Access Device Features access-device-features

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.
Adobe recommends using the SPA Editor for projects that require single page application framework-based client-side rendering (e.g. React). Learn more.

Building AEM components that access device features building-aem-components-that-access-device-features

The AEM PhoneGap Kitchen Sink Github repository provides developers with a functional AEM app that illustrates the use of a number of core Cordova APIs. When run on iOS or Android via the PhoneGap CLI, the app opens up into the following page which includes a link to each device API that it demonstrates:


The source code for each of these device API components is available on Github.

For more detail on the usage of each API, I recommend taking a look at the Cordova plugin documentation.

The Next Steps the-next-steps

See Track App Performance with Adobe Mobile Analytics.
