Creating and Consuming Jobs for Offloading creating-and-consuming-jobs-for-offloading
The Apache Sling Discovery feature provides a Java API that enables you to create JobManager jobs and JobConsumer services that consume them.
For information about creating offloading topologies and configuring topic consumption, see Offloading Jobs.
Handling Job Payloads handling-job-payloads
The offloading framework defines two job properties that you use to identify the job payload. The offloading replication agents use these properties to identify the resources to replicate to the instances in the topology:
: A comma-separated list of content paths. The content is replicated to the instance that executes the job.offloading.job.output.payload
: A comma-separated list of content paths. When job execution is complete, the job payload is replicated to these paths on the instance that created the job.
Use the OffloadingJobProperties
enum to refer to the property names:
Jobs do not require payloads. However, the payload is necessary if the job requires the manipulation of a resource and the job is offloaded to a computer that did not create the job.
Creating Jobs for Offloading creating-jobs-for-offloading
Create a client that calls the JobManager.addJob method to create a job that an automatically-selected JobConsumer executes. Provide the following information to create the job:
- Topic: The job topic.
- Name: (Optional)
- Properties Map: A
Map<String, Object>
object that contains any number of properties, such as the input payload paths and output Payload paths. This Map object is available to the JobConsumer object that executes the job.
The following example service creates a job for a given topic and input payload path.
package com.adobe.example.offloading;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
import java.util.HashMap;
import com.adobe.granite.offloading.api.OffloadingJobProperties;
public class JobGeneratorImpl implements JobGenerator {
private JobManager jobManager;
@Reference ResourceResolverFactory resolverFactory;
public String createJob(String topic, String payload) throws Exception {
Job offloadingJob;
ResourceResolver resolver = resolverFactory.getResourceResolver(null);
HashMap<String, Object> jobprops = new HashMap<String, Object>();
jobprops.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), payload);
offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(topic, null, jobprops);
} else {
throw new Exception("Payload for job cannot be found");
if (offloadingJob == null){
throw new Exception ("Offloading job could not be created");
return offloadingJob.getId();
The log contains the following message when JobGeneratorImpl.createJob is called for the com/adobe/example/offloading
topic and the /content/geometrixx/de/services
10.06.2013 15:43:33.868 *INFO* [JobHandler: /etc/workflow/instances/2013-06-10/model_1554418768647484:/content/geometrixx/en/company] com.adobe.example.offloading.JobGeneratorImpl Received request to make job for topic com/adobe/example/offloading and payload /content/geometrixx/de/services
Developing a Job Consumer developing-a-job-consumer
To consume jobs, develop an OSGi service that implements the
interface. Identify with the topic to consume using the JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS
The following example JobConsumer implementation registers with the com/adobe/example/offloading
topic. The consumer simply sets the Consumed property of the payload content node to true.
package com.adobe.example.offloading;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.Node;
import com.adobe.granite.offloading.api.OffloadingJobProperties;
public class MyJobConsumer implements JobConsumer {
public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/example/offloading";
@Property(value = TOPIC)
static final String myTopic = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS;
private ResourceResolverFactory resolverFactory;
private JobManager jobManager;
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
public JobResult process(Job job) {
JobResult result = JobResult.FAILED;
String topic = job.getTopic();"Consuming job of topic: {}", topic);
String payloadIn = (String) job.getProperty(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName());
String payloadOut = (String) job.getProperty(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName());"Job has Input Payload {} and Output Payload {}",payloadIn, payloadOut);
ResourceResolver resolver = null;
try {
resolver = resolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver(null);
Session session = resolver.adaptTo(Session.class);
Node inNode = session.getNode(payloadIn);
result = JobResult.OK;
}catch (Exception e){"ERROR -- JOB RESULT IS FAILURE " + e.getMessage());
result = JobResult.FAILED;
}"Job OK for payload {}",payloadIn);
return result;
The MyJobConsumer class generates the following log messages for an input payload of /content/geometrixx/de/services:
10.06.2013 16:02:40.803 *INFO* [pool-7-thread-17-<main queue>(com/adobe/example/offloading)] com.adobe.example.offloading.MyJobConsumer Consuming job of topic: com/adobe/example/offloading
10.06.2013 16:02:40.803 *INFO* [pool-7-thread-17-<main queue>(com/adobe/example/offloading)] com.adobe.example.offloading.MyJobConsumer Job has Input Payload /content/geometrixx/de/services and Output Payload /content/geometrixx/de/services
10.06.2013 16:02:40.884 *INFO* [pool-7-thread-17-<main queue>(com/adobe/example/offloading)] com.adobe.example.offloading.MyJobConsumer Job OK for payload /content/geometrixx/de/services
The Consumed property can be observed using CRXDE Lite:
Maven Dependencies maven-dependencies
Add the following dependency defenitions to your pom.xml file so that Maven can resolve the Offloading-related classes.
The previous examples also required the following dependency definitions: