file contains a dynamic watermark and the permission to print, the watermark appears in the output.

Document Security Extension does not support rich watermark features. Rich watermark features include such things as PDF-based watermarks, multiple elements in a watermark, and text formatting options. They also include the page range.

You can create a dynamic watermark using the Document Security Web pages. For more information, see Document Security End User Help.

Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office provides support for these watermark features:

Document Security watermark options
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint support
Policy name
Watermark name
Use as a background

The display behavior of a dynamic watermark is the same regardless of whether you select Use As Background.

For Word 2010 and 2013, the dynamic watermark appears only in the Print Layout and Print Preview view.

For Excel 2010 and 2013 also, it appears in the Print Preview and Page Layout views.

Vertical position
Horizontal position


For Excel 2010 and 2013, the horizontal positioning of watermarks using points does not work.


Opening the Document Security web pages opening-the-document-security-web-pages

You can open the Document Security Web pages to create and update your user policies and to view status and audit information about your policy-protected files. You can also use the Document Security Web pages to change policies or revoke access for a policy-protected file.

To open the Document Security web pages, in Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office 2010 and 2013, on the Document Security tab, select Create and Manage Policies. If you have not yet provided login information, the browser opens to the server login page.

Changing policies changing-policies

If you have permissions, usually as a Document Security administrator or the file publisher, you can later apply a different policy to a file or change the settings of the currently applied policy.

To change the settings for a policy, use the Document Security Web pages.

  1. Do the following:

    • In Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office 2010 or 2013, on the Document Security tab, select Secure > Change Security.
  2. Select a policy from the list and click Apply.

Revoking file access privileges revoking-file-access-privileges

You can revoke the ability to open files that you protected. When revoking file access, you can specify a message when users attempt to open it and provide a URL to an updated version if replacing it with a revised copy.

  1. Do the following:

    • In Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office 2010 and 2013, on the Document Security tab, select Revoke.

    The Document Security Web pages open to the Revoke Documents page.

  2. Specify a message to display and, if available, a URL for the updated version, and click OK.

For more information about revoking file access privileges, see Document Security End User Help.

Access privileges can be reinstated through the Document Security Web pages.

Viewing the file audit history viewing-the-file-audit-history

Document Security can save audit history for policy-protected files so that you can audit the actions that users perform on your files.

Audited events for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files include the following:

Secure a New Document Policy applied to a file

View Document File opened

Close Document File closed

Revoke Document Access privileges removed for file

Unrevoke Document Access privileges returned to file

Modify Document File changed and saved locally

Print High Resolution File printed

Change Security Handler Policy protection removed from file

Switch Policy on Document New policy applied to file from the Document Security web pages

View the audit history for a file view-the-audit-history-for-a-file

In Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office 2010 and 2013, on the Document Security tab, select Audit History.

The Document Security Web pages open to the Events page, which displays audited events for the current file.

Microsoft® Office restricted features microsoft-office-restricted-features

To protect your intellectual property, some Microsoft® Office features are unavailable when a policy-protected file is open. The list of unavailable features depends on the permissions that are granted to the current user. Some features are unavailable only for a protected file, and others are unavailable for all files when you are in a protected session. Generally, you are in a protected session from the time you open a policy-protected file until you close the application or the session expires.

Most policies grant full permissions to the file publisher. Other users may notice additional feature restrictions.

If a command is unavailable, the command name in the menu and the related toolbar button are grayed out.

Applying a policy to a file that contains a link to an embedded file does not apply the policy to the linked file. Document Security for Microsoft® Office does not extend protection to linked files.
  • Policy-protected Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files are blocked from opening within an Internet Explorer browser window.
  • Users who were granted only the Change permission cannot copy content to a file from another application by using the Windows Clipboard. Users can copy content to files by enabling the Microsoft® Office Clipboard option.
  • Opening a policy-protected file in Microsoft® Office makes the Print Screen key unavailable until you close the application or the session expires.
  • Document Security for Microsoft® Office does not support Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV). Usually, you cannot open a policy-protected file from a WebDAV folder. If you can open a policy-protected file, you have no permissions to save, print, change, or copy from the file.

General security that applies to policy-protected files include the following restrictions:

Many common features may be restricted in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint during a protected session.

If a policy-protected file that does not allow the user to make changes to it is open, commands that change the file in any way are unavailable. Only the commands that open or create documents and change the application preferences are available.

Word 2010 and Word 2013 restrictions word-2010-and-word-2013-restrictions

When you open a policy-protected file in Word, automatic file-recovery information cannot be saved until you close and restart Word. In addition, the features listed below are restricted in the described situations:

File > New > New From Existing Available but files created using this command while any policy-protected file is open cannot be saved. Content in the new file cannot be copied to another file.

File > Save Restricted by the Change permission.

File > Save As All options restricted by the Change permission.

File > Print All options restricted by the Printing permission. Unavailable unless the policy allows High Resolution printing.

File > Save & Send All options unavailable during a protected session.

File > Info > Protect Document > Encrypt with Password, Add Digital Signature, Mark as Final, Restrict Permission by People Unavailable during a protected session.

File > Workflows Unavailable during a protected session.

Note: Starting a workflow in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2010 is only available in Office Professional Plus 2010, Office Enterprise 2010, Office Ultimate 2010, and stand-alone 2010 versions.

Blog Post > Publish Unavailable during a protected session.

File > Server > File Server Tasks Menu Unavailable during a protected session.

Home > Clipboard > Copy Restricted by the Copy permission. If copying is not allowed, copied content cannot be pasted into any other file or to the Office Clipboard. Content can be copied within the protected file if the user has the change permission.

Home > Clipboard > Paste Restricted by the Change permission.

Home > Clipboard > Paste Special Restricted by the Change permission.

Insert > Text > Object Unavailable during a protected session. Policy-protected files cannot be inserted at any time.

Mailings Most options on this tab are unavailable during a protected session.

Review > Proofing > Research Restricted by the Copy permission. Unavailable if copying is not allowed.

Review > Proofing > Thesaurus Restricted by the Copy permission. Unavailable if copying is not allowed.

Review > Language > Translate > Translate Document Enabled with the Copy permission.

Review > Language > Translate > Translate Selected Text Enabled with the Copy permission.

Review > Language > Translate > Mini Translator Enabled with the Copy permission.

Review > Compare > Compare Unavailable during a protected session. Policy-protected files cannot be compared at any time.

Review > Protect > Block Authors Unavailable during a protected session.

Review > Protect > Restrict Editing Unavailable during a protected session.

View > Macros The Copy permission restricts some macros, making them unavailable unless copying is allowed.

Add-ins Cannot be added or removed during a protected session.

Online Collaboration Unavailable during a protected session.

Primary and subdocuments Primary documents policy governs subdocuments when you open them within the primary document. If opened separately, sub documents cannot be printed, copied from, or modified.

Resummarize Unavailable during a protected session.

Frames (and all related commands) Unavailable during a protected session.

Document Panel Unavailable during a protected session.

Developer > Document Template Unavailable during a protected session. To access this command, select File > Options > Customize > Developer Tab > Templates > Document Template.

Outlining > Primary Document > Create Subdocument, Insert Subdocument Unavailable during a protected session.

Excel 2010 and Excel 2013 restrictions excel-2010-and-excel-2013-restrictions

The features listed below are restricted in the described situations:

File > New > New From Existing Available, but files created using this command during a protected session cannot be saved. Content in the new file cannot be copied to another file.

File > Save, Save As Restricted by the Change permission.

File > Save As > PDF Unavailable during a protected session.

File > Print Restricted by the Printing permission. Unavailable unless the policy allows High Resolution printing.

File > Info > Protect Document Unavailable during a protected session.

File > Info > Protect Workbook Unavailable during a protected session.

File > Save & Send Unavailable during a protected session.

File > Options > Add-ins Cannot be added or removed during a protected session.

File > Workflows Unavailable during a protected session.

Note: Starting a workflow in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2010 is only available in Office Professional Plus 2010, Office Enterprise 2010, Office Ultimate 2010, and stand-alone 2010 versions.

File > Server > File Server Tasks Menu Unavailable during a protected session.

Home > Clipboard > Copy Restricted by the Copy permission. If copying is not allowed, copied content cannot be pasted into any other file or to the Microsoft® Office Clipboard. Content can be copied within the protected file if the user has the change permission.

Home > Clipboard > Paste Restricted by the Change permission.

Home > Clipboard > Paste Special Restricted by the Change permission.

Home > Cells > Format > Move or Copy Sheet Unavailable during a protected session.

Home > Cells > Insert > Insert Sheet Unavailable during a protected session.

Home > Cells > Delete > Delete Sheet Unavailable during a protected session.

Home > Editing > Fill > Across Worksheet Restricted by the Change permission.

Insert > Tables > Table Restricted by the Change permission.

Insert > Tables > PivotTable Policy-protected files cannot be selected in the Creation Wizard.

Insert > Text > Object Unavailable during a protected session. Policy-protected files cannot be inserted at any time.

Insert > Text > Header and Footer Restricted by the Change permission. Unavailable for a policy-protected document.

Data > Get External Data The data from policy-protected files cannot be imported.

Data >Outline > Subtotals Restricted by the Change permission.

Data > Data Tools > Data Validation Restricted by the Change permission.

Review > Proofing > Research Restricted by the Copy permission.

Review > Proofing > Thesaurus Restricted by the Copy permission.

Review > Language > Translate Restricted by the Copy permission.

Review > Changes > Protect Sheet Unavailable during a protected session.

Review > Changes > Protect Workbook Unavailable during a protected session.

Review > Changes > Share Workbook Unavailable during a protected session.

Review > Changes > Protect and Share Workbook Unavailable during a protected session.

Review > Changes > Allow Users to Edit Ranges Unavailable during a protected session.

Review > Changes > Track Changes > Highlight Changes Unavailable for a policy-protected file that contains a dynamic watermark.

View > Macros Restricted by the Change permission.

View > Save Workspace Command does not work.

Developer > XML > Expansion Packs The Copy permission restricts some macros, making them unavailable unless you allow copying.

Formulas > Formula Auditing > Error Checking Restricted by the Change permission. Unavailable unless changing is allowed.

Online Collaboration Unavailable during a protected session.

Save Auto Recover Info Unavailable during a protected session.

Note: If you try to change a cell in a policy-protected file without permission, Excel incorrectly warns you to use the Unprotect Sheet command to remove the protection.

PowerPoint 2010 and PowerPoint 2013 restrictions powerpoint-2010-and-powerpoint-2013-restrictions

The features listed below are restricted in the described situations:

File > New > New From Existing Available, but files created using this command during a protected session cannot be saved. Content in the new file cannot be copied to another file.

File > Save Restricted by the Change permission.

File > Save As All options restricted by the Change permission.

File > Print All options restricted by the Printing permission. Unavailable unless the policy allows High Resolution printing.

File > Save & Send Unavailable during a protected session.

File > Info > Protect Presentation > Encrypt with Password, Add a Digital Signature, Mark as Final, Restrict Permission by People Unavailable during a protected session.

File > PowerPoint Options > Save Auto Recover Info Unavailable during a protected session.

File > Server > File Server Tasks Menu Unavailable during a protected session.

Home > Clipboard > Copy Restricted by the Copy permission. If copying is not permitted, copied content cannot be pasted within the document, into any other file, or to the Office Clipboard. Content can be copied within the protected file if the user has the change permission.

Home > Clipboard > Paste Restricted by the Change permission. If copying is not permitted, copied content cannot be pasted within the document.

Home > Clipboard > Paste Special Restricted by the Change permission.

Home > Slides > New Slides > Slides from Outline, Reuse Slides Unavailable during a protected session.

Insert > Text > Object Unavailable during a protected session. Policy-protected files cannot be inserted at any time.

Design > Background > Background Styles, Hide Background Graphics, Format Background Unavailable for a policy-protected file that contains a dynamic watermark.

Slide Show > Set Up > Record Slide Show Restricted by change permission.

Review > Proofing > Thesaurus Restricted by the Copy permission.

Review > Language > Translate Restricted by the Copy permission.

Review > Language > Translate > Mini Translator Enabled with the Copy permission.

View > Presentation Views > Slide Show Restricted by the Change permission. If changes are not permitted, slide shows cannot be viewed if the file was modified.

View > Macros The Copy permission restricts some macros, making them unavailable unless copying is allowed.

Add-ins Cannot be added or removed during a protected session.

Online Collaboration Unavailable during a protected session.

Use third-party authentication providers use-third-party-authentication-providers

You can use third-party authentication providers with AEM Forms Document Security. These authentication providers help you add an extra access layer to the protected documents. AEM Forms Document Security supports the following extended authentication workflows:

  • Extended authentication using the default AEM Forms URL
  • Extended authentication using a custom URL
  • Default extended authentication workflow with third-party identity providers configured on AEM Forms on JEE server
  • Custom extended authentication workflow with third-party identity providers configured on AEM Forms on JEE server
  • Extended authentication using a customized page for listing SAML Authentications

Glossary glossary

For information about LiveCycle and AEM forms on JEE terminology, see Chapter 19: Glossary.
