Reference adaptive form fragments reference-adaptive-form-fragments

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.

Adaptive form fragment is a group of fields, or a panel containing a group of fields that you can use when you create a form. It lets you create a form easily and quickly. You can drag-drop an adaptive form fragment into a form using the assets browser in sidebar, and you can edit it in the form editor.

For adaptive forms authors, reference fragments are provided in the AEM Forms add-on package. It includes the following fragments:

  • Address
  • Contact Information
  • Credit card Information
  • Current Employment
  • Dependents Information
  • Employment History
  • Income & Expenditure
  • Name
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Terms & Conditions with Scribble

When you install the package, a Reference Fragments folder containing reference fragments is created under Forms & Documents. For installing a package, see How to Work With Packages.

All fragments listed

Address address

Includes fields to specify mailing address. The available fields are street address, ZIP code, city, state, and country. It also includes a preconfigured web service that populates the city and state for a specified US zip code.
Address fragment

Click to enlarge

Contact Information contact-information

Includes fields to capture phone number and email address.
Contact information fragment

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Credit Card Information credit-card-information

Includes fields to capture credit card information that can be used to process payments.
Credit Card Information Fragment

Current Employment current-employment

Includes fields to capture current employment details like employment status, field of employment, designation, organization, and date of joining.
Current Employment fragment

Click to enlarge

Dependents Information dependents-information

Includes fields to specify information about one or more dependents, such as their name, relationship, and age in a tabular format.
Dependents information fragment

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Employment History employment-history

Includes fields to capture employment history. It allows adding multiple organizations.
Employment History fragment

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Income & Expenditure income-expenditure

Includes fields to capture monthly cash flow and expenses. Forms that require users to provide financial details can use this fragment to capture income and expenditure.
Income & Expenditure fragment

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Name name

Includes fields to specify title, first name, middle name, and last name.
Name fragment

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Terms & Conditions terms-conditions

Specifies terms and conditions for users to accept before submitting a form.
Terms & Conditions fragment

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Terms & Conditions with Scribble terms-conditions-with-scribble

Specifies terms and conditions for users to accept and sign before submitting a form.
Terms & Conditions with Scribble

Click to enlarge
