Configuring SSL on Windows Vista configuring-ssl-on-windows-vista
To configure SSL on Windows Vistaâ„¢, you need an SSL certificate with RSA keys for authentication. You can use the Java keytool to create the certificate.
You can run keytool by using a single command that includes all the information that is required to create the certificate and keystore.
Create an SSL certificate
In a command prompt, navigate to [JAVA HOME]/bin and type the following command to create the certificate and keystore:
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -dname "CN=
Host Name, OU=
Group Name, O=
Company Name,L=
City*Name, S=
State, C=
Country Code" -alias
"LC Cert"-keypass
note note NOTE Replace [JAVA_HOME] with the directory where the JDK is installed, and replace the text in italic with values that correspond with your environment. -
as the password. This password is the default for a Java installation, and the system administrator may have changed it.