Configure Your Users and User Groups configure-your-users-and-user-groups
This chapter describes the user roles and how to configure your users and groups to support the authoring and management of your mobile apps.
AEM Mobile Application Users and Group Administration aem-mobile-application-users-and-group-administration
AEM Mobile Application Content Authors (app-author group) aem-mobile-application-content-authors-app-author-group
Members of the app-author group are responsible for authoring AEM mobile application content including, pages, text, images and videos.
Group configuration - app-authors group-configuration-app-authors
Create a new user group called, ‘app-authors’:
Navigate to the User Admin Console: http://localhost:4502/libs/granite/security/content/groupadmin.html
From within the user group console, select the ‘+’ button to create a the group.
Set the ID of this group to ‘app-authors’ to denote that it is a specific type of author user group specific to authoring mobile applications within AEM.
Add member to group: Authors
Now that you have created the app-authors User Group, you can add individual team members to this new group through the User Admin console.
The following allows you to add to AEM’s Content Authors Group:
(Read) on
- /app
- /etc/clientlibs
- /etc/designs
- /etc/cloudservices/dps2015
AEM Mobile Application Administrators Group (app-admins group) aem-mobile-application-administrators-group-app-admins-group
Members of the app-admins group can author application content with the same permissions included with app-authors AND in addition are also responsible for:
- Staging, publishing and clearing application ContentSync OTA updates
Group configuration - app-admins group-configuration-app-admins
Create a new group called app-admins.
Add the following groups to your new app-admins group:
- content-authors
- workflow-users
note note NOTE workflow-users are required to remote build with PhoneGap Build service -
Navigate to the Permissions console and add permissions to administer cloudservices
- (Read, Modify, Create, Delete, Replicate) on /etc/cloudservices/mobileservices
On the same Permissions console, add permissions to stage, publish and clear app content updates;
- (Read, Modify, Create, Delete, Replicate) on /etc/packages/mobileapp
- (Read) on /var/contentsync
note note NOTE Package replication is used to publish app updates from author instance to publish instance note caution CAUTION /var/contentsync access is denied OOTB. Omitting the READ permission can result in empty update packages being built and replicated. -
Add members to this group as needed
To Export Content or Upload
- (Read) on /etc/contentsync to to access export templates
- (Read) on /var to for path traversal on reads
- (Read, Write, Modify, Delete) on /var/contentsync to write, read, and cleanup ContentSync cached export content
Additional Resources additional-resources
To understand more on the other two roles and responsibilities for creating an AEM Mobile On-Demand Services App, see the following resources: