CRX2OAK Migration Tool crx-oak-migration-tool

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.

List of Changes and Fixes list-of-changes-and-fixes

1.8.6 (June 2018) june

  • OAK-7339 Fix all sidegrades breaking with UnsupportedOperationException on MissingBlobStore by introducing LoopbackBlobStore
  • Use Oak 1.8.4

1.8.4 (April 2018) april

  • Use Oak version 1.8.2

  • GRANITE-18104 Repo migration error from 6.3 to 6.4 should be more meaningful

  • GRANITE-16571 Replace usage of SHA-1

    • The tool checksum is now SHA-512 when using --version option
  • GRANITE-17601 Embed oak-upgrade in CRX2Oak with oak-blob-cloud

  • GRANITE-18553 crx2oak leaves version properties on the node even when versions aren’t migrated

Version 1.6.8 (March 2017) version-march

  • Updated Oak version to 1.6.1
  • CQ-61847 Merge crx2oak-quickstart-extension with crx2oak (added migration profiles)
  • CQ-97488 Promoting and dropping AEM run modes (by rewriting sling.options.file)
  • GRANITE-12798/OAK-4260 Ability to side grade from Oak Segment to Oak Segment Tar

Version 1.4.2 (March 2016) version-march-1

  • Upgrade Oak version to 1.4.1
  • OAK-3846 / GRANITE-10748 Rename SNS nodes if they violate nodetype constraints
  • OAK-3910 / GRANITE-10730 Migrating node inheriting from mix:versionable without version history
  • OAK-4128 / GRANITE-11757 RepositorySidegrade doesn’t copy root node properties

Version 1.3.4 (January 2016) version-january

  • Upgrade Oak version to 1.3.16
  • OAK-3844 / GRANITE-10730 Better support for versionable nodes without version histories
  • OAK-3846 Rename SNS nodes if they violate nodetype constraints

Version 1.3.2 (December 2015) version-december

  • Upgrades Oak version to 1.3.12
  • Datastore directory shouldn’t be moved after the migration (GRANITE-10447)
  • Merge crx2oak-quickstart-extension with crx2oak (CQ-61847)
  • crx2oak fails on duplicate values in repository (CQ-61906)
  • Long AEM start after migration from CQ 5.x (GRANITE-10309)
  • Support for multiple LDAP servers in crx2oak (GRANITE-9917)
  • Enforce check for max node name length (OAK-3111)
  • Support S3DataSource as the migration source (OAK-3685)