Release Notes for 2018.5.0 release-notes-for

The following section outlines the general Release Notes for Cloud Manager Release 2018.5.0.

Release Date release-date

The Release Date for Cloud Manager Version 2018.5.0 is July 12, 2018.

What’s New what-s-new

  • CI/CD Pipeline Notifications - Users will now see Experience Cloud notifications for pipeline events. Please refer to the Notifications to learn more.

  • Scheduled Production Deployments - Users can now schedule a date or time, for Production deployments. Please refer to Deploy Your Code to learn more.

  • Status page retitled to Activity.

  • More specific information displayed on home page for issues encountered during pipeline execution.

  • Performance testing infrastructure improvements.

Bug Fixes bug-fixes

  • Under some conditions, the incorrect SonarQube profile was used, leading to incorrect code quality metrics.
  • SonarQube check CQBP-75 ignored certain OSGi annotations.
  • When the CI/CD pipeline was cancelled, the state did not display consistently.

Known Issues known-issues

  • Links to AEM and Monitoring from Program List screen both replace the current browser tab and opens to a new tab.