SPA Deep Dives spa-deep-dives

The AEM SPA Editor SDK was featured in a series of AEM Gems sessions. Adobe Experience Manager Gems is a series of technical deep dives delivered by Adobe experts. Hosted by Adobe engineers, this series can serve as a great guide to gain a deeper understanding of the AEM SPA Editor SDK at a low level.

The SPA Editor remains supported by Adobe, but the preferred editors for managing headless content in AEM are now:

Gem Sessions gem-sessions

  • AEM SPA Editor - A beginner’s overview of the SPA Editor. If are just getting started with SPAs in AEM, start here.
  • SPA Editor SDK Deep Dive - Part 1 - React - A deep dive into the development of Single Page Applications that can be authored using the AEM Page Editor. Covering considerations and recommendations about the structure of projects, review of all the layers that compose the architecture of a project, the role of AEM and SPA components, structure and key JSON fields of the model object, and more!
  • SPA Editor SDK Deep Dive - Part 2 - Angular - A deep dive into the development of Single Page Applications that can be authored using the AEM Page Editor. Covering considerations and recommendations about the structure of projects, review of all the layers that compose the architecture of a project, the role of AEM and SPA components, structure and key JSON fields of the model object, and more!