Configuring AEM DS settings configuring-aem-ds-settings

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.

This article describes how to configure AEM DS Settings Service. This setting can be used in multiple scenarios, for example:

  • In Correspondence Management

    • For configuring AEM Forms Workflow
    • While using forms portal for remote save of draft/submission
  • In Adaptive forms for cases when Adaptive form is submitted from publish instance

Following are the steps to configure the AEM DS Settings:

  1. Open the Configuration Manager on the publish instance using the URL:



  2. In the Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Configuration window, locate and click the AEM DS Settings option.


  3. The AEM DS Settings Service window displays the common configuration settings for AEM DS Components.


  4. Add the following information in the respective fields:

    Processing Server URL: The Processing Server is the server where the Forms or AEM workflow needs to be triggered. This can be same as the URL of the AEM author instance or the other Server URL (that is, http:// localhost:port/).

    Processing Server User Name: Workflow user’s User Name [based on the server URL being used]

    Processing Server Password: Workflow user’s Password

    note note
    • While using either Forms or AEM workflows, before you make any submission from the publish server, it is necessary to configure the DS settings service. Otherwise, the Form submission shall fail.