Supported Platforms for AEM Forms on JEE
- Admin
Supported Platforms
Support levels
AEM Forms on JEE server can be set up using any combination of supported operating systems, application servers, databases, database drivers, JDK, LDAP servers, and email servers.
This document lists the supported client and server platforms for AEM Forms on JEE. Adobe provides several levels of support, both for our recommended configurations and for other configurations. The document also lists other supported software and their version, exceptions, patch definitions, and third-party software patch support policy.
- For a complete list of exceptions to supported server platforms, see Exceptions to supported server platforms.
- AEM Forms on JEE supports only English, French, German, and Japanese versions of the supported operating systems and applications.
Recommended configurations
Adobe recommends these configurations and provides full or restricted support as part of the standard software maintenance agreement:
Unsupported configurations
Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
Adobe Experience Manager Forms requires a Java Virtual Machine to run, which is provided by the Java Development Kit (JDK) distribution. Adobe Experience Manager operates with the following versions of the Java Virtual Machines:
- AEM Forms on JEE supports only 64-bit JVMs on production environments.
- It is recommend to track the Security Bulletins from the Java vendor to ensure the safety and security of production environments and install the latest Java Updates.
Databases and CRX Persistence
AEM persistence support
MongoDB is third-party software and is not included in the AEM licensing package. For more information see the MongoDB licensing policy page.
In order to get the most of your AEM deployment, Adobe recommends licensing the MongoDB Enterprise version in order to benefit from professional support.
Adobe Customer Care will assist qualifying issues related to the usage of MongoDB with AEM. For more information, see the MongoDB for Adobe Experience Manager page.
‘File System’ includes block storage that is POSIX compliant. This includes network storage technology. Mind that file system performance might vary and influences the overall performance. It is recommended to load test AEM in combination with the network/remote file system.
Only MongoDB Storage Engine WiredTiger is supported.
MongoDB Sharding is not supported in AEM.
AEM Forms on JEE does not support MySQL for RDBMK persistence.
The Document Security module does not use Content Repository. It implies, if you are using only Document Security and do not plan to use HTML Workspace, HTML5 forms, or adaptive forms, then do not install Content Repository.
AEM Forms on JEE supports Oracle Multitenant architecture.
DATABASE support
Database drivers
MySQL Connector/J 5.7
mysql-connector-java-5.1.44-bin.jar(version 5.1.44)
Microsoft® SQL Server JDBC driver (Deprecated)
Microsoft® SQL Server JDBC driver
Oracle Database JDBC driver
ojdbc7.jar (version
Application servers
Server operating systems
Production environments
Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 reaches the End of Maintenance phase and transitions to the Extended Life Cycle Support phase on Nov 30, 2020. Adobe recommends Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 for upgrades and new installations. Existing installations can use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 during the Extended Life Cycle Support phase.
Virtualized environment
You can run AEM Forms on JEE on a physical machine or a virtual environment. However, if you encounter any issue with AEM Forms on a virtual environment, try replicating the issue on a physical machine. If the issue persists on the physical machine, contact Adobe Support for a resolution. For issues that do not replicate on the physical machine, contact your virtual environment vendor.
Development environments
- AEM Forms on JEE supports only 64-bit operating systems.
- PDF Generator service is not supported on Windows 10.
Exceptions to supported server platforms
Consider the following exceptions while choosing a platform to set up your AEM Forms on JEE server.
- AEM Forms on JEE doesn’t support Oracle WebLogic and JBoss® on IBM® AIX®.
- AEM Forms on JEE doesn’t support Oracle WebLogic and IBM® WebSphere® with MySQL.
- AEM Forms on JEE doesn’t support Oracle Solaris™ with Intel® architecture (only SPARC® is supported).
- AEM Forms on JEE doesn’t support Oracle WebLogic and JBoss on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12. Only IBM WebSphere is supported on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.
- AEM Forms on JEE doesn’t support any JDK with JBoss® other than Oracle Java™ SE.
- AEM Forms on JEE doesn’t support any JDK with IBM® WebSphere® other than IBM® JDK.
- AEM Forms on JEE doesn’t support IBM® DB2 with JBoss®.
- CRX-repository supports persistence of type TarMK, MongoDB, and relational databases (RDBMK). You cannot have two different database systems between the application server and the CRX-repository. However, on an AEM Forms on JEE environment, you can use MongoMK with CRX-repository and a supported relational database with application server.
- AEM Forms on JEE does not support WebSphere application server on CentOS.
- AIX and Solaris operating systems are available only for upgrade customers.
- AEM Forms on JEE doesn’t support JBoss role based access control (RBAC).
In addition, consider the following points while choosing software for Adobe AEM Forms on JEE deployments:
- AEM Forms on JEE supports updates, patches, and fix packs on top of the specified major and minor version of supported software. However, update to the next major or minor version is not supported unless specified.
- Cluster-based installations do not support TarMK persistence. For information about supported persistence, see Choosing a persistence type for an AEM Forms installation.
- AEM Forms on JEE supports various third-party software as per our Third-party software support Policy.
- AEM Forms on JEE supports platforms as per the support provided by third-party vendors. Some combinations may not be allowed by third-party vendors. For example, many vendors have not certified their application servers with IBM® DB2. As a result, AEM Forms on JEE also doesn’t support these combinations. To ensure that you choose the supported software versions, check the support matrix for the third-party vendors as well.
- AEM Forms on JEE does not support TarMK Cold Standby.
- AEM Forms on JEE does not support vertical clustering.
- AEM Forms on JEE doesn’t support MySQL database on a clustered environment.
- RDBMK does not work with DB2, MYSQL, MS SQL, and Oracle databases when the Package JDBC modules are configured on Weblogic.
LDAP servers (optional)
Email servers (optional)
- IBM Lotus Domino 9.0
- Microsoft Exchange 2013
- Microsoft Office 365
Content managers and corresponding connectors
Support for Cordova
AEM Forms App now supports the Apache Cordova. Following are the platform-specific versions of Cordova that are supported:
- Apache Cordova 6.4.0
- Cordova iOS 4.3.0
- Cordova Android 6.0.0
- Cordova Windows 4.4.3
Software support for PDF Generator
- PDF Generator requires 32-bit version of Acrobat 2017 classic track version 17.011.30078 or later to perform the conversion.
- PDF Generator supports only the 32-bit Retail version of Microsoft Office Professional Plus and other software required for conversion.
- PDF Generator does not support Microsoft Office 365.
- PDF Generator conversions for OpenOffice are supported only on Windows, Linux, and Solaris.
- The HTML2PDF service is deprecated on AIX.
- The OCR PDF, Optimize PDF, and Export PDF features are supported only on Windows.
- A version of Acrobat is bundled with AEM Forms to enable PDF Generator functionality. The bundled version should only be accessed programmatically only with AEM Forms, during the term of the AEM Forms license, for use with AEM Forms PDF Generator. For more information, refer to AEM Forms product description as per your deployment (On-Premise or Managed Services)”
Exceptions to accessibility support
The following subsystems of AEM Forms are not 508 compliant:
- Adaptive Forms Authoring UI
- Forms Manager Authoring UI
- Correspondence Management Authoring UI
- Admin UI (Administration Console UI)
System Requirements for AEM Forms on JEE
Minimum hardware requirements
VMWare ESX 5.1 or later
RAM: 6 GB (64-bit OS with 64-bit JVM)
Free disk space: 15GB of temporary space plus 22GB
for AEM Forms on JEE
Solaris Containers (Zones) partitioning
RAM: 6 GB (64-bit OS with 64-bit JVM)
Free disk space: 6 GB of temporary space plus 22GB
for AEM Forms on JEE
LPAR partitioning
RAM: 6 GB (64-bit OS with 64-bit JVM)
Free disk space: 6 GB of temporary space plus 22GB
for AEM Forms on JEE
AWS m3.medium (3 ECUs)
RAM: 6 GB (64-bit OS with 64-bit JVM)
Free disk space: 6 GB of temporary space plus 22GB
for AEM Forms on JEE
AWS m3.medium (3 ECUs)
RAM: 6 GB (64-bit OS with 64-bit JVM)
Free disk space: 6 GB of temporary space plus 22GB
for AEM Forms on JEE
- Intel powered environment: Intel® Xeon® E5-2680, 2.4 GHz or greater. Using a dual core processor will further enhance performance
- Sun SPARC powered environment: UltraSPARC V or later
- IBM AIX powered environment: Power6 or later
- Memory: 4 GB
For additional reuirements see:
Supported Clients for AEM Forms on JEE
Microsoft® Windows® 10
(Enterprise, Pro, Basic)
- Disk space for installation: 1.7 GB for Workbench only, 2.7 GB on a single drive for a full installation of Workbench, Designer, and the samples assembly 400 MB for temporary install directories - 200 MB in the user temp directory and 200 MB in the Windows temporary directory
- Memory for running Workbench: 2 GB of RAM
- Hardware requirement: Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD equivalent, 1 GHz processor
- Minimum 1024 X 768 pixels or greater monitor resolution with 16-bit color or higher
- TCP/IPv4 or TCP/IPv6 network connection to the AEM Forms on JEE server
- Microsoft® Windows® 2012 Server R2, Microsoft® Windows® 2016 Server, Microsoft® Windows® 2019 Server, Microsoft® Windows® 10
- 1 GHz or faster processor with support for PAE, NX, and SSE2.
- 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit or 2 GB of RAM for 64-bit OS
- 16 GB disk space for 32-bit or 20 GB disk space for 64-bit OS
- Graphics memory - 128 MB of GPU (256 MB recommended)
- 2.35 GB of available hard-disk space
- 1024 X 768 pixels or greater monitor resolution
- Video hardware acceleration (optional)
- Acrobat Pro DC, Acrobat Standard DC, or Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
- Administrative privileges to install Designer
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader
- Most modern browsers no longer support NPAPI-based plug-ins. For information about how it impacts AEM Forms applications and workflows, see Discontinuation of NPAPI browser plugins and its impact.
- Safari is supported only on Macintosh OS X.
Mobile clients
- Forms Portal is supported on Safari on iPad only.
AEM Forms app
Mobile device support
AEM Forms app is available on the following platforms:
Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Document Security Extension for Microsoft Office
Click here to see the system requirements for Adobe Document Security Extension for Microsoft® Office.
Exceptions to client support
Microsoft® Windows® 2012 is not supported for all specified client-side software except Reader and Acrobat.
Also, AEM Forms on JEE supports updates, patches, and fix packs on top of the specified major and minor version of supported software. However, update to the next major or minor version is not supported unless specified.
Third-party patch support policy
The third-party software requirements for AEM Forms on JEE are documented in the “System Requirements” section of their respective product documents. All documentation can be accessed from .
AEM Forms on JEE’s third-party reference platforms state the specific patch level of third-party infrastructure that was current during the development and release of AEM Forms on JEE, and from the minimum patch/service pack level of the infrastructure supported by that version of AEM Forms on JEE.
Adobe supports urgent or recommended patches issued by third-party vendors upon their release assuming that third-party vendors guarantee backward compatibility with the versions that AEM Forms on JEE supports. Adobe will only support patches released after the minimum patch level stated in the AEM Forms on JEE documentation.
In some cases, Adobe does not support third-party updates that change major functionality, and thus do not support full backward compatibility. For details on the supported updates, see Supported patch definitions for specific vendor products and the patch types Adobe supports.
Under circumstances beyond Adobe’s control, third-party patches that claim backward compatibility may have negative impact on the Adobe products or customer environments. In such cases, Adobe recommends that customers assess the impact of any urgent patch from a third party before applying them to critical systems. Adobe will work with third parties using reasonable business efforts to resolve such issues, either through normal Adobe support programs or by third parties rectifying the issue in their patch. This does not guarantee that a newly released third-party patch that will be supported by Adobe will work as documented by the vendor or with AEM Forms on JEE.
Adobe reserves the right to change the third-party reference platforms supported by a AEM Forms on JEE release and their supported patch definitions at any given point.
Additional information for third-party patches can also be found by searching the Adobe Enterprise Support site for knowledgebase articles related to your product.
Revision History
Oct 10, 2021
- Changed supported version of iOS for AEM Forms App to iOS 15.1. The previous version was iOS 12.