Release Notes for 2021.8.0 release-notes-for

The following section outlines the general Release Notes for Cloud Manager Release 2021.8.0.

Refer to Current Release Notes to see the latest release notes for Cloud Manager in AEM as a Cloud Service.

Release Date release-date

The Release Date for Cloud Manager Version 2021.8.0 is August 12, 2021.

What’s New whats-new

  • Self-service capability to allow users to create and manage multiple repositories via Cloud Manager UI.

  • SonarQube was unnecessarily reading git history data. On large code bases, this could lead to an unnecessary build performance penalty.

  • There is now an API available to invalidate the Maven dependency cache per pipeline.

  • The version of the AEM Project Archetype used by Cloud Manager has been updated to version 29.

Bug Fixes bug-fixes

  • Occasionally, when a pipeline is triggered twice for some reason, it results in one of the executions failing with cannot update pipeline execution status error.