Initial Setup initial-setup

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.

Start Author and Publish Instances start-author-and-publish-instances

For development and demonstration purposes, it will be necessary to run one author and one publish instance.

To do so, follow the basic AEM Getting Started instructions, which will result in

For AEM Communities,

  • The author environment is for

    • Development of sites, templates and components
    • Administrative and configuration tasks
  • The publish environment is for

    • The community experience of posting and moderating content
    • Creating community groups, members and member groups
If not familiar with AEM, view the documentation on basic handling and a quick guide to authoring pages.

Install Latest Communities Release install-latest-communities-release

This tutorial creates an engagement community site and is based on AEM Communities 6.2 feature pack version 1.10.

To ensure the latest feature pack is installed, visit:

For a tutorial that creates an enablement community site, visit Getting Started with AEM Communities for Enablement.

Configure Analytics configure-analytics

When Adobe Analytics is configured for the community site, information on community activity is available that enhances the community member’s experience as well as provides feedback to administrators of the site.

Integration with Adobe Analytics is optional.

Configure Email for Notifications configure-email-for-notifications

The notifications feature, available by default for all sites created using the Communities Sites console, provides an email channel for notifications.

What is necessary is for email to be properly configured for the site.

See Configuring Email.

Enable the Tunnel Service enable-the-tunnel-service

When creating a community site in the author environment, the tunnel service makes possible the ability to assign roles to trusted community members registered in the publish environment. The tunnel service also allows access to community members from the Members and Groups consoles in the author environment.

The convention is for members and member groups created in the publish environment to not be recreated in the author environment. For more information see Managing Users and User Groups.

For simple instructions to enable the tunnel service on an author instance, see Tunnel Service.

Community Administrator Role community-administrator-role

Members of the Community Administrators group are able to create community sites, manage sites, manage members (they can ban members from the community), and moderate content.

Create User create-user

Create a user on author, who is assigned the role of Community Administrator:

  • On the author instance

  • Sign in with administrator privileges

    • For example, username ‘admin’ / password ‘admin’
  • From the main console, navigate to Tools > Operations > Security > Users

  • From the Edit menu, select Add User

  • In the Create New User dialog enter

    • ID*: sirius
    • Emai Address:
    • Password*: password
    • Confirm Password*: password
    • First Name: Sirius
    • Last Name*: Nilson

Assign Sirius to Community Administrators Group assign-sirius-to-community-administrators-group

Scroll down to Add User to Groups:

  • Enter ‘C’ to search

    • Select Community Administrators
    • Select Community Enablement Managers
  • Select Save


Enable Social Login enable-social-login

Before the demonstration versions of social login with Facebook and Twitter may be used, it is necessary to

  1. Install a fix pack or latest feature pack (for March 2017 Facebook API changes)
  2. Enable the OAuth provider in the publish environment

For production servers, it is necessary to create the cloud services necessary to provide social login.

See Social Login with Facebook and Twitter.

Create Tutorial Tags create-tutorial-tags

Create tags to use for the engage and enablement tutorials, using the tag namespace of Tutorial.

Use the Tagging console to create the following tags:

  • Tutorial: Sports / Baseball
  • Tutorial: Sports / Gymnastics
  • Tutorial: Sports / Skiing
  • Tutorial: Arts / Visual
  • Tutorial: Arts / Auditory
  • Tutorial: Arts / History


Then follow the instructions to

Sample package of tags created for the AEM Communities Getting Started Tutorials

Get File

MongoDB for UGC Common Store mongodb-for-ugc-common-store

It is recommended, but optional, to set MSRP (MongoDB) as the common store to experience the flexibility of moderating all UGC from either publish and/or author environments.

For instructions visit How to Setup MongoDB for Demo.

By default, the installation of the author and publish AEM instances result in user generated content (UGC) being stored in JCR Tar storage which is accessed using JSRP. JSRP is not a common store, which means UGC is visible only on the instance on which it was entered. Typically, UGC is entered on a publish instance and would not be visible in the author environment, resulting in all moderation tasks needing to use the publish instance.
