AEM Dispatcher Release Notes aem-dispatcher-release-notes

Release Information release-information

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Dispatcher
Minor Release
March 27, 2024
Download URL
AEM 6.1 or higher

System requirements and prerequisites system-requirements-and-prerequisites

See Supported Platforms for more information about requirements and prerequisites.

Adobe recommends using the latest version of AEM Dispatcher to benefit from the latest functionality, the most recent bug fixes, and the best possible performance.

Installation instructions installation-instructions

For detailed instructions, see Installing Dispatcher.

Release History release-history

Release 4.3.7 (2024-March-27) march


  • DISP-1009 - setting header length again
  • DISP-1013 - add Openssl 3.0 support for Linux®
  • DISP-1014 - response.location processing leading to invalid redirect
  • DISP-1017 - changing DTD definition

Release 4.3.6 (2023-July-25) jyly


  • DISP-911 AEM‑05 - X‑Edge‑Key can be leaked in disp_apache2.c.
  • DISP-937 logging all selectors.
  • DISP-998 making loading of vanity urls at startup configurable.

Release 4.3.5 (2022-Apr-04) apr


  • DISP-954 - Support invalidation even if expiration has not passed
  • DISP-949 - Dispatcher returns 200 instead of 404 even if filter blocks POST request

Release 4.3.4 (2021-Nov-29) nov

Bug Fixes:

  • DISP-833 - X-Forwarded-Host headers may contain a list of comma-separated hostnames.
  • DISP-835 - DispatcherUseForwardedHost absorbs the Host header if it comes last.


  • DISP-874 - Creates a Dispatcher configuration to turn implementation of DISP-818 either On or Off through a flag DispatcherRestrictUncacheableContent. The default value is Off. When On, it removes any caching headers set by mod expires for uncacheable content. This setting is different from the behavior found in version 4.3.3 (where the default was On) but the same as versions earlier than 4.3.3 (where the default was Off). Keeping DispatcherRestrictUncacheableContent’s default Off is the recommended approach so the browser cache has more flexibility. When upgrading from version 4.3.3 to 4.3.4, if you want to keep the same behavior as in version 4.3.3, you must explicitly set DispatcherRestrictUncacheableContent to On.
  • DISP-841 - Dispatcher doesn’t respect /serverStaleOnError for 504 response code
  • DISP-874 - Create a Dispatcher configuration to turn implementation of DISP-818 on or off
  • DISP-883 - Trace showing URL request Decomposition in Dispatcher
  • DISP-944 - preload vanity urls

Release 4.3.3 (2019-Oct-18) october

Bug Fixes:

  • DISP-739 - LogLevel Dispatcher: level doesn’t work
  • DISP-749 - Alpine Linux® Dispatcher crashes with trace log level


  • DISP-813 - Support in Dispatcher for openssl 1.1.x
  • DISP-814 - Apache 40x errors during cache flushes
  • DISP-818 - mod_expires adds Cache-Control headers for uncacheable content
  • DISP-821 - Do not store log context in the socket
  • DISP-822 - Dispatcher should use ppoll instead of pselect
  • DISP-824 - Secure DispatcherUseForwardedHost
  • DISP-825 - Log a special message when there’s no more space on the disk
  • DISP-826 - Supports refetch URIs with a query string

New Features:

  • DISP-703 - Farm Specific Cache Hit Ratio
  • DISP-827 - Local server for testing
  • DISP-828 - Create testing docker image for Dispatcher

Release 4.3.2 (2019-Jan-31) jan

Bug Fixes:

  • DISP-734 - Dispatcher causes crash in insert_output_filter if not set as handler
  • DISP-735 - REs do not work on Alpine Linux®
  • DISP-740 - Loading Dispatcher in macOS Mojave is disabled by default
  • DISP-742 - Blocked requests may leak information to auth checker protected resources


  • DISP-746 - Unlabeled strings in dispatcher.any should generate a warning

New Feature:

  • DISP-747 - Provide request information in the Apache environment

Release 4.3.1 (2018-Oct-16) oct

Bug Fixes:

  • DISP-656 - Dispatcher serves wrong ETag Header
  • DISP-694 - Suppress warnings when keep alive connections go stale
  • DISP-714 - Cookie based session management doesn’t work in IIS
  • DISP-715 - Secure flag for renderid cookie
  • DISP-720 - Temporary files not closed, can lead to exhaustion (too many open files)
  • DISP-721 - Dispatcher interrupts poll() when Apache gracefully restarts child
  • DISP-722 - Cache files are created with octal mode 0600
  • DISP-723 - Implicit 10 minute timeout (and retry) when Render timeouts set to 0
  • DISP-725 - Trailing characters after strings are silently converted to an unnamed value
  • DISP-726 - Log a warning when no farm actually matches the incoming host
  • DISP-727 - Dispatcher checks request content length for empty cache files
  • DISP-730 - 404 when trying to access a header file over Dispatcher
  • DISP-731 - Dispatcher is vulnerable to Log Injection
  • DISP-732 - Dispatcher should remove consecutive ‘/’ in the URL
  • DISP-733 - Dispatcher should set (calculate) an Age Header


  • DISP-656 - Dispatcher serves wrong ETag Header
  • DISP-694 - Suppress warnings when keep alive connections go stale
  • DISP-715 - Secure flag for renderid cookie
  • DISP-722 - Cache files are created with octal mode 0600
  • DISP-726 - Log a warning when no farm actually matches the incoming host

Release 4.3.0 (2018-Jun-13) jun

Bug Fixes:

  • DISP-682 - Numeric Log Level Incorrectly Applied
  • DISP-685 - 32-bit Solaris™ SPARC® binaries have an undefined reference to __divdi3
  • DISP-688 - Dispatcher doesn’t return “X-Cache-Info” header on 404 response
  • DISP-690 - Last-Modified header is not cacheable
  • DISP-691 - Access Violations in w3wp.exe
  • DISP-693 - Need to update Architectural details for Solaris™ servers on Dispatcher download page
  • DISP-695 - Issue with DispatcherLog level in Dispatcher module 4.2.3
  • DISP-698 - Dispatcher TTL needs to support s-maxage and private directives
  • DISP-700 - Module does not work correctly on Alpine Linux®
  • DISP-704 - Browser requests containing %2b are sent to the Publisher unencoded
  • DISP-705 - Dispatcher crash due to double free or corruption (fasttop)
  • DISP-706 - During invalidation, the Dispatcher is following back reference symlinks that can cause an infinite loop
  • DISP-709 - Block some vanity URL extensions
  • DISP-710 - Builds for Linux® not usable on Cent OS 6


  • DISP-652 - Dispatcher serves wrong Date header

Helpful resources helpful-resources

Downloads downloads

Apache 2.4 apache

IIS iis

OpenSSL support
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x64 (64-Bit)
x64 (64-Bit)