Register as an invited user

If you are an invited user and you receive an email registration message from document security, you can register by using the URL in the message to open the online registration page. After you register, you will receive a second notice about activating your account.

  1. Open the document security registration email. The URL that the message contains is a link to the External Users Registration page in document security.
  2. Click the URL or copy it and paste it into your browser. The External Users Registration page is displayed.
  3. Type your name, telephone number, address, organization, and password in the appropriate boxes, and then retype your password in the Confirm Password box. Your password can be any combination of eight characters.
  4. Click Save. A thank-you message appears informing you to check your email for an activation email message. You must now activate your account to finish the registration process.

Activate your invited user account

After you register, document security sends you an activation email. You must activate your account by using the URL in the message. You can then log in to document security to use policy-protected documents that you have access to. Depending on the features that the administrator enables for external users, you may have permission to create policies, apply policies to documents, and add other external users to your policies.

Your account remains active until the administrator deactivates or deletes it.

  1. Open the document security registration confirmation email.
  2. Click the URL that appears in the message. The document security activation page is displayed.
  3. Click the word Here to go to the login page.
  4. In the Username box, type the email address that you registered under with document security. This email address is your default document security user name.
  5. In the Password box, type the password that you created when you registered, and then click Login.