AEM Forms workspace JSON object description aem-forms-workspace-json-object-description
JSON objects used in AEM Forms workspace are described below.
Categories are present in the start process tab of the workspace. These categories are used to classify the startpoints.
Startpoint is used to start a process from the workspace when invoked.
table 0-row-3 1-row-3 2-row-3 3-row-3 4-row-3 5-row-3 6-row-3 7-row-3 8-row-3 9-row-3 10-row-3 Property Client Only Comments categoryId F It contains id of the category to which startpoint belongs. description F It contains description for a startpoint. name F It contains name of the startpoint. serializedImageTicket F It contains image ticket corresponding to the startpoint. This image ticket is used in imageUrl field of startpoint, to get image for startpoint from the server. serviceName F It contains name of the service for startpoint. startpointId F It contains id of startpoint. isFavorite T Denotes whether startpoint is favorite or not. True if startpoint is favorite else false. isDefaultImage T Denotes whether there is an image specified for process or not. True if there is no image associated with process else false. task T It contains task created when startpoint is invoked. imageUrl T It contains url of the image corresponding to the startpoint. -
Tasks are assigned to users/group and include a user interface–a form or a Guide (deprecated)–that can be populated with data. When users are assigned a task, they are provided with the form or Guide to complete and submit.
Filter is basically queue of user or group. When a task is assigned to user/group, the task is added in corresponding queue.
You can manage your out-of-office schedule and control the flow of tasks assigned to you in your absence.
Process Instance
A process instance is created when a process is invoked via workspace or workbench.
- Process Name
Task Assignment Object
Task assignment object contains information about the assignment of task. Following are the properties of task’s assignment.
Task ACL Object
Task ACL object contains information about permissions like forward, share, consult etc. of a task. Following are the properties of task’s ACL.
Task Attachment
Attachments can be added to a task. Attachment can be of type attachment and note. Following are the properties of attachment object.
Following are the properties of user object.